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Posts posted by Moka

  1. 2 minutes ago, DarknessEternal said:

    So?  I use red inspirations as soon as I get or convert them and I'm always over the live brute damage cap. 


    Do you not use inspirations?  Is that the source of this disconnect?  Am I the oddball because I only use red inspirations and I never save them?

    I use inspirations all the time. The damage cap for brutes will always mean you're outperforming a tanker. The only one disconnected is you.

    • Like 4
  2. 13 minutes ago, DarknessEternal said:

    Did you not read the rest of the post where I pointed out how Fury makes zero difference?

    How does it not? That's like an entire column of reds, perhaps even two, that don't need to be popped in place of what a tanker would need to pop to do the same damage. Not to mention a brute at around 80-90 fury is equal to a tanker's single use of build up. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Just now, DarknessEternal said:

    They will.  I've always maintained that all damage should be considered at capped amounts because of this.


    Brute changes a year after the tank changes take place should not be considered relevant to this topic.  If their plan is to make Tanks better for a year, then make Brutes better after that, they should come up with a new plan.

    It's not a year later. Did you even read? It's the next patch. To go with tanker changes.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, DarknessEternal said:

    Why wouldn't they?  It's trivial to constantly be damage capped solo.

    Why wouldn't a brute do the same thing, then? 


    3 minutes ago, DarknessEternal said:

    1. So it's ok for tankers to be "brutes, but better"?  That's what is happening with the target cap changes.


    2. Brutes are getting straight nerfed.  Damage is going down.  And there's no change to Fury.  You're just making that part up.

    2 hours ago, Captain Powerhouse said:


    • Fury gain on teams is being tweaked on next patch (whenever that hits, sorry got no ETA on that yet.)



    On 10/12/2019 at 12:34 PM, Captain Powerhouse said:

    OK I hope this calms down the last few days of discussions: brutes wont be nerfed any further. In fact, the next patch has a buff to brute fury generation on teams.


    And just tongue in cheek: the only way brute resist cap would go down to 85% is if tanker resist cap also goes down to 85%. But there is no plan to do that at this time (or ever, ever ever.)


    But I'm making stuff up.


    Nowhere did I say tankers will be better. In fact, I said brutes will still be better at mob clearing. There's very few instances a tanker will be preferred for this. Brutes are losing...25? 50% damage to the fury cap which may sound like a lot, but they still have a 700 or so damage cap versus the tanker's 500. 

    • Like 3
  5. People are entirely just grumpy brutes will no longer be "Tanker, but better" and be the more damage oriented alternative and resemble the bastard child of tanker/scrapper it was always meant to be. According to Captain Powerhouse, brutes have nothing but even better things in store for them. The increase to the fury bar will guarantee they don't fall behind. Similar to how a stalker is less aoe oriented than a scrapper, brutes will deal with a smaller amount of enemies much faster, while a tanker's lower damage is balanced by being able to hit more things at once. At the end of the day, the brute will more than likely always finish a mob first, assuming they're using the same powersets in comparison. It would be unfair to compare say a stone melee brute versus a titan weapons tanker. 


    Brutes are going to be stronger than they ever were before. Brutes should really like this change. And they're not going to get this change unless tanker gets brought up to match it in their own way.

    • Like 4
  6. 3 hours ago, DarknessEternal said:

    If the current aoe changes to tanks goes live, there’s no amount of work a brute could do to out damage tank.


    It’s mathematically impossible.

    You're entirely wrong. Unless a tank just has an infinite amount of reds to pop, a brute will always out damage the tanker, just in a different way. They have a smaller cap to deal with but have 200% more damage potential. Of course, I haven't made a comparison yet. I could build the same version of my tanker but as a brute on the TR and see what comes of it. 

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  7. 24 minutes ago, Darkneblade said:

    While it is not particularly needed it can be fun with 8 people or with friends.Lets say you go in building enemies come to you for 5 minutes wherever you are.Additional enemies may come depending on player count.Or enemies get additional buffs if it is hard to implement.When 5 minutes timer up , There will be AV coming you need to defeat in order to continue.Respawn mechanics doesnt work there so everyone has to die to fail mission.Or you can respawn but you exit mission as well as team too.After AV defeat you can choose to continue for stronger mobs and stronger AV possible multiple AV's.Everyone has to same level or close to prevent farming.

    Sounds like Warframe's survival missions. This would be very fun.

    • Like 2
  8. 16 hours ago, Rooks said:

    Has anyone brought up the possibility of the aoe increasing inherent doing a little bit of base -dmg on affected powers to make up for an increased target cap, say 5/10%? To try to put off would-be farmers and aoe minmaxers from switching to tankers just for damage?

    Do you want -dmg on the player or the enemies? I do not think tanker damage needs to be lowered at all. 

    • Like 3
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  9. 2 minutes ago, SeaLily said:

    If there's going to be some expanded/duplicate slots, please allow us a second Detail 1 on heads, so we can do horns + glasses at long last. Or just make Face and Forehead separate slots

    Pleaaase yes.

    • Like 1
  10. Bulletproof!


    Wanna see her cut that bullet in half? Wanna see her do it again?


    Neoma Vitalis is yet another tragic case of forced augmentation. As a nobody with nowhere to go, she was initiated into the Order of the Shattered, a mercenary band of cybernetic shinobi. She was considered a 'Chosen One' for the special nature of her augmentation, which differed from the rest. There's another voice in her head, and she's not sure who it belongs to.


    She eventually took a stand against the Order of the Shattered, exiling herself as a lone vigilante who's unable to recognize even herself. If there's one thing she knows, it's that she's Bulletproof. Having chased them to Paragon, it was there she joined the Vanquishers, and there where her story truly begins.




    Eve Horizon!


     "Dawn's Melody", a Kheldian war hero, died a long, long time ago. The truth to her death was that she didn't die, but she suffered something far, far worse, when she was transformed into a Nictus. Able to escape with a dying body of a captured alien, she soon took on a new name: Eve Horizon. It was from there she became a space renegade, fighting against the tyrannical empires that the Nictus have constructed. Her searches lead her to Earth, where it appears the Nictus have found quite a bit of hostsmore. She's since become a hero to help protect a world she has now grown fond of.



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  11. I don't think anyone is going to be faking ITF solos for cool internet points over a like fifty-thousand year old videogame. I've solo'd Rommy on a tanker thanks to Envenomed Daggers and lore pets. A blaster, with strategy, could easily solo him, too. If you don't believe me, I'll gladly perform it for you sometime. I'll livestream it, even.

  12. 6 minutes ago, RialVestro said:

    I'm willing to watch you get your beat down by Rom to the point where you have to use the Hospital. If you can't beat him before then it's not happening at all.

    I hope you can hold your word to that. Sounds like a good challenge lol. Hell I'd do it on my tanker for you. 

  13. I'm not sure what's being argued in this thread anymore. I guess I'll start a new argument by saying all the blaster secondaries are pretty alright. Ninja could use some work.

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