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Posts posted by smnolimits43

  1. I just wanted to thank you for posting these builds.  I used your Inv/SS Tank build.  I find the only thing i can't seem to do is farm with him.  That doesn't really bother me though, since i like to team.

  2. So i've been watching old movies on Tubi, and came across the American Ninja.  I'm not sure of a name yet.  I was wondering if you would make a Scrapper, Stalker or Blaster. Scrapper would be Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu.  Blaster would be Archery/Ninja.  As for Stalker probably Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu as well.  Although i'm considering dual boxing.  

  3. How do Astral and Emperiam (is that how its spelled) merits work ??  Do they need to be converted to normal merits ??  Where and What can they be used for ??


    P.S.  I hope this is the right section for this post, wasn't sure, and Thanks in Advance.

  4. So on any given day, i'm working on ten different alts.  I just watched a new Power Ranger movie.  My character's name is Bodan Ranger.  Obviously he's going to be a MA scrapper, but i can't figure out what secondary i want.  What would you guys choose ??

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