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Posts posted by Lazarillo

  1. 56 minutes ago, Astralock said:

    What I don’t know is this: What happens if you defeat Chimera before Nega-Pendragon and Shadow Hunter?

    AFAIK, the game's supposed to start planting invisible proximity mines that mimic the Director 11 mechanic from Tin Mage (just as defeating Negaduck being defeated is supposed to add Battle Maiden fire to the fight, and Shadowhunter adding BAF, rings though I don't think I've ever actually seen either of those happen, so Chimy might be broken in the same way?).

  2. 1 hour ago, Snarky said:

    Hmmm.   I think i will break out of the zig with a Brute.  How it all began for me…

    Actually this does remind me that I like make namesake alts on my birthday...

    Last year was 40, and I even did one with a special name to commemorate.  Then I ended up disliking it, so this year I can be 40 again, right?

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  3. 3 hours ago, TheMoncrief said:

    I would argue that Shield Defense is superior for any character concept that works with carrying around a shield. But the requirement to actually use a shield completely invalidates for any character concept that doesn't work with having a big portable wall attached to your arm.

    There's a fair variety of concepts, I think, but even when I have one (I actually had idea for a Shield/Stone Tank just the other day), I get put off by that weird, arm-wiggling movement when you run.  I wish characters without weapons could just move their arms normally when the shield was engaged.

  4. Willpower is just pretty close to unbeatable for wide-range utility, to me.  It's got a taunt aura, and Terrorize protection, which unlike a lot of holes in defense sets, aren't things you can effectively make up for the lack of via IOs or pool powers.  So unlike other sets, it's the easiest one to just kinda charge in and not worry too hard about the enemy group you're fighting at any given point, or which can go full bore on the widest group of enemies without having to be annoyed by any of them running off for parts unknown.


    Shield, in fairness, also can do those things, but Shield locks you into specific animations, makes you run funny, and has a limited number of primaries it can be matched to, so it loses style points, and those are important in determining what's "best" too!

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    1. Sounds good
    2. I kinda like how it is, but Sentinel range does still need some messing-with. Why bother giving them higher perception ranges than other ranged ATs, if they can't actually hit anything that far out?
    3. More power customizations are always good.
    4. I thought this was already a thing in the latest page?  Or maybe it was an "almost but not quite ready"?
    5. See #3
    6. See #3, and add the option for Soul Mastery powers, too.
    7. Again see #3 (though IIRC from when customization was initially implemented, this would be rather nontrivial)
    8. This can already be done, though it's "hidden" by default.  But when you're customizing powers, hit the "All Powers" button to show everything for that pool/Incarnate slot, even if you don't actually have it as a power.
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  5. 2 minutes ago, Wavicle said:

    Yea that sounds like a better fix then giving than leaders griefing buttons.

    While I don't necessarily feel like this suggestion is "giving leaders griefing buttons" (or at least, no moreso than the ones they already have, like buffed enemies, no inspirations, etc...), it is, FWIW, what I immediately thought of when I read the thread title, even before I saw you asking that.  So I guess I understand a method to the madness, is all.


    But I do agree that it feels like an in-mission hospital (especially a "coordinated" one like ITrials get, for that one especially) would probably be an even better solution to that problem.

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  6. 29 minutes ago, Wavicle said:

    maybe give a reason, just one


    why should team leaders have this option?

    Three words..."Apex: Battle Maiden".  In that one, it might kinda be in the players' best interest.  Due to the potential fatality-risk simply for entering the arena, as well as the possibility of losing out on the reward for the entire TF if the AV goes down while a player is running back, it's actually in a team's general best interest not to be separated due to player deaths.


    That's kind of an outlier that could also be solved by having an in-mission hospital (like its counterpart, Tin Mage) though, I guess.  But it's "one" reason, like you asked for...

  7. 42 minutes ago, biostem said:

    Maybe add a contact to starter zones that directs people to visit Null or something...

    Or simply add a Null-esque NPC to more zones (it really needs to be in low-cap raid zones like The Hive/Abyss RWZ).  Or heck, as I understand it, Null functions by adding invisible Temp. powers to the player, so maybe it could just be added to the P2Ws?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 12 hours ago, Crunchyllama said:

    I think the best thing to do would be make new stacks refresh the timer/replace the old stacks.

    The irony is that it feels like while that'd be the most straightforward for the players, I wonder that it might actually be harder to implement (hence my other ideas kinda reflecting mechanics I've already seen in-game).  That's just a guess though, I suppose.

  9. So Water Blast's combo system has...issues.  Because of the way the Tidal Power buffs build and deplete, it's possible to lose a stack right as you're getting ready to activate a power, because the number of stacks can't build past three, and any new stacks are wasted, as they do not override pre-existing stacks.  To this end, it's especially rough to, say, pop Tidal Forces for a max powered Geyser, or similar, only to immediately lose the Tidal Power, because the three stacks it grants are negated by 1-3 prexisting stacks, which then immediately time out.


    To that end, I've got two ideas on how to maybe(?) fix the combo system to deal with these issues:


    1. Make Tidal Forces, specifically, cost all the player's remaining Tidal Power, and then, once the power activates, have it grant three stacks.  This will remove any sort of...vestigal stacks that therefore won't prevent the new stacks from doing what they're meant to do.

    2. Raise the cap on Tidal Power stacks to six, and make anything that costs "all remaining Tidal Power" (Geyser, Water Jet, Water Burst, Dehydrate) still do so, but only be buffed as if you have three stacks.  By doubling the number of stacks without increasing the effects, you still effectively make it so that new stacks aren't wasted as they'll still only fall off as they come.

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  10. I never really re-evaluated my Pain/Sonic Defender when this came through, but now, especially with some of the power tier level changes, I'm starting to look at it again.  The one thing I'm a little unsure of is where to go with AoE attacks, with the damage buffs to Shockwave and Siren Song.  Howl's been an easy take up 'til now since it was about the only option, but now it does less damage than the other two, but the only one that has the -Res debuff.  Taking three cones feels a little excessive, but I'm thinking two might be worthwhile (maybe Howl + Shockwave since they have the same range/arc?).  Any tips or recommendations for /Sonic Defenders these days?

  11. 1. No, not that I recall.  There were a couple of payphone-looking stations that patrol-type missions would occasionally send you to, and those are still in the game, though they're older content that gets buried by other stuff these days.  Most likely place you'll see them(?) is the Synapse TF, I'd expect.


    2. Not so much in the low levels, to my knowledge, though it's worth noting that Praetorian enemy groups have energy weapons that often do -Def, and so that can end up present if you make a Going Rogue character, as well as getting a resurgence at very high levels if you're doing Unai Kemen or Maria Jenkins stuff, as well as in Incarnate Trials.  Energy weapons + -Def can eat through a lot of armor sets really quickly.  It's scary.  High-level Family enemies also have stolen Praetorian weapons, so watch out for them, and PPD Kheldians also have the Energy + -Def combo it in villainous missions at those high levels, though they don't use weapons for it.

  12. Solution: Take Barrier Destiny on all your characters.  This will give you and basically everyone in every league you're a part of a great big ball to run around in, like a bunch of little incarnate hamsters.  Of course, you don't get to have your balls if someone else who has that Destiny casts theirs before you...so if you want to have the biggest balls, you need to first encourage the dev team to give us a minimal FX option for that (and Clarion) so that we can take instead, and be dependent on your balls, for all our balls.


    I believe in Snarky's balls, devs.  This is not just me begging for minimal FX options again for my own sake, I swear. It's solely in support of Snarky's balls.

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  13. 3 hours ago, TheZag said:

    Dont u get more xp when u kill them again?  Thats not a bad deal.

    You also get less XP for defeating them in the first place, though.  Freakshow give ~80% of typical XP/Inf values, to compensate for the ~20% that rez and give an additional round.


    And that is a bit "annoying annoying", just because of the long animation times when you just have to sit and wait for them to rez in the first place.  Super Stunners are at least nice enough to get up right way (even if you have to wait for them to stop doing their little Diva Dance when they do).  The self-heal is also a little irritating solo, but rarely kicks in on teams, so it kinda balances out since they're also probably just a little too easy overall when teamed.


    So overall, mildly into the "annoying annoying" category, but compared up against Nemesis and Crey, who are just flat-out unfun too much of the time, the Freaks ain't got me much to complain about.

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  14. I mean, the Battle Axe set has the BEHEADER power.  Seems like something a Highlander would want (granted, it's also the set's weakest power).  And some of its weapon choices are vaguely sword-looking...

    That said, I actually thought of Broadsword before Katana or Dual Blades, though, too.


    As for secondaries, when I think of immortals, conceptually, I think of Regeneration first.  It's not a very popular set these days, but from what I remember of the franchise (it's been like 20 years, admittedly, since I even sorta halfway paid attention), that's probably still one of the more appropriate picks.  Maybe Willpower instead if you want a slightly more solid defensive set, or if you want to play a Tanker (since Tankers don't get Regen).

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  15. On 10/11/2022 at 10:07 PM, SomeGuy said:

    Dark pairs with everything. Except Regen.

    The first character I ever reached 50 with, way back in 2006, was a DM/Regen Scrapper.

    I feel attacked.

    • Haha 3
  16. 6 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    so why does Savage Melee?

    At a guess?  Because it was unfinished at the time of the game's original release, and that was an era when the devs of the time were trying really hard to sort of...reduce the overall impact that high-recharge builds had on balancing powers.  Water Blast does have a similar mechanic (you don't get locked out of combo building, but you do get locked out of the effects of the combo on Water Jet), and Psionic Melee, which was also unfinished at the time, also has a lockout system (that IMO, works even worse, but that's a whole other tangent...).

  17. 8 minutes ago, Frosticus said:

    Doesn't bio get a damage aura and a taunt aura?

    Huh, sure enough.  I'mma chalk that up to Bio Armor never really getting a balance pass on HC despite being unfinished/still in beta stages, when the game originally closed down.  If you were to go over the set carefully, there's probably a lot that's kind of outta whack with it.


    (Also note that, personally, I would certainly like Scrappers to get taunt effects more universally applied; I'm not in disagreement with you, per se.  But the "rule" does seem to be there, whether it's a useful one or not.)

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  18. 4 minutes ago, Frosticus said:

    Ice armor is left out in the cold with that description. Chilling embrace debuffs more than most.

    Dark armor cloak of fear debuffs tohit.

    And elec armor drains end with lightning field.

    Mudpots debuffs speed

    All of those sets have damage auras, though, either in the powers with the debuffs (Elec and Stone) or elsewhere (Ice and Dark).

    I suppose that could be seen as a little bit unfair under my initial description.


    4 minutes ago, Frosticus said:

    Unless you mean buffs AND debuffs are both required to qualify, but then invincibility doesn't make sense under that description as it only buffs.

    To be honest? I coulda sworn Invincibility did have a debuff component, but I checked and was remembering wrong, apparently.  However, it still generally qualifies under the "has an aura, but no damage aura" rule.


    As for EA, yeah, it's janky, and I'm not a fan of EA for that reason.  I was opposed even way back when Castle originally introduced it, for the very same "wait, Stealth and a taunt aura in the same set? What?" reasoning you mentioned. But it still counts, 'cause again, no damage.

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