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Everything posted by DyingLegacy

  1. It being able to be interrupted is what makes it garbage. When you REALLY need, chances are it’s gonna get interrupted and you die anyway. The final power in medicine should remove the interrupt from it
  2. The downside to soul drain is that it has a tohit check. If it misses you’re just out of luck for 30 seconds or so
  3. I have a dark/stone scrapper full t4 incarnate and slotted. Really good. The t9 with mud pots will immobilize bosses and keep them in place. Recommend putting the critical strikes proc in shadow maul
  4. I wish spinning strike was a pbaoe and not a targeted aoe
  5. Can’t point my finger on why, but it just doesn’t have the fun of other sets. Maybe it’s the visuals? I really don’t know. I’ve got my Street justice/invuln fully t4 incarnate and slotted to the teeth. It’s amazing performance wise, but it’s just not there in enjoyments. I’m not saying it’s not fun at all…. I don’t know what I’m saying. Maybe I’m just getting burned out on the game period. Idk
  6. Eerrrrm, but bio armor mang. It’s great and all, I have one. Titan weapon bio armor scrapper full t4. Can’t imagine what it was like before Titan weapon got toned down cause it’s bonkers now. But bio armor. Let’s use something else lol
  7. Doesn’t SR have built in layered? A few of the powers have scaling resistance that get higher as your hp drops. Not sure how high it scales, but with tough running you should have AT LEAST 50% resistance to s/l, which is a good layer for a set that is easily soft capped.
  8. Way too many TLDRs in here. I’ll tell you this: if you want to play regen on a scrapper you’re gonna want shadow meld. Alternate between shadow meld, mog and instant healing as best you can. Preferably combine it with a set that has some soft control , ie knockdown, so you can help alleviate regents shortcomings AND so you can slot force feedback recharge proc.
  9. Solo, I never team. Well… that’s not true. I run three accounts. However, my other two accounts just set at the door and collect money/loot.
  10. Op said ice was his primary which is why i mentioned it. I exclusively play +4 x8 in all content. Incarnate, regular… doesn’t matter. Zero issues on my ice/ice stalker. I know how to build characters tho, and I don’t use mids. I think it’s clunky and I just don’t need it. the 5 targets max is another non issue. Enemies die so fast that there’s hardly more than 5 up at once anyway. ice armor is good. One of the top ones for stalker imo. You can argue there’s better, but I never said ice was the best anyway so there’s no argument for that to be had. I do believe that ice melee and ice armor pair very well on a stalker, tho.
  11. It’s really a non issue at high levels of play. I mean that seriously. ice patch and chilling embrace together are just so good. If you’re up against enemies that like to set back and range you, just line of sight them to get them to come to you, then they get stuck in ice patch and proceed to die. I dont have issue with anything, even enemies that do only fire, or enemies with high defense debuff. I put zero effort into getting fire defense or fire resist higher because I didn’t want to waste time on it and because of how strong ice patch and chilling are together. If I do ever have trouble, there’s always that delicious t9 that I can activate. If you slot it for regen, you’re basically immortal. It’ll cap most of your resistance on a stalker (since their cap is only 75%) even without slotting it for resist, so regen is the way to go. Slotted for regen it gives around 700% regen with just that power alone.
  12. 75% is just too low on a set like elec armor. It doesn’t have anything else to help alleviate the low resist cap, like invuln does and at least fire has incredible kill potential. 5 more percent doesn’t sound like much, but it actually is. I can’t bring myself to make a pure resist set on a toon that’s stuck at 75%.
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  13. Stone armor is on par with ice and ea. you can’t really go wrong with those 3. shield suffers from lack of utility. Not having a self heal means you gotta get one elsewhere or just be able to kill everyone before they can hit you. I guess that’s the price of having a great aoe attack in its kit.
  14. Ice armor synergies well with ice melee. Chilling embrace plus ice patch = enemies stay put, which is huge for a stalker, considering enemies run from stalkers. ice armor also has the best tier 9. It’s really got everything you need. A self heal/dulll pain power, an aoe slow/-enemy damage, it has plus perception, a much better version of energy drain (energy absorption has a much quicker activation time) and good powers that don’t require slots that can be used as mules. The biggest difference between it an energy aura is that EA has plus recharge where as ice armor has minus recharge to the enemies. You can become slow immune on ice armor quite easily tho, which sorta offsets the fact that you don’t get plus recharge. Your recharge at least can’t be halted by enemies.
  15. Ice armor is just so strong. As far as staying alive goes it’s hard to beat. The t9 is just omg. The slow aura that gives enemies a slow and damage debuff, also helps to keep enemies from running (a potential huge issue for stalkers). The dull pain. The fast animation endurance drain /defense buff. Slow immunity if you use winters gift and ageless with debuff resist. A few powers that don’t require slotting so you free up space. The only place I can see energy aura beating it is the plus recharge that nrg gets. I don’t know why ice armor gets slept on for stalkers.
  16. Ice ice baby but seriously, stalkers get the best version of ice melee. They get to keep ice patch (wtf a stalker with ice patch) AND the aoe t9 foot stomp wannabe. Assassin strike ‘fixes’ the st damage that ice suffers from on other ATs, ice patch fixes the running away issue that enemies give stalkers, and you can easily fit in another aoe attack via epic/patron pools and fully slot it (I took fireball, but one could also choose to take ball lightning if they want to free up a power as you only need to take one power as opposed to two for fireball). ice armor is very friendly on slotting as it has a few powers that dont need slots, and it’s a beast at surviving. It has an endurance drain, a dull pain type heal and the best tier 9 defense no contest. Chilling embrace pairs very nicely with ice patch, as it practically makes enemies stationary. One of the big problems people have with stalkers is that enemies like to run from you, so you end up with large groups running away. Ice/ice helps remedy this.
  17. On my widow, I use that electric shackles aoe immobilize patron power to compensate for not having any kind of taunt aura. It works pretty well. I just use it in my attack rotation and it keeps enemies rooted so they can’t run.
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