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Posts posted by thunderforce

  1. Enriched Plutonium salvage: "Uranium that has been enriched into a weapons-grade Plutonium." Spurious capital P. Spurious "a". Also, that's not how uranium enrichment works, but that might be a bit beyond the scope of typo-fixing.

    • Haha 1
  2. Jenkins is a rich vein of typos. In "Purge software", Bobcat says "Yes Praetor Berry, I will ensure that the software remains safe" - missing comma after "Yes". Serpent Drummer says "We should go see Tina Macintyre to and see if she has any ideas on what your next move might be". Not sure what "to and see" was meant to be. "You have purged the file, no more copies exist in Praetoria" - semicolon would be better than a comma here, but also the next mission (against Neuron) has me deleting another copy.


    Next mission:

    "You have purged the file, this looks to be the last remnants of Vanguard's software" - suggest "the file; that appeared to be". Semicolon, and past tense.

    "Even with my defeat, you can not win!" Suggest "cannot".

    Debrief; Jenkins says "we defintely don't need it to be a surprise". "Definitely" is misspelled.


    In Warrior Earth:

    Champions of all types have a description that refers to "War Earth". "You have recovered the Dimensional Resonator, you need to return this to Tina Macintyre." Semicolon, and you aren't returning it to her because she never had it.


    Tina says "I wonder why they were setting this up on Warrior Earth though?" - comma before "though". "With those Resonators in place, Emperor Cole will be pleased" lacks a full stop.


    "She created it using similar methods that the Midnight Squad created the Shadow Shard to imprison Rulaaru" - "similar methods to those that the Midnight Squad used to create the Shadow Shard to imprison Rulaaru."


    Much later, when you go to fight Infernal: "She's bound to him and has no free will of her own, if she's involved then Emperor Cole is defintely pulling the strings. The Praetorian Infernal acts as her bodyguard on occassion, if they have Positron, it's going to be a tough fight. I need you to get to Infernal's Lair and see if they have him.  Infernal keeps his lair in the tunnels system under Praetoria. You'll likely encounter Resistance as well, and they tend to shoot first and ask questions later." Semicolon after "no free will of her own". "occasion" is misspelled, and also wants a semicolon not a comma after it.


    In the mission where you fight Diabolique, her description is a rather minimalist ".".


    "Dominatrix: I've been to your world, it needs a bit more Emperor Cole in my opinion!" Suggest "I've been to your world; in my opinion, it needs a bit more Emperor Cole!", but in any case the punctuation needs corrected.

  3. Sorry to multipost - can't edit. When I say "insturmental" was reported elsewhere in this thread, I mean in a different bit of Jenkins' arc. I'm not (intentionally) reporting stuff that's already known.

  4. Maria then says the scanners "kept us aprised of the situation in Praetoria". Should be "apprised". (This forum has the bug where sometimes editing a post fails with the cryptic error "REQUIRED".)

  5. Maria Jenkins, A Hero's Epic Part One. "By now you know, Praetoria and it's tyrannical Emperor". Its/It's confusion, and that comma doesn't look right to me either. Suggest "By now you know that Praetoria"... Also, "Several heroes, including yourself, have been insturmental" - typo for instrumental (also reported elsewhere in this thread). "these villains can not be contained", suggest "cannot".


    "Chimera had on his person the motherboard to the off-line scanner" (clue received after beating him). This sentence structure is ghastly. Suggest "Chimera had the motherboard for the offline scanner on his person".

  6. Chief Interrogator Washington, Finale: Wolf in a Wool Suit: "Mrs. Swift has taken her interrogation very well, she's already provided me with some intriguing information, namely that she isn't the only member of the Syndicate in this curious case." Comma soup. Suggest a full stop or semicolon after "very well".

  7. 11 hours ago, Apparition said:

    It's been attempted three times before, including once by myself.  None ever got off the ground.  Mine didn't because it was strongly alluded to a few weeks after starting that Homecoming was working on their own Wiki. 

    I think a year later we might conclude that's less likely than it seemed.

  8. 19 hours ago, Redlynne said:

    Expense is relative.  You're paying for the expense "once" per build.

    At most you're spending 50-100 Merits to buy from the Merit Vendor ... or spending INF to either buy the recipe or the enhancement from the market.

    However, once you have them, they last the lifetime of the character.

    But don't buy with merits and don't buy recipes. Buy attuned enhancements.

    19 hours ago, Strawberry said:

    I mean I 100% feel you, but I was asking for any advice or solutions before that point. Even 1 million influence is a LOOONNNGGG time away and some of these sell for ~20 million for one.

    I doubt 1 million is a long way away. It's two pieces of orange salvage. I'm willing to bet at level 30 you've had considerably more than two orange salvage drops.

  9. Summer Blockbuster, when the Grifter is trying to get all the words of the passphrase, if you pick the first magazine Ted Dubois mentions the casino's "ammenities" twice. One of the dialogue options for you also mis-spells the word. Furthermore I think you are offered an opportunity to "Make Ammends" to Sylvia.

  10. I've been thinking for a while it would be desirable to fork the Paragon Wiki into one specifically for Homecoming. Especially, it would be a good idea to do it before some (well-intentioned) person lumps us with Wikia again.


    I could easily arrange hosting, but I am basically skint and would have to solicit donations for the hosting costs (I expect they'd be very modest, but even so, I've more time than money.) However, I don't know if the HC team would be keen on something like this being ran by a random user outside of their control.


    I would hope the Titan Forums people would think this a good idea, to reduce the number of HC-specific edits being wrongly made to Paragon Wiki, and so would be happy to provide a dump of the underlying database. If not, it would still be straightforward to copy the whole thing (but it would lose the edit history). User pages and the like would have to be removed, perhaps reviewing them for the occasional guide that just happens to be in user space.


    Ideally updates to Paragon Wiki would be considered (there aren't a lot, 1-2 a day, typically) and copied across when desirable. I would hope this could be done with a tool like git cherry-pick rather than by hand.



  11. 2 hours ago, Apparition said:

    Dual Pistols does a lot more damage with Incendiary rounds than with standard.

    Aha. On looking in Mids, am I right in thinking the DoT from fire is just gravy - as in, the upfront damage is (modulo resistances) no less than with other rounds, and the DoT's just a bonus?

    1 hour ago, Bopper said:

    Swap Ammo is great. For one, it gets rid of the knockback from your Standard Ammo

    I often team with friends where we have a general agreement that knockback is hilariously awesome and there should be more of it, but that's handy to know, thanks. 🙂

    • Like 1
  12. I've made a DP/Sonic corruptor, and just respecced into Swap Ammo at 18 because it seems kind of a pity not to have it. But when and why should it be used? I hope it's not just a matter of memorising a vast list of who's weak against what.


    Chemical's -damage and Ice's -Defense seem like good things to have when I'm trying to pretend to be a defender and keep people alive, but which? Fire's DoT... eh, I'd rather do damage up front, but perhaps I'm missing something. And how do I deal with Suppressive Fire not knowing if it's a stun or a hold (should I always be using an ammo type so it's always a hold? Just stuff it full of procs and accuracy?)


    I'd appreciate any advice you can give me.

  13. 55 minutes ago, golstat2003 said:

    You don't have to like inventions. But the fact is the devs at the time could not make content fast enough to keep people paying and playing. Inventions helped with that.

    This is a rather different fact compared to the last supposed fact, and - is that true compared to whatever they could have done instead of the invention system? I don't know that, and neither do you.

  14. Arc ID: 25717

    Length: 3 missions

    Level Range: 33-54

    Morality: Heroic

    Keywords: Solo Friendly, Comedy, Romance

    Warnings: I think I'm less funny than I think I am.

    Description: Azuria has become aware of the plight of Turndown Girl, endlessly rejecting Desperate Guy. Help her resolve the situation... while occasionally breaking the fourth wall and punching the Fifth Column.

  15. On 3/4/2020 at 10:47 PM, GastlyGibus said:

    Arc ID: 19492

    Description: Attention, all "destined ones;' Due to the rapid influx of prisoners

    They are canonically "Destined Ones", not "destinied ones"; the quote around it has incorrectly enclosed a semicolon; the quotes are mismatched; the "due" following it has a spurious capital letter.


    I'm afraid if I review something, I proofread it.


    I played this as a Night Widow (obviously, exemplared down to 20). This made it easier than it might have been were I in the level range. I stealthed or cleared on a whim, which is how I normally play her.


    Briefing: I'm not sure why I'm ERROR: NAME NOT FOUND (let alone why he can talk in bright red). Perhaps it'll become clear.


    First mission: I appreciate Clockwork are unusual in the Rogue Isles, but I slightly felt I was being built up to expect something more unusual. Stealthed.


    Ah, it has become clear, now I think to look at my clues. OK, that's interesting. I hope something more is going to be made of this than just "well, it's buggy".


    Second mission (stealthed): "[NPC] Longbow Minigun: Me neither. Arachnos scares me." This is not normal for Longbow. Now, if later in the arc it turns out there's a reason, that'll be satisfying. (After completion; I feel this was an opportunity to give an additional clue based on how odd you thought that was.)

    I'd prefer it if Captain Baker had been always shown as an objective, but I guess you want to chain the lot to avoid me getting "Investigate further" before finishing the bombs. Suggest the main mission description could be changed from "Destroy the Longbow base" to "Defeat Longbow base commander, destroy base" or something similar, to make it clear there's a boss+guards.

    I do like objectives revealed mid-mission, in moderation, but "Investigate further" led me to expect a glowie, not a boss. Perhaps the clue could hint at an enemy to defeat?


    Third mission briefing: are the Snakes really "supernatural"? Their origins might be a bit, but I sort of expect people in City of X to have a much higher standard for what counts as supernatural, given psychic powers and fireball-flingers are everyday things. Also, the Rogue Isles "are" full of them. I doubt Arachnos has deemed it "sufficient" - "desirable"? "necessary"? Spurious capital in "Destroy".

    Cleared the third mission. Some good NPC dialogue. However, here I have the opposite problem - when I plant the bomb it tells me the AE system is not letting me leave, but I have a whole list of objectives. The contact even told me about the operative to rescue in advance.

    Reynard is level 10 for some reason (unfortunate choice of NPC type?) so I'm glad I found him last because he would have had a serious glass jaw. More generally I personally would suggest not using an escort-out if an ordinary hostage will tell the same story.

    It is during this mission I guessed what the plot was going to be.


    Exit popup - "test," wrongly encloses a comma.


    Fourth mission (stealthed): "Future Force," also has eaten a comma in a clue. Also, I appreciate you work with the map tiles that exist, but this is a nice-looking office and obviously not covered in slime. "I think I might have made an error guys" is missing a comma. One of the glowies seems to take a looooong time to collect. "Captain Vensworth," and "Bait and Switch,", same problem. The Altering Tether is just marked as one of the 5 clues, which again has the glowie/defeat confusion (this may seem trivial, but in the regular game the compass instructions are almost always accurate, even if that lets you peek ahead a bit with instructions like "1 device to destroy").

    "[NPC] Captain Vensworth: You know, I expected more from a Arachnos Widow. Guess the briefings were wrong" is an odd thing to say when I've just yoinked off half his hitpoints. Is this perhaps meant to be dialogue on defeating me? Also, one of his guards ended up far enough away not to notice me in that fight, which increased the vexation of not being told this clue was a boss+guards.

    I'm slightly confused at the end of this mission. If the device I pulled from Captain Vensworth is all I need, what's the Altering Tether for? (And why does its clue call it a "Portal Tether"?)


    Fifth mission briefing: I think either one wipes out all the Longbow operatives, or one kills (or defeats, etc) every last Longbow operative. You don't generally wipe out a singular entity. It's a timed mission; the plot doesn't justify making it a timed mission, IMHO.

    I can live with one or two, but being given four bosses to kill in the objectives seems a bit overkill when it's a defeat-all. IIRC, compass text for defeat objectives is optional. I could be wrong.

    The real Longbow, who we are fighting now, don't talk about crisps. This is not consistent with their existing characterisation. This joke could be put in as a clue where you wonder if they're really that po-faced all the time, don't they ever just sit back and eat crisps?

    Future Force was much easier for me to beat than Warp Shot. This might just be a lucky matchup of powers for me, but I don't see the problem with making her an EB. She says "...  With you going back into a cell!" - the capital W is spurious since this is part of her previous sentence. I'm afraid her corpse despawned before I could read her bio, but I found it odd that she is supposedly a member of Longbow but has a different appearance and uses a weapon Longbow don't use. (Warp Shot's bio neatly explains how he mixes up the usual procession of red and white.)


    I laughed at "As you return from your excursion into the real world, back into... well, the real world". I did not like the last "maybe it was all a dream" paragraph. I have "better things to do anyway", not "anyways".


    I gave this three stars. It's perfectly satisfactory with no particularly serious problems, but I think it could be improved. In particular, I think the same plot could easily fit into four missions, which would tighten things up considerably. It does follow a well-established and sensible structure for a City plot; you start on a routine assignment, a mystery emerges, it turns out to be a heroic/villainous plot, you go and give whoever's plot it is a good kicking.

  16. In the "To Save a Soul" arc, you get a clue called "Nathan Crane's soul". This refers to "the Carnival mistress" and "the Carnival Mistress". This should be capitalised consistently.


    Later in that arc (in a defeat-all):

    [NPC] Harlequin Fencer: We've got to find those tomes before $name does.
    [NPC] Attendant: We can't have him learning the truth.


    "Him" is incorrect; it should presumably use the normal facility for picking a word based on the character's gender.


    Same mission: "You found a book called, 'Introduction to Sanskrit.'" - floating comma. Also in books called "Newt: Pickled, Fried, and Fricasseed" and "Know Your Demons".


    Later in the arc: "There bones were covered with Cadao's rare herb!". Should be "these".


    (Not really a typo, but this arc is kind of malformed in that on two occasions you're sent to Cadao Kestrel twice in a row, which reads oddly since in all probability you went to him once then phoned it in, only to be told by the contact that in the last 0.5 seconds he's decided he wants to see you again and inexplicably decided to communicate this to you via the contact (who he knows has been brainslugged by the Carnival) even though you're standing right there.)


    First mission of Posi 2, the compass tip says:

    2 Pieces of evidence to find, 'Retrieve' information from Constructor"

    The double quote at the end is spurious.

  17. 14 hours ago, golstat2003 said:

    Without IOs the game would have died a whole lot sooner. There is no way around that fact.

    That's not a fact; it's sheer guesswork, especially given that we have no way of knowing what a like amount of development effort elsewhere could have produced. It might even have removed the "SO process of having to replace your enhancements every few levels" - like Homecoming is doing with volunteer developers.


    I don't suppose we could skip the bit where everyone who likes Inventions tells me they like Inventions (which I know; I acknowledge above that the vast majority of the existing playerbase like Inventions), tells me that I'm wrong for not liking Inventions (de gustibus non est disputandum, and all that), and rejects angrily the suggestion of removing them (which I didn't make)?

    • Like 1
  18. 10 hours ago, Greycat said:

    Ehhhhh.... point of view. For the most part I agree. I don't really like what's happened with a lot of it, seeing it as power creep that could have been nipped in the bud, but it's the way the game is now - and honestly, doesn't affect me for the most part. Other than annoyance at people thinking anything without perma-everything is unplayable.


    For some things, though - and they're admittedly a small part of the game - I'd agree they were ruined. Sort of. PVP zones are generally empty - at least when they were newish and up through the i13 changes, the zones could still be entered and experimented with by a casual player. Now, between a dedicated PVPer having an IO build and powers not working the same way, there's a bar to competing in the zones.

    I agree too; I play the game we have, but I thought the game was best in terms of in-mission gameplay between ED and IOs, and particularly it's absurd to say the pre-IO game was "shitty"; it's a game I, and many others, enjoyed for years. There was a noticeable transition between pre-Inventions where you sometimes had to think about the current situation when teaming, and post-Inventions where you just had to know how to play your character - let alone now where big teams steamroll everything. I would at most have introduced a small number of specific special enhancements like modest knockback protection for squishies.


    Of course, I recognise that ship has sailed. Players who feel like me are much less likely to have kept on playing the game, so the majority of the playerbase at shutdown - and now - likes the Invention system.


    You're quite right about the effect on PVP, especially on live with brutally expensive PVP-Os. It's as if for every thousand chess games you played, you got to start with an extra pawn. (Indeed, the situation in Go is the opposite - you get extra stones against the master, to make for a more interesting game). The benefit of experience should be experience; no-one wants to stick their toe in when the game mechanics themselves are tilted against them.


    This got a lot of pushback from the people who had ground out PVP builds, but it's still true. No-one likes to play when there's effectively no chance to win. I'd have done the opposite - a dedicated "PVP build" slot always active in PVP zones, and enhancements and respecs for it are free or dirt cheap.

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