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The Mighty Paladin

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Everything posted by The Mighty Paladin

  1. It's called Capoeira it's a fighting form created by slaves in Brazil. It looks like dancing because the people practicing it, had to conceal what they were doing. and it emphasizes kicks because the practitioners were often forced to wear chains.
  2. I would like to see a new power set, that would mostly include jumping attacks with knockback or knockdown. You could also include a spinning leg sweep. This would be unique because most of the attacks would be ranged but instead of shooting or throwing anything, the character would jump toward his target then jump back to his starting place. This would be awesome if paired with Super Reflexes. You could do animations based on Spider-Man, Taekwondo and Wushu.
  3. I just spent 25 minutes searching for the last hostage in a mission, and I couldn't help thinking, if it were a glowee I'd be able to hear it (even though glowees are inanimate objects and many of them shouldn't make noise) but a person who could scream can't be heard. Also when you're down to the last glowee or the last few opponents they show up on my map, but not hostages. Can something please be done about this?
  4. I want to be able to create rescue missions where there are large groups of hostages who huddle together in one area. They don't need to move around, the mission can end when they're rescued, or you can tell them to stay where they are until it's safe for them to go (which we assume happens after the mission is complete) Currently, all I can do is have hostages scattered all over the map, each one guarded by a group of bad guys. Placing a group of hostages makes more sense and would allow you to rescue large groups without having to run all over the map looking for each one. I would also love to have more control over where mission objectives are placed on the map. Instead of picking a general area, I would like it if I could select from available map locations. This would allow me to place prisoners in cells on the maps that have cells. or put them together in an area where they're being forced to work.
  5. I would like to make a blaster or controller who's powers have no visible special effects. I just point at the target and he starts choking or gets knocked back. You wouldn't need to make any new effects, or power sets just add an option when we choose our power effects to have no effect. It would be cool for a lot of characters.
  6. I would like to dual wield sticks instead of swords. can this please be an option. all it would take is adding sticks to the weapon choices when you take dual blades.
  7. this turns fly on and off but doesn't change the costume. I get a message that says: Usage:cce takes 2 args, you gave 1. uses an emote to change costumes. cce <int> <string>
  8. I want to make a macro that will turn on flight and change my costume at the same time I want my character's wings to appear only when he's flying.
  9. Every time I suggest anything be added to the game I get the same thing a list of reasons why it's just to hard. No one here seems willing to even TRY anything. I will not be making any more suggestions. after this one: DELETE THE SUGGESTIONS AND FEEDBACK SECTION FROM THE FORUM. it makes sense if you're never going to accept any suggestions.
  10. no I'm assuming you wouldn't need any animations for the ranged attacks, just the power effects. Although it occurs to me you would also have to block gun and bow attacks.
  11. There is a middle ground. Make it suppress melee range attacks only. Then you could fly in bird form, blasting people with lighting but unable to use martial arts or super strength. I think this solves the problem.
  12. oh yeah you could make it an effect attached to fly and hover and assessable by changing costumes.
  13. why don't we have a flying power that lets you turn into a bird or bat? there are lots of characters who would use it.
  14. another nice option would be to create an acrobatic run Prestige power, that looks pretty much like Ninja run but has cartwheels also.
  15. I just got an idea. I've seen this work in a Spider-Man game. Suppose I could toggle a tether to my current target so that when I move left or right I orbit him while doing acrobatics? That would give the player total control, and allow some cool animations to be added to the game. and it would be better than just jumping around randomly with the animations that are already there. Plus the fact that you don't move toward or away from the target unless you want to (but totally can if you want to) will be useful.
  16. I'm not sure if this is even possible to fix (it probably isn't). I'm not talking about how the power works in terms of numbers I'm talking about the way it looks. In comic books, cartoons and movies, Agility is the coolest defense because you get to see the character do all kinds of acrobatic stunts while dodging attacks. In pen and paper games and city of heroes, you don't see any of that, the attackers just miss. Look I understand it's a problem, and I don't have any solutions to offer but if there's any way please have the characters dance around a little maybe do a flip or cartwheel once in while. At least show that you're trying.
  17. I don't know what a blapper is and picking a primary set then hardly using it is SO counter intuitive that I'd say it's totally alien and I never would've thought of it. Not gonna try it either because, as I've already said, I solved the problem myself.
  18. OK first of all I got confused and was using Ice Control Primary. with electric assault secondary. My mistake. That's why I didn't see the same powers you were talking about. Second the set as a whole doesn't work for me aesthetically. I'm not gonna make an ice character when I'm really only interested in 2 ice powers: A wide cold blast and a control that traps a target in ice. You see the primary power is really the problem. No matter which one I pick, that's going to be my character's MAIN THING because of the way the game is constructed, that's why I'm asking for a new primary set that isn't so dang focused. And since the fire mastery thing is an incarnate ability it just doesn't work, at all. There is no content in the game that I want to play after 50th level. It's just no fun. And it's really sad to have to wait till I'm 50th level to get one of my core abilities, and then have nothing to do with it. Finally, As I said in another post, I think I've finally hacked the problem by using a Sentinel with recolored Psychic Blast and Ninjitsu. THANK YOU TO EVEYONE WHO TRIED TO HELP ME.
  19. I think I finally have this hacked. The best I've come up with is a Sentinel, with recolored psychic blast (some damage some control and some AOE) and Ninjitsu, which give defenses I can pretend are magic shields as well as invisibility and some nice recovery stuff which wizards can't do in D&D but which is nice any way. Of course, I add in the Sorcery Pool power, which gives me flight teleport and a magic missile. I carry a nemesis staff and summon a blue wisp. I named her wispy.
  20. no those sets do not include the powers you say they do
  21. Druids are a lot easier than wizards and the spells I listed are THE Spells that Define the class for me and most of the people I play with. If I wanted an all fire wizard I wouldn't even be posting here, there are lots of different fire builds I could use. My problem is that ALL of the builds are too focused. (except for dual pistols, and trick arrows as a few people have pointed out but those won't pass for a wizard) I would like some sets with some variety. and I don't think that's too much to ask.
  22. I don't level after 50, so the incarnate stuff is totally outside my experience. And please don't suggest I try it. I'm not gonna not ever again.
  23. I wasn't surprised at all because I've tried all of these combos and none have been satisfying. I think the biggest problem is not being able to get lightning bolts and fireballs on the same character. In this context I mean a big ball of fire that hits several targets in the same area and a powerful straight line lightning attack. Every possible combo gives either one or the other, with the absent power being replaced by some control or defensive ability using the missing attack's element. And of course recoloring will not make something that isn't a lightning bolt, or isn't a fireball look like one.
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