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Everything posted by Ravenwulfe

  1. I typically use 5 to spend then use Blood Thirst to immediately get 5 back but so far in all my testing the damage hasn't felt worth it (ignoring Blood Thirst egregious activation time compared to Build Up in other sets). If I am in a group of hostiles I use Rending Flurry because the 5 blood frenzy to spend on increased range, though I think the range needs to be upped on it when you spend in this way; up to the range of savage leap when spending that much of your blood frenzy. But in its current state Hemorrhage is just not a good power. I feel Cross Punch is a way better power; faster activation, faster recharge, less endurance cost, and even a cone attack that can stun and knockdown to. It's silly that an auxiliary is far better than a power set power.
  2. Possibly though I still feel that Hemorrhage in general still needs its upfront damage upped. Cast time, recharge, and endurance cost are baffling for the simple fact it does the same damage as a tier 2 power with less effects. So how about, along with upping the upfront damage (it should perceivably equal if not exceed vicious slash after all for all these factors) as a spender it gives a small HoT effect. I thought of this to. It is a good idea in general. Though even when you take into account the DoT its damage is still comparably weaker than other powers in its own set for a spender, so in all cases the damage will need to be upped in some fashion. And I do think it needs a bit more than just raw damage to. Some form of control or the HoT added to it.
  3. Not understanding what you are meaning. Do you mean if someone has hemorrhage in their kit they should generate blood frenzy, or do you mean an effect that would apply a slow generation over time for blood frenzy? What would be the replacement spender for options then? And what about the effects of exhaustion? the regeneration is another possible solution though I think I would replace that with a heal component instead.
  4. I don't understand this power in its current form. On a brute it's a tier 8 power, but it does less damage than a tier 3 power vicious slash, even with the added dot. It has no control or added benefits unlike vicious slash which has a knockdown component to it. It is also a blood frenzy spender, which makes its utility much less prevalent for the set as a whole as well. The choice of whether to burn blood frenzy on this or not just isn't powerful enough since stacks of blood frenzy bring better benefits; it's barely slightly better than maiming slash honestly in its current form. So here are my suggestions for fixing this; First off, Hemorrhage just needs more upfront damage. It has no perceivable utility outside of it being this big wind up hit right now (long cast animation and recharge). It currently does the same damage as a power that costs half as much, nearly casts twice as fast and has a much shorter recharge time in the same set with maiming slash, and yet maiming slash has the ability to debuff the targets movement speed. But it needs a bit more than this to make it useful. I would add in either a knockdown or knock up component, or give it the ability to reduce the targets lethal resistance for a short time. The bleed component can stay but there needs to be more to this power as well. Something to make it worth burning the blood frenzy on a real choice of whether to save or not. Rending Fury, the other spender in this set, grants wider range making use of blood frenzy a bit more palatable in the set. Maybe when you burn 5 stacks of blood frenzy with hemorrhage you can give this power a cone affect that inflicts bleed dots on nearby foes as well. So, TLDR - up the powers upfront damage. The cast time and recharge are too long and endurance cost are too high to comparable powers within its own set. Give this power an effect as well. A knockdown or knock up effect would be preferable to go with the animation, but lethal and defense resistance reduction would also fit the theme. Finally when spending 5 stacks of blood frenzy, give this an additional component besides a slightly longer dot tick, such as a small cone AoE effect to go with the nature of throwing all that anger into one all or nothing shot. This power should not be less effective than a tier 2 or 3 power that have way more utility.
  5. Definitely agree with this.
  6. Hi there. Virtue was my home for a number of years back in the day. Some may remember me I do hope to run into old friends. I was Silverspar back then.
  7. Hello, Everlasting. Essentially making my first post here though I have posted a few times on the official discord. I am an old Virtue player, not sure how many would remember my character Terra Silverspar, as it has been a long time. I've been streaming CoH now and would love to start meeting up with people to hang out and do missions, task/strike forces, trials and the like and start to get involved with community and such. I am also hoping to run across any old faces I might have known back in the day, despite I know it has been a long time. It would be nice to meet up with them again, and maybe be able to catch up again. If you are curious about my stream you can view it at https://twitch.tv/ravenspyregames
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