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Posts posted by Moka

  1. 59 minutes ago, KaizenSoze said:

    How is the combat system? Is there any sense of force or physics?


    Basically, do things act like you actually hit them? Or are just lights and numbers?


    Example, I still cackle when I punch a mob in the air and hits a low ceiling.



    The combat doesn't have the same 'oomph' as City, per se, but the combat itself is more active as some classes require you to attack your target from different angles. You also have to actually dodge some attacks in the game, as opposed to City where you're reliant purely on numbers to do the dodging for you.


    Black Desert has a lot of what you might be looking for if you're looking for a game with a lot of 'feedback' to your attacks, but I find Black Desert to be a little dull, since if you're not into PVP, there's really nothing to do in the end game except grind.

  2. Usually people will put out an IC call to a hero communication channel for PUG teams and I think that's a decent enough excuse for people to team up. My only question is why are there so many fascists in the sewers? I suppose that is where they belong.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 4
  3. 48 minutes ago, Krimson said:

    RP Pet Peeve #1: Joining a group for comic book RP and the comic book ends up being Archie. Dating sims disguised as RP is the reason I moved most of my toons to Excelsior.

    Ugh. So much this : (. 

    • Like 1
  4. I suppose I started with friends outside back when I was little, but I started online roleplay when I was eleven years old on IRC chatrooms and older games. So in a way, I've grown up with this format, but I can see why it'd be limiting to a lot of people. I'm also someone who likes to elaborate on their posts a little more so when I see people just responding with /e smirks and that's it in response to a like paragraph it can be disheartening lol.


    I should also note I'm more akin to online tabletop roleplay than I am MMO RP.

  5. 34 minutes ago, CrudeVileTerror said:

    I never get any Purples (50s or PvP), the game doesn't hand them out to me.  BUT I do have a surplus of ATOs from the recent Trick or Treating Event I tried to organize.

    Where should I sent them?

    You can send them to the global @Moka! I'll be running another this week, likely, if not next. Your donation will be mentioned OOC and can even be mentioned IC if you like!

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 hours ago, CrudeVileTerror said:

    What sort of resources do you need?

    If it furthers the cause of Redside is Best Side, I would be willing to contribute something.

    Been donating purples to people and such, but I'm thinking I could settle for ATOs or certain rare oranges too. I understand people might not want to donate such excessive resources though haha.

  7. 14 hours ago, Psychopithicus said:

    I'm sad I missed this. Will there be more Bounty Nights in the future?

    Thanks for the support everyone! And yes, there will be more : ). I'm deciding on whether to do it next week or the week after in order to get more resources.

    • Like 1
  8. 6lDA8pY.jpg


    Ready to bring back the glory of Redside?


    Join Firebrand (Fortune-13524)  for it's first Bounty Night this Friday! It'll be running both in the early day (12:00 PM EST - 2:00 PM EST) and again from 9:00 PM EST to 11:00 PM EST! 

    What is Bounty Night you ask? Bounty Nights at Firebrand Island are your chance to receive not only in character rewards, but out of character rewards, too, from completing missions granted to you in the Architect Entertainment system! You could win millions of inf or even purple and winter enhancements! Exciting! All you have to do is complete your mission and give the mission granter (usually it will be me, @Moka) the code at the end to receive your prize! You can join up with other villains or take the mission on by yourself if you're the broody lone wolf type!


    Unable to make it?


    DM me in discord (Moka#6341) to subscribe to Firebrand's Weekly Bounty that'll be personalized for you and you only (and friends) to complete in your own time for rewards!


    Vigilantes welcome. Heroes need not apply. (Now, if you're undercover...)

    • Like 5
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  9. Yeah, for sure. I think if you're a party finder goer, crystal is absolutely a no-go except in very lucky circumstances. Crystal people usually drop after 2-3 wipes and it can be very annoying. I'm a dirty RPer on FFXIV, so I stay on Crystal, ultimately. Though the RP scene there is...Well, I also stick to just my friends, now, too, to put it nicely lol. Too many people come at me because I main a Male Au Ra and wanna do the Dirty Things™. They don't always bugger off when I tell them I'm a girl, too. 

  10. That's why I only raid with people I know. My new static, which is teaching people to raid, is all my buds. Every data center has toxic players since I had two different aether based statics. One was amazing, the other was full of people who said racial/homophobic slurs all the time and got mad at the littlest things. 


    Though what we can all agree on is Balmung is trash.

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