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Everything posted by Renergy

  1. Thanks both, that's fixed it, I missed that step. 🙂
  2. Hmm, I think there is an issue with the City Mod Installer or Vidiot maps. I did have a legacy Vidiot install, which removed as per the instructions on the Vidiot thread. I then attempted an install using City Mod Installer, which although reported successful, didn't work. I then noted several conflicts as highlighted by City Mod Installer (these were pop menus), so cleared out the /Data folder completely. I then tried another install of Vidiot maps via City Mod Installer, which again reported successful, but wasn't. I've checked more zones than just Atlas. I've uploaded logs via the Upload Support Bundle function (feedback - this could use a confirmation of success notification). Thank you for your work. 🙂
  3. I love my EN/EN. I think the most optimal build is this one; "The Murder Bunny" or this one, but will admit I've not looked at it since the latest changes to the game.
  4. Regarding my build above, Mids was lying to me regarding Defence levels and in practice I found Power Boost to not last long enough, so don't try the build I linked... Therefore, I still think the build shared in the first post is currently the best available EN/EN. Regards KB, it has come up once in many, many, many hours of teaming, so I don't think it's a huge issue. Regardless now, enhancement unslotters are so cheap and common, just swap in a KB-KD enhancement if asked to then unslot it again. I am really enjoying the toon and fully recommend it.
  5. Ignore this, build didn't work!
  6. Yep, Mekki is definitely Reunion.
  7. Bind buffs to movement keys. Do agree though, HC should allow self buffs/buff toggles to be "auto". I understand the argument against damaging powers, but self buffs/toggles would open up so many archtypes.
  8. Sorry to "necro" this thread, but seemed pointless posting a new with the same build etc. How would you rate this build in 2022? Has the game moved on, enhancement changed or new enhancements been introduced? I've swapped out Hover/Fly for Combat Jumping/Super Speed, as I've found the speed and stealth to be more useful in endgame. Otherwise, I've been using this build unchanged with success. Curious for others opinion, as this post didn't prompt much discussion in 2020. 🙂
  9. The disappearance of Horus is covered in the final issues of that series. I second the call for ancient Egyptian inspired costume parts.
  10. "I Lost My Daddy! 5 missions: rescue NPC, escort NPC, ambush; talk to contact; defeat 10; find boss (beware mezzes); find NPC, escort NPC, ambush (beware mezzes)." Is now within the level 20-24 bracket, I've been running "The Mind of a King" instead for this bracket. Not as fast, as requires multiple travel and kill alls. Just a note for anyone not paying attention like myself who ran "The Skyraiders Secret" without reason! 😂
  11. I think the damage difference is largely contextual, which makes comparison difficult. I've levelled an Energy/Energy blaster and am now working on incarnates. Really enjoying it and feel the build is able to a make a difference on a single target or AOE basis. Those sweet, sweet Novas! This is the build I've been following. Though I took Total Focus over Energy Punch. Total Focus's animation time has been cut since that guide was written.
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