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Everything posted by Bzzzztt

  1. I sometimes enjoy typing "censored", "bleep!" or "@#$%" in my chat, just to make people check to see how their bleeping chat filter got turn back on.
  2. Ok, if this is the wrong place to ask, I apologize. And I know this question must have been asked many many time before, and I apologize for being too <censored> lazy to search for it. But, when are Beast, Demon, and Thugs primaries going to get updates like the others did? I'm of course referring to being able to slot resist or defense enhancers in the pet buff powers.
  3. FIrst one: Went to google translate. "Steel Sweat" translates to Ferro Sudore. For the second one, I went for silly puns. How about: Noah's Quark?
  4. My simple solution: I grab my trusty box of "geometrically structured polyhedral numeric randomizers". Ok, yeah, my old D&D dice. Roll two 10 siders, the first one selects the page of toons, the second one selects the specific toon on that page.
  5. Great! My new alt : A former actor who takes up hero work to get revenge on the guy who stole all his savings with a Ponzi scheme, wearing a sweatshirt with a maple leaf on the front: Canadian Kevin Bacon...
  6. Ok, I cannot be the only one to see this picture and immediately say "We're gonna need a bigger boat!"
  7. Ok, I KNOW this has been requested many many many many.... you get the idea, a LOT of times, but could we have some sort of file cabinets or something in bases for IO recipe storage/sharing? If not, how about this: an additional tab on the character's recipe inventory box that acts like the Vault Reserve tab for the salvage inventory, allowing a character to save a recipe for future use and not have it show up on a store list to be accidentally sold to a store, for example?
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