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Posts posted by Moka

  1. I kind of look at it with the view that sentinels you can turn your brain off and cruise control through a mission for the most part while a blaster you generally have to pay attention to your cooldowns and such. A blaster can do most things a sentinel can, but a sentinel is less stressful to play. Sentinels may or may not be preferred for melting AVs though. 

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  2. The blaster secondaries are probably the widest variety of secondaries in the game. Energy is a completely different beast than say Atomic or Martial. You need to do the tiniest bit of research and skill review beforehand to see what might fit your playstyle. If you're looking to be more support based, energy and atomic are really good. If you just wanna be an even bigger damage dealer, sets like fire are real good. Martial doesn't really surpass any set, but it's really fun, and that's enough for me. 


    tl;dr They're fine, just weird. 


    Edit: I forgot to mention powers like Power Boost can boost my blaster S/L defense into the near 60% territory so there's definitely more to it than meets the eye.

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  3. 1 minute ago, biostem said:

    That piece came out great!  I can guestimate the parts, but could you post a screenshot of the original character for reference?  What are her AT/powers?  Thanks!

    She's a STJ/bio stalker! : ) The bio armor is because her dad is a living demon tree, so the carapaces are demonic "wood" and she's able to adapt to her surroundings and leech from people.




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    So a few things of note:

    Range still feels nice.
    Enemies stay way more on top of me. Very nice. 
    Damage cap is still 400%? I was able to reach it in this video by popping a load of reds + using my T9, and I thought I recall it was supposed to be 500%.

    On a side note, I think after playtesting the tanker changes, it'd be fair to re-establish the boosted support values.


    Forgive me if I pause a lot in the video. My keyboard's been acting up.

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