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  1. Is this because /Rad is such a strong set?
  2. Am I supposed to be able to level up a character to 50 on Beta Test like this? All it does it take me to training window with no XP to level up. EDIT: Looks like its this: /levelupxp XX
  3. Has anyone suggested making Detention Field a simple immobilize with KB protection? Maybe an AOE. It would be useful and allow FF users to use their powers more tactically. IE : if you want to KB the targets you don't use the field. If you want to make keep group together you use the anti KB power. Or maybe a pull that shoves enemies into a tighter circle. Make FF into a key tool for moving lower ranked MOBs wherever you want.
  4. Yes, I have a 6 item set of pet attack enhancements on each. Blood Mandate and Brilliant Leadership all levels 22-26. They are fully decked out. Difficulty is default.
  5. I'm currently leveling up a Rob/FF MM. The robotics changes are great. Even without a respec, at level 23 I saw a dramatic improvement on minion damage. So far leveling this character the Villian avatar has dealt the majority of damage. And that's just with Force Bolt and prestige powers like Nemesis Staff. I avoid rifle attacks since they dont fit the character concept. So I've been patiently holding back from attacking too much (due to limited of endurance) while the robots SLOWLY chip away. I supplement with the whole Leadership pool but the bots still miss a lot and dont damage very fast. MUCH better with this patch. I'd say the henchmen clear about 2x as fast. ALSO, getting the Assault bot earlier is a big change. At level 23, there's no Assault Bot. With the patch I can respec into him. That's another big difference. I tested both with and without Assault Bot. Obviously better with him in the build, but even without him it's obvious that I'm dealing way more damage over time. Seems like great changes to me. People need to remember that not everything happens at level 40. It takes time to get there and the grind really sucks when most of your damage is limited to the level 28 unlock. That always seemed like a bad design idea.
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