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Everything posted by parallelbars

  1. @SuperPlyxHey, just wanted to update you and let you know the changes did help! 250 million in enhancements later and I went from just over 8 minutes, to 7:30-45! 200 million for 15-30 seconds hahah. But at this point, with builds this good, I think gaining 15-30 seconds is awesome! So thanks again for the help. And anyone who is following along and building their own fire farmer I'd recommend looking into SuperPlyx's suggestions!
  2. Thanks so much for all the help!
  3. Alright @SuperPlyx! I made some changes to get the accuracy as close to 100% As i could. I got most of them to 100 with Irradiated Ground at 98%. I calculated all of this with 48% To-Hit though because that's all I'll need for the AE and it was a stretch to even reach that. I was able to fully proc out Irradiated Ground, and put 3 procs in Blazing Aura and Atom Smasher. I did have to do some shenanigans with +5 enhancements but that isn't too bad. Check it out and let me know what you think! I did lose some recharge but it shouldn't be too bad.
  4. Ohhh yeah that’s a good point. Why not build for it if you can!
  5. But wouldn't the +1 level shift bring it down to "+3" technically? so we wouldn't have to measure based off of the +4 numbers but the +3 To-Hit numbers?
  6. Ohhhh you're a genius! That's it. I'm running +4/8 so obviously the To-Hit Value should be 39% not the standard 75% that mids gives. I wonder if we should have our To-Hit set at 48% Since we are 50+1 because of incarnates? Or maybe the +4 is added after the level shift so it should still be 39%? I think the +4 is always on the standard 50 level though, so really it's more like +3 once you have the level shift. So we should be setting our mids To-Hit to 48% if that's the case?
  7. Thanks so much for posting your build though! I see we went in a few different directions. I have to try out this proc monster approach though
  8. That is very strange... I feel like there can be some weird discrepancies between mids versions or something. I don't get it at all and I just opened up your build and got this:
  9. My accuracy is crazy high right now on those powers, currently over 172% on atom smasher. I think what I'm missing is this proc min/maxing for damage that you've got going on. Would you mind posting your build or DMing it to me? This is my current build:
  10. Yes that's exactly the one I mean! WOW 8 minute avg is incredible. I am doing just over 8 minutes on my rad/fire and that's when I'm going really hard and solo insp chugging.
  11. Thank you so much for posting this video!! I wanted to see what this looked like so badly, and it didn’t disappoint. This is one of the most mindblowing things I have ever seen hahah. Cudos To you @Neiska
  12. Does anyone here run the Mobster Tunnel map? I’m just wondering what’s considered a fast clear time.
  13. These times are incredible! Can you post your WM/BIO/MB build? I've been struggling to decide between Kaeladin's build and Constantine's. Kaeladin doesn't take whirling mace which I just don't understand. I guess his build is just for single target and pylons but it seems like a power you wouldn't want to skip for an all around build.
  14. WOW. This is an awesome answer. Thank you so much!! Do you think builds have changed a lot since 2019? It seems like so many of the posts are from back then when city of heroes came back, and I just don't know if people have continued to refine them or if it's been pretty static since then. Besides some of the nerfs they have implemented of course.
  15. That's a great way to look at it! I appreciate the help\ LOL same here. I play with the sound off when I'm farming for that very reason hahah
  16. Thanks so much! in impale there's a Superior Winter's Bite set and in Taunt there's a Mocking Beratement set. But there's another Mocking Beratement set in Consume. Didn't know you'd need two of those. but thanks again for your response!
  17. Can someone explain to me why the Spines/Fire build in the OP thread picks up Taunt? It doesn't seem like anyone on the servers is using that or impale. I am really looking for the best Spines/Fire build and I thought that would be it but I can't understand some of the choices? Is this just an outdated build? And we've moved on since this was originally made? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
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