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Plug Nickel

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Everything posted by Plug Nickel

  1. Thanks for the guide. Do these Veteran Levels count as actual levels? Back when the game was live, I only ever unlocked the Alpha slot due to RP reasons and because I didn't want to trivialize all the level 50 non-incarnate content. Homecoming seems like they're forcing us to go down that path though. If I have 10 vet levels, will all those +4 aliens in the Rikti War Zone be grey to me? And if I turn off XP, can I still get the Alpha slot? Thanks again!
  2. These are the best characters I ever saw.
  3. Summer Blockbuster Double-Feature? On now as we speak, I noticed on my sole post-20 character yesterday (I don't know what level you have to be to access it, but it 'wasn't there'/was hidden probably due to underleveled-ness when I created a character today or the day before yesterday, but it was there on my 20+ yesterday). Yeah I just noticed that myself! Cheers!
  4. I hope they open the holiday events, but if they do, I hope they only do it during the appropriate times of the year. And if that's the case, maybe we'll see the Summer Blockbuster event pretty soon - unless it's already on and I'm missing it as I type...
  5. Good read and I can relate to a lot of it. I too used to fire off macro-banter with villains both on teams and solo. Over the years though, I stopped for a lot of the same reasons you did. Coming back, I still find myself running around trying to knock out objectives and ignoring a lot of the role playing I used to amuse myself with. It's still like coming home, but I do wish I could recapture that old sense of wonder I had back then. Of course that was 15 years ago and I'm pushing 50 now. Maybe I finally grew up. God I hope not. Maybe your post will inspire me to slow down and enjoy just being a super hero again.
  6. Custom XP rates kick ass! I prefer not to have any bonus, but at least it's available for those that do. Thanks!
  7. Even though both players get credit for the kill, I still think it's rude. There's plenty of mobs all over the place - go find your own.
  8. Unreasonably high prices that resulted from extremely low supply. There's a "good price" and there's an "unreasonable price" How could high prices result in low supply? Lowering the price of salvage isn't going to put more salvage on the market. If you regulate the selling prices to be affordable to everyone, and the demand is greater than the supply (such as with Luck Charms), it just means there won't be any popular salvage left to purchase - and then people will complain about THAT. Just because everyone can afford something doesn't create more of it to buy. I think seeding the market is a bad idea. Selling salvage is a great way for low level characters to make money off of high level characters, and as far as I can tell, it's that way by design.
  9. I was aware of the Find Contact button, and while it's certainly convenient, it's a bit immersion-breaking and still leaves me with the question of how these contacts came into my character's story. A minor RP nitpick is all it is, really, but I still prefer the old way of being introduced to the next contact by the one you're currently working for or by reaching a certain security level. Thanks for the replies though!
  10. It used to be that once you got to a specific level, certain contacts would be introduced to you. Is this no longer the case? I remember back in the old days getting introduced to Wincott, Jim Temblor, and the guy in Striga automatically on every character. This time however, I managed to level past all three of those contacts. Are we supposed to just walk up to total strangers and demand missions? To me, that's bothersome in an RP sense. I think it's much more organic to be introduced to contacts by people you already know. Story-wise I mean. I can still visit them through Ouroboros, but I would have preferred to have them introduced to my character as part of his main story while leveling up. Is there a reason why this was removed? (Yeah, the title of the post mentions naked people, but that was just to get you to read it. Sorry for the deception. I'll make it up to you I swear.)
  11. I sure am glad to be back in Paragon, and appreciate everything the Homecoming team has done to bring us all home. However, I do share your thoughts on both XP and Prestige (as unpopular as they probably are). I'd personally rather level up my characters without any bonus - we already got XP Smoothing before the shutdown, so we're leveling a lot faster than we used to anyway. Of course we have the option to turn off XP, but then we're not leveling at all. I'd rather XP bonuses be reserved for special occasions, but I'm likely in the minority on that one. On the other hand, we've all been absent for about 7 years, and since I'm remaking all my old characters, this is a nice way to kind of play catch-up. That's the way I'm choosing to look at it - I've already leveled these characters once, so if I have to do so again, there's nothing wrong with doing it a little quicker. I just hope that eventually XP rewards will go back to normal. At the end of the day, though, I'm able to return to Paragon City - something I'd pretty much given up hope of ever doing again. So I'm glad as hell to be able to bitch about something like this, and thankful to the Homecoming team for making it possible.
  12. Hey that was my first post on these forums! And this is my second! Holy crap!
  13. If I remember correctly, they do. But if I remember incorrectly, they don't. (Pretty sure they do though)
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