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Trauma Junkie

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Everything posted by Trauma Junkie

  1. I see where the confusion lies, and forgive me for not thinking it through. Yes, you are correct, they would have to be placed via the base editor. I don't see a way around that. I was only thinking about earning trophies to be displayed in the base, and didn't give any thought as to how those trophies would be added to the base. Sadly, the only solution I can think of currently would be an "unlock" system, which I have to agree, would not be desirable.
  2. I do realise all of what you said is true, but I think you're being too specific. The items I listed were just examples for the sake of an idea, not necessarily the specific goal. The items currently found in the base builder are fine, but only represent a very small fraction of what's out there. Moreover, I'm not suggesting more stuff being made available in the base builder, but rather things that can only be earned in game, and will not be available in the base builder.
  3. I created my own trophy room in my base, and I populated it with a small variety of art, sculptures, costume pieces, weapons...etc. It got me thinking, it'd be great if there were trophies to be earned in game. Perhaps special missions, story arcs, and/or Task forces could offer trophies as a prize to put in your base. Maybe weapons, capes, or even tech from the various factions of critters encountered. Maybe one could assemble for their trophy room a NON-Working-for-display-only Mechman, Warhulk, Tarantula Mistress or whatever, by completing a mission/story arc/task force multiple times and selecting different pieces from an award list. Display cases, cabinets, and pedestals would be cool too!
  4. Thank you, Devlus! I now have chat selecting macros, some even tabselect! No more squinting and leaning in to my monitor to switch channels!
  5. I'd like some macros that will do the following: Switch my text chat box to "Broadcast" Switch my text chat box to "League" .. etc. I find the little buttons above the chat box that switch to the various chat channels very hard to see, and switch to. Also, if possible, macros that will switch to different tabs in the chat windows would be great. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  6. Yup.. so very frustrating. I struggled with getting MIDs to run in Linux Mint and posted about it here in the forums. No one really seemed to have an answer that worked to get MIDs to run. After several months, some awesome person posted in my thread about certain .dll files they installed, and it worked (I had given up and forgot about my thread after some time, and only recently revisited it when I seen the helpful post). I was so happy and for 2 solid days I was running MIDs in Linux Mint without having to use a virtual box! Then MIDs informed me of an update, so I ran it, and now MIDs is broken and will not launch. I really hate using a virtual box just to run MIDs. It's slow, cumbersome and is about a mag 5 fun suck.
  7. "Haikus are easy But sometimes they don't make sense Refrigerator" -- Rolf Nelson
  8. I'd like to be able to "nudge" items into place and "nudge" rotate items. If I could set the "nudge" value i.e.: 1mm, 1cm, 1m, etc, then nudge an item left, right, forward, back, up and down, that would be so handy for better precision placing.
  9. Thank you, Striker Fox. I wish I had thought of isolated tests like you have done! Trying to see the difference in the heat of battle wasn't very effective. Now I see it is worthwhile to slot in heal enhancements. Thank you again!
  10. So, I'm running a Bots/Electrical Affinity MM. I recently picked up "Maintenance Drone". I'm a little confused about the enhancements it can take, specifically Enhanced Heal. This appears to do nothing. It does not make the Maintenance Drone's heal any stronger, nor does it increase the MD's hit points. I do realize that the MD uses it's own HP to heal the other pets, so I expected the MD's HP to increase, but it does not. I checked the numbers in 'Combat Attributes' and nothing changes when I slot in a heal enhancement, and remove it. I had slotted with 3 heal enhancements and no numbers changed. It seems it's able to take heal enhancements, that do nothing. Am I missing something here, or is slotting the Maintenance Drone with Heal enhancements a waste?
  11. Thank you, Destruckor, I had actually given up hope on this post, thinking it was going nowhere. I'll give your instructions a try. Thank you again for your time and effort! 🙂
  12. I've have tried installing MID's Reborn using Bottles, PlayonLinux, WINE, and Crossover. COH Homecoming itself installed with ease, on all 4 of the compatibility layer apps. MID's Reborn however, begins to install, then seems to just stop doing anything without any indicators or dialogue boxes to clue me into why. I've tried leaving it while I went to work, but it was still sitting in the same spot, with no progress. Initially, when I first tried to install it, it told me it cannot be installed on Windows with less than .Net update 4.8 (or something like that... running on memory here), but I was able to update my compatibility layer apps (except Crossover) with the .Net update, so I was able continue on in the installation past that point, only to have it stop for no apparent reason. Has anyone out there, using Linux Mint, got MIDs Reborn running, and is so can you please help me out here? Thank you in advance
  13. Thank you, lemming, I'll look into it when I have a chance.
  14. I've found the issue to be present regardless of wheather I'm running Homecoming in WINE, Bottles, PlayOnLinux, or Crossover. So, I'm inclined to think it's an issue specific to Mint. Thank you for your efforts, by the way. I do appreciate it. 🙂
  15. This is exactly what I want to do, but in Linux Mint 21.1 this does not work. It does absolutely nothing. This issue is the only thing I've encountered, so far, that does not work in Linux. The rest of the game runs excellently.
  16. I built my base initially while I was running Windows 7. I have since switched over to Linux Mint. Getting CoH Homecoming to run in Linux was actually so much easier than I thought it would be. The only thing I've found that no longer works correclty (or at all) is base building 360 degree rotation. In Windows, I could park a chair near a table and using Shift+CTRL, or Shift+ALT I could rotate the chair so it was at an angle in reference to the table, rather than having it sit perfectly lined up with the table. In linux I cannot rotate objects in this way. Anyone okut there got a fix for this? Thank you in advance, NeoSporinMD 🙂
  17. Getting CoH Homecoming to install and run in linux was easy. Infact, I've installed it in 3 different apps... CrossOver Bottles PlayonLinux However, I cannot get MID's Reborn to install, which I've attempted in all 3 of the above apps, and also WINE. Once I get past the updates MR asks for, it just sits there, doing nothing, but the windows dialogue box says it's installing. I've even waited over 2 houars and nothing. If anyone out there has successfully got MR to install, and run in Linux (or specifically Linux Mint 201.1) please help me. Thank you kindly, NeoSporinMD 🙂
  18. Once a character hits 50, they have a number of powers that cannot be fully 6 slotted. I was thinking it'd be great to bring into the game a means to "earn" more slots after 50, but not necessarily increasing the level cap. It could be a special task force that rewards a new slot, or maybe a special invention. Maybe once you hit level 50, you go to an enhancement store of your origin, and pick up a special mission to earn more slots. However the method of gaining new slots, it should be challenging, and not too easy. Once you have all your powers 6 slotted, you get something else as a reward other than a slot.
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