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Posts posted by thunderforce

  1. 2 hours ago, SurfD said:

    Why though?  I mean, the "Inactive" contact list already exists.  This is where all of your unlocked contacts go when you out level them.  Literally the only difference would be that now, when you hit that call button on them they still have their missions available for you, instead of telling you they are too insignificant for you to bother with.

    I'd like to be able to distinguish "inactive" (has nothing) from "inactive" (has only outlevelled missions). Not vital, and slapping them all in inactive (perhaps sorting the ones who have nothing to the bottom) might be the easiest option.

  2. 22 hours ago, ArchVileTerror said:

    If you out-level an Arc to the point where you don't get Inf or Experience from it, does the conclusion of the Arc still award the Merits?  If not, then there really isn't any metagame reason I can see to reasonably deny this request.

    It does. I don't really see that that's exploitable, though, because you can only do this once per contact+arc pair. If I wanted to farm merits, I'd get some friends with Mission and Team Teleporters and run through Dr Q (it can be done _really_ quickly, especially if someone goes ahead to the location of the next hunt and Assembles the Team as soon as it's up), not leave all my contacts to age so I can collect their merits slightly more quickly at the cost of not getting any XP/inf.


    I do agree there's an issue with the interface; there has to be some way to switch the view of these outlevelled contacts on (and off again).

    • Thanks 1
  3. TBH, I agree with the OP. I much prefer the Rikti zone invasions as they normally work - they come up infrequently enough to be novel, there's a bit of connection to what other players are doing (because you know someone just did LGTF), it's easy to get a team for the badges because of the event being infrequent. Now half the time it's just a nuisance when you're trying to do something else. I'd a similar gripe with how Nemesis invades half the city at once and drops about a hundred messages in Zone Events.

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  4. Max (DA contact) in the initial contact dialogue says "As I'm sure you know, Malta is fully equipped to deal with most super human situations" - "superhuman". "Our intel shows that the Knives of Vengeance transform former members of the Knives of Artemis within their training grounds, located in a discrete location in Tibet" - "discreet". "It would be incredibly difficult for someone, even an Incarnate class super like yourself to get in there. Which is why I have this proposal." - "It would be incredibly difficult for someone, even an Incarnate class super like yourself, to get in there; which is why I have this proposal." "Three important members of Malta, Gyrfalcon, Director 11, and Slinger, all have detailed information on the training grounds." - suggest hyphens before "Gyrfalcon" and after "Slinger".

  5. Heather Townshend, "Investigate the Tsoo": there's an NPC named "Hua Tov" at the entrance who you can talk to to avoid a fight. If you do, you get a clue saying "You were able to end things peacefully with Huab Tais". His name has changed.


    NPC dlalogue box in "Save Kadabra Kill and Sigil", a reply offered is "Just take Kadabra's Life". Spurious capital L.

  6. The Dark Watcher, first mission: "[NPC] Fake Nemesis: The Sentence is death! To be carried out immediately!" - spurious capital S.


    Third mission, compass hint: "2 Collect automaton remains". Better as "2 automaton remains to collect".


    Clue says "From the drawings, you can see it all laid out: plans for dimensional exploration that lead Nemesis to find the Rikti homeworld, the first schematics of the Freedom Phalanx automatons, and force deployments for using the imposters to attack the Rikti homeworld in a wave of terror. Even his projections for the points the Rikti would-be counter-attack, and Nemesis Army rallying points." The plans "led" Nemesis to find the Rikti homeworld, past tense. "Even his projections for the points the Rikti would counter-attack, and for Nemesis Army rallying points."


    Dark Watcher's final mission: "Disrupt the Homeworld portal itself, that will make a massive transit ..." - semicolon.

  7. Gaussian's first mission: "One of the Sword teams I suspect was in the vicinity, lead by Captain Flint". "Led". We get a clue in this mission: "If you weren't a member of Vanguard, this Cipher would take serious effort to decode. But with your training, it only takes a few moments to read the names of the negotiators and diplomats this squad has been assigned to murder." Spurious capital on "cipher", suggest "But with" should be "However, with".


    Gaussian's second mission, a clue: "He was definitely killed by Vanguard weapons, from behind at close range". The commma is spurious.


    The ongoing clue that becomes the souvenir can't decide if it's "diplomat" or "Diplomat". The capital is spurious.


    Fourth mission, "Racer's remains" clue - "opting to die rather than reveal his secrets to Longbow... Or you." Spurious capital O.


    Gaussian's final mission briefing: "This is the Renegade's last push" ... "defeat the Renegade's leader". "Renegades" plural, so the apostrophe should be after the 's'.


    In-mission: "You have destroyed the disrupter before it could be used."" Spurious double quote.

  8. The PTS is covered in signs about "TRESSPASSING". (More difficult to fix since it needs the art changed.)


    Serpent Drummer Part Five: "I will run this by Mr Decker, we should know the contents soon" - semicolon.

  9. Serpent Drummer's third mission, a clue ("Hro'Dtohz: Invincible!") tells us "the raid leader passed out after he'd said his peace, and you're left wondering" - "piece", and should be "you were left wondering" so the clue isn't in confused tenses.



  10. 7 hours ago, Errants said:

    Additionally, you and they are almost arguing the same point. They aren't arguing for Trolls to be a viable level 50 faction, they're just offering that it'd be useful (from a story perspective) if you could start a brand new arc above the range, run it at your native level (not the arc's), and just blast through it for the story. I think that part of the technical issues there would be how to address mission completion/end of arc rewards - do they also get out-leveled into oblivion?

    And, of course, the OP didn't suggest that Trolls be made a viable level 50 faction (etc), making this nonsense about level scaling completely irrelevant. SwitchFade's made up a suggestion that wasn't put forward so they can argue with it; odd, for someone who bangs on about straw men.


    Arc rewards already get outlevelled to oblivion if you start an arc and leave it for a long time. I don't see any problem there; the purpose of the proposed feature is to let you do the content, not to let you grind XP while you're doing it.

  11. 50 minutes ago, SwitchFade said:

    Further, as I previously stated, there is a converse case where some story arcs allow completion, albeit outleveled; which is FURTHER evidence.

    All (not "some") story arcs allow completion if you've started them. There's no technical reason to stop people starting them and fighting greys. Your comment remains nonsense; no level scaling is necessary.

    • Like 1
  12. 21 hours ago, SwitchFade said:

    The sum is, the game does not have the architecture for this and the time necessary to actually do this would be prohibitive. Not only that, it would mean changing more than you would think, resulting in the inevitable issues and bugs.

    This whole comment is obvious nonsense. It's already the case that if you've started (say) Julius the Troll's arc, you get to finish it, even if you're level 50 and steamrollering greys. There is obviously no particular technical barrier to letting you start it at level 50 so you can steamroller greys.

    • Like 1
  13. 16 hours ago, thunderforce said:

    In the next mission ("Find Key of Destruction"), "[NPC] Dr. Phorrester: You may destroy this body, but know that the Circle of Thorns already posses the last keystones!" - "posses" is misspelled, and this raises another question (albeit a bit out of scope for typos); the mission entry popup says "The shadows of Oranbega press in all around you."

    I'm even more sure this is an error now I get to Find Key of Madness, which has the same entry popup but is in Oranbega where it actually makes sense.


    These key missions all had 4 simultaneous glowies on live. The SCORE-era elimination of simultaneous glowies has an unfortunate side effect where you get the clue when you click the first glowie. I submit the clue should be got when you click the last one.


    After you defeat Baphomet, Faathim tells you the whole verse in a debrief. He says "The tale you found is true, and in it's full form reads as thus:" - "it's" is wrong (and "as thus" is clumsy, but maybe it's what he said). The first verse begins immediately after "thus:", with no carriage return. "This great undertaking nears it's conclusion" - "its". "is all of your strenght spent" - "strength".


    "Use key on Monument of Madness" is not subtitled "The Storm Palace", as one would expect for an out-of-zone mission. Nor is "Use key on Monument of Anger". (I suspect neither are the others, but it stopped being practical to nip back to the Chantry between them).


    And that's it. All SSTFs soloed back to back and a rich vein of typos mined.

  14. 11 hours ago, Cinnder said:

    With respect, I don't post here to solicit the opinion of other forumites.

    Understood. When your reports appear to be in error, I will comment to that effect for the attention of anyone fixing them, but won't engage you in further discussion.

  15. Back to SSTF #4, in Defeat Mother Mayhem and activate key: "[NPC] Warhulk: You will bow to Praetor Tilman" lacks a full stop or exclamation mark, and for some reason it's particularly jarring.


    (Oddly, Mother Mayhem has her post-GR appearance, but Malaise does not.)


    In a debrief after the 4th key (Hatred), Faathim says "They are wrong. Rularuu knows no allies but Rularuu. In their ignorance, these Rikti could present a great threat" - missing full stop. Then in the briefing he says "There is another presence in the Lock of Destruction, that worries me, but they Rikti will have the Key of Fury soon" - "they" should be "the". On entry, popup says "These caverns a silent, save for the faint hum of alien machinery" - "are silent", full stop.


    After the 6th key (Destruction), Faathim says "The Key of Destrutction, and I believe also the Key of Madness have both been taken back to your world." "Destruction" is misspelled, and this is mispunctuated. Suggest "The Key of Destruction and, I believe, also the Key of Madness ...". Then "I fear that something is using them to it's own advantage, and could wreak havoc upon us all" - good old "its"/"it's" again.


    In the next mission ("Find Key of Destruction"), "[NPC] Dr. Phorrester: You may destroy this body, but know that the Circle of Thorns already posses the last keystones!" - "posses" is misspelled, and this raises another question (albeit a bit out of scope for typos); the mission entry popup says "The shadows of Oranbega press in all around you." Now, at that point I had no idea I was doing anything but fighting Malta on a tech map - if the shadows of Oranbega do press in, shouldn't I find it slightly more remarkable? As it is, the popup reads a bit like me saying "huh, well, seems legit" when it's very suspicious.


    You're sent to speak to Azuria, who mentioned the "Cirlce of Thorns" "possesing" scientists, surprise at "the things I forsee" (foresee), and that she "can not imagine why" (cannot).

  16. On 8/22/2019 at 4:30 AM, Robotech_Master said:

    Empyrean Merits have more conversion options, though. You can convert one of them to 20 Threads—or you can convert 8 of them to a Rare component or 30 to a Very Rare component.


    You can, if you choose, apply the methods of gaining Thread-based stuff that I’ll cover in a later section for the other Incarnate power slots, and build the Alpha out of them, too. But I would tend to recommend using Shards as much as possible for the Alpha.

    I've two suggestions based on these sections of the guide.


    I think it is worth mentioning if you make your Rares or Very Rares with components, it costs substantial quantities of inf, but if you make them with Empyreans, it's free - and each Empyrean goes to make substantially more than 20 threadsworth of stuff. Unless I'm missing something, converting Empyreans to threads is a mug's game, and perhaps the reader should be warned of this.


    When I read the second part, learning about this for the first time, I interpreted it as "expect to build most or all of your Alpha with shards". Only later did it become clear, from the drop rate, it means something more like "if you happen to have enough shards to build a bit of your Alpha, use them up". I submit this could be made more clear.

    • Like 1
  17. Praetor White, at the end of his arc, says "We've got clockwork set on cutting through the cell doors to free the scientists they sealed in the labs below." "Clockwork" is capitalised, since it's the name of a group.


    Chief Interrogator Washington's first mission: "Over the last few days Corporate CEOs have been winding up dead." Spurious capital on "corporate". "Thanks to the unique murder method; a mono-wire garrote" - semicolon should be a comma.


    Second mission: "We're not waiting for the seers to report a disturbance, I want you to go in and bring him into our custody now, for his own protection." With a pleasing symmetry, the comma after "disturbance" should be a semicolon.

  18. 7 hours ago, Cinnder said:

    Might be a common error, but it means the exact opposite of what is intended.  If he could care less, then he must care more than not at all.

    AFAICT that is fairly conventional usage in American English, ugly and strange as the expression appears. It doesn't always help to look at the literal meaning of an idiom; the response to "How do you do?" is never "How do I do what?"


    Lady of Storms badge, Storm Palace: "So few have come as far, so many have fallen in the attempt that you deserve to be recognized as a master ...": the comma should be an "and".


    Eve of Destruction badge, Storm Palace: "You have suffered countless indignities, have had your body and mind abused and violated and the time of reckoning is here": insert a comma after "violated".

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