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  1. I use the following - 1. click "Menu" 2. click "Options" 3. click the tab "Graphics and Audio" 4. the sixth line from the top is "Advanced Graphics Settings". Change that to "Enabled" 5. scroll down to the section "Advanced Graphics Settings" and change "Suppress FX When Close" to "Enabled" 6. go to the bottom left of the "Options" window and click "Apply Now" 7. go to your chat window and type "/suppressclosefxdist 99" (without the quotations) and press "Enter" on your keyboard The number "99" represents the camera distance from your character before the FX are visible to you. You can change that number to whatever you want from 0-max camera distance. For reference, I found them at the links below. Hope that helps 🙂 https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/SuppressCloseFx_(Slash_Command) https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/SuppressCloseFxDist_(Slash_Command)
  2. That's a bummer, but thanks for the replies.
  3. Yes, I read it but that's not what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to use 3 of the exact same level of red inspirations in 1 click, not 3 different levels of reds in 1 click.
  4. If I wanted to make a macro that would consume multiple Furious Rage inspirations, how would it look? I tried /macro Furious "inspexec_name Furious_Rage$$inspexec_name Furious_Rage$$inspexec_name Furious_Rage" to consume 3 Furious Rage with 1 click but it doesn't work. Thoughts?
  5. I want EQUITY for those builds that have a hard time getting purple IO sets in their builds with a +10% recharge bonus for Healing, Endurance Modification, Defense, Resistance, Taunt, To Hit Buff, To Hit Debuff, Slow, Defense, Fear, and Knockback. THAT'S what I want 🙂
  6. And I hope you comprehend the whole toxicity of "Newsflash", but of course no one called him out for using it, right? Your words weren't "parsed". They were addressed point by point. I want something that is equitable for everyone. At no point did I state that I wanted it "now". Now, you be you (of course you will). Continue to think that you speak for everyone else. I'm done with you.
  7. I find it rather pathetic that the forum divas run to the mods when someone like me calls out their BS. Then, my posts get deleted but what I said is still quoted. Absolutely pathetic.
  8. What? Right... and how dare they be questioned 🙄 Okay. No, not be everyone... until they were called out. Yes, and some very self-centered ones at that. Only because some of them obviously have nothing better to do than live on the forums. Okay, but keep in mind that there are some folks out there who don't have the same options that you do. Yeah, no. Not falling for the whole "Just take Hasten" excuse. Some of us want the same +recharge opportunities in our builds from purple IO's that others have.
  9. Wrong. I went into another thread, read the OP's suggestion, disagreed with it, and then took the time to explain why I disagreed with it So... "screw" the other players that don't have the same options that you do because you want more variety? That's a really self-centered way of looking at things.
  10. So not liking your suggestion is "trolling"? Riiiiight. Like I said... it's not all about you. Talk about irony 🤣
  11. That's a lie. You reacted 6 hours ago to my post, but didn't reply until 28 minutes ago. Unless... you just admitted that you did reply... but with a different account? I mean... you did just say "we".
  12. I want you think... slowly... and really hard... about what the three of you (or is it one of you?) are doing. You want to disagree with someone, and then cry when you are questioned about why you disagree? Wow. Just... wow. How dare us mere mortals attempt to question your disagreement of something that doesn't even have to effect you.
  13. Protip # 2 - It's not all about you. You see, not everyone can use the same purple sets as you, so yes... they do need more options for the "same old same old". Apparently I didn't explain it simple enough.
  14. Protip - Options are a good thing. If you don't want new purple sets with a +10% recharge bonus for your builds, then don't use them. It's really that simple.
  15. (looks at thumbs down) Well... it's easy to see who doesn't want the rest of us to have options around here.
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