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  1. Well, I think, yes I know no one cares but here it is anyway. Changing this is a mistake if you don't balance the change in some way that says, ok for you who are 50 plus 99 we understand. Give something back, maybe something that doesn't affect the economy of the game. After all the only people that turn off XP are the ones that don't need it. I think that you should make it possible to continue to earn Empyreal merits past vet level 99 for instance. Maybe 1 per level after that vet 99. This should not screw the market and it will be giving a little love to the players that you're actually hurting. You say well everyone is in the same boat, but that's not actually true. If they were, the others wouldn't have an Inf issue and you would not be making the changes. This is just food for thought, so far I have generally liked what you have done with the game.
  2. I did this years ago and then stopped playing for a while and then came back. Now I cant remember how to take a common IO level 50 and turn it into a common IO level 50+1. Can anyone refresh my memory. I have google and watched about twenty videos and read all I could find to no help. Lastword
  3. I just donated and want to say keep up the good work .
  4. donated $20, keep up the good work.
  5. OK, I understand that you think there is a need to say this but are you all so going to comply with the requirement to publish the real names of the members of the board and that of the registered agent and how to contact him or her? No one here should have unrealistic exceptions of homecoming. I know I don't. You are doing a good job and as far as I can tell you have the long term running of the server in mind. Posting stuff like this only lead to more crap than it will ever solve. It is legal unenforceable.
  6. I just donated $25, I will donate each month. My wife and I use to pay $60 a month for the four accounts We had between us. We both appreciated the hard work that all of you have done. If you set up a date each month for donations, I will set it up for automatic.
  7. worked in a related field for over twenty years and have owned several corporations. I know and understand the subject intimately. Success comes from planing, and like I have explained before to others, most laws stop at boarders. Except for the united states, they acts in a criminal manor every day pushing it's laws onto other while claiming to be the good guy. I can point out hundreds examples of this. The real reason behind Japan attacking america at pearl harbor is a prime example of this. If you don't know it, It's worth the time to find out. The idea that we can stop Iran from selling their own oil is another. The US extorted the Swiss to break their banking secrecy. I know of hundreds of examples of this. I know of people in prison here for doing something lawful while on vacation in another country. When the US found out, they charged them under US laws. when you travel you are under the laws of the land your in not US laws. I love my country but hate my corrupt, unconstitutional government. I have personal seen police lie in court. I have seen bold face lies on search warrants. Never trust the government or the courts. Only trust what you can control. We need to think about how to protect those who are running this and how we can spread out their risk. If there were over twenty thousand of us, we would represent the large organization of it's kind to have ever existed. With unity comes power. This can only be done in a few ways. I do not have all the solutions or all the answers but I do know what my experience tells me.
  8. This is why I suggested an off shore corp days ago. The selling or giving of stock to players will change the dynamics of every thing. If filed out of the correct country IE Belize or one of the dozen other places where true corporate secrecy exists. Personally I favor Belize, there it is a felony to disclose any information about an international business corporation, that's what they are called there. All the owners of the corporation could stay anonymous this way. This is kind of similar to the way some county clubs are organized. It should be a non profit corp. One person, one share, one vote, no exception. Technically we could do a domestic corporation, but my one question is, why? The funding for the start of the corporation should be done my sending an email to each player from there membership to this blog. $1 per person, this is not for the game it's for the corporation. this can be done through Paypal. The current management team should be put the board of directors. They should have two year terms. After that we should have a shock holders meeting, this could be done virtually. The stockholders would be responsible for the for the debt. There would be no donations, no paper trail. There would no claim that we are seeking to turn a profit from the game. If the 22,000 account represents 22,000 people. Annual does of $10 would easy fund the running the game. We could raise this based our needs. We each love this game, what we do now will shape it for years to come.
  9. All of you doing a great job. Setting up a formal way for the community to have some control and responsibly for pay for the future of the game would be a good idea. I know that my wife and I would be happy to contribute to the successes of this project. At one time, we had four accounts between us and paid over $60 a month. I read the other day that the admin was talking about setting up an LLC. I would suggest an offshore corp out of Belize, specifically because they have corporate secrecy. It's rigidly enforced by their government, if your lawyer there breaks it, he or she goes to prison. Many of us would buy stock in such a corporation and would willingly share the burden and risk with you. From what I have seen so far we are a very large group of like minded people. To say we have a large economic potential, is a dramatic under statement. Ten thousand of us at the average of $43,000 a year per person, puts our gross annual income between all of us at $430,000,000. The national average is not $43,000 it's closer to $65,000. Between us we can easily afford a server bill of $5000 a month. If push comes to shove, we can pay for legal bills to make NC soft go away. If in less than a week we have 10,000 what will we have in two? Do not under estimate the value of the since of controlling you own destiny. When the game closed, I was VERY very rich. I had spent many hundred of hours playing the game. I had purchased every tweak to our accounts that I could. To know that something will not get hosed because some none player has a bright idea to change this or that, is important. Think of all the interesting things we can add over time, New archetypes, new power sets, new zones. A real opportunity to contribute to the COH world is something few of us ever thought would happen. The possibilities are endless
  10. Thanks, That helps some. Do you have a guesstimate on the bandwidth requirement?
  11. Can some answer some basics? What is the realistic server requirements? What are the bandwidth requirements? If I run a shard how is the exchange handled. If I build a good rack server, (I've built them for clients before) I don't want the exceed my available internet. If fiber was available here at a sane cost, I would not worry but it's not.
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