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Posts posted by Trickshooter

  1. 9 minutes ago, FupDup said:

    I might be able to be persuaded on this if the def/res breakdown were changed to make it play/build a lot more differently from Energy Aura as it stands now. Ice Armor already being similar to Energy Aura only reinforces the need for more distinction here. 


    That... is a fair judgment that I brought on myself.


    10 minutes ago, FupDup said:

    Maybe this could be stronger typed defenses with weaker resists, go the other way with stronger resists but weaker typed defenses (too similar to Invuln then?), maybe go full potato and make the defenses positional instead. I also don't think it needs the Density Field debuff aura as it stands, not just to reduce overlap but also because Forcefields are normally associated with self-protection rather than offense (the Force Recoil aura can stay because that's more unique). 


    I actually originally had the taunt aura as Force Spikes, but then I realized that was just Icicles lol I do want the taunt aura to be something that affects the enemy in some way and also something that benefits Force Recoil, so the set has synergy with itself. I'm for sure open to trying other things. I'm also hesitant to add more defense as the base defense from the toggles is already the same base value as the SR toggles.

  2. 14 minutes ago, megaericzero said:

    Count me in on the opinion that Energy Aura could get there by having Force Field's visuals, though I do want to express:

    1) Full points for fleshing out an entire set. It has its own feel in the reverse-Hand Clap and tier 9 powers. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing this set added.

    2) Thank you for recycling Force Field's shields' names, including the internal name for Detention Field's icon - Refraction Shield. It shows a high level of care, attention to detail, research and love for the parent set.


    I do understand the Energy Aura thing, I promise lol


    Thank you, though! Armor sets tend to check a lot of the same boxes (multiple toggles that cover the damage types, mez protection, some auto powers), so I was trying to find a distinctive playstyle in those utility powers. I know KB is kind of one of the signature features of Force Field, but also that no one would really want that in an armor set, so I tried to find a way to include the effect that was also useful for melee fighters, but also had some benefit to the powerset it was in (in this case, I thought it was a useful way to pull foes in to your taunt aura and get that defense buff from having enemies nearby).


    The reusing of the Force Field shield names was also kind of a nod to the Thermal set doing something similar. Both its shields are named after the similar shield in Fiery Aura (only internally for Thermal Shield though). It's actually kind of funny if you put Thermal Shield on a Fiery Aura user, the buff icons stack because of it.

  3. 16 minutes ago, FupDup said:

    Not really? In terms of gameplay, WP was meant as a more balanced and passive version of Regen, but it fills an entirely different theme/concept. Regen is Wolverine or Deadpool, Willpower is Batman. 


    For Energy Aura vs Forcefield Armor, forcefields are pretty much a bubble of energy projected around the user. That Density Field power you suggested that slows enemy rech and spd is also a bit similar to Eng's Entrophic Aura power (which only provides -rech to enemies). And it's still a typed defense armor set with moderate resistance, which is again similar to Energy Aura. 


    I'm not trying to poopoo on you or your ideas, I'm just saying that something we have now is very close to what you're asking for. If the HC team were to add alternate FX to Energy Aura, it would fit the fantasy/theme of a Forcefield Armor set very accurately. 


    Kinetic Melee vs Energy Melee, then? Savage Melee vs Claws? We have several powersets that are distinctive from each other in terms of concept and gameplay. That doesn't mean they're not similar visually and/or functionally. I mean, functionally Ice Armor and Energy Aura are pretty similar themselves. Typed defense sets with some resistance to most damage types, a slow taunt aura, an end drain that also buffs defense, a self heal... (yes, I know Energy Aura was kind of an Ice Armor replacement redside, but still).


    I understand, I do, and I'm not against adding force field graphics to Energy Aura and calling it a day, but I'd rather it be distinct and not just vague energy themed. I want McDonalds, not a sandwich mom!


    I'm not taking it personally or anything, but it was disheartening to put a lot of thought in to this suggestion and have the first response be like, "but energy aura" lol

    • Like 1
  4. 36 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Energy Aura is basically what you are talking about. It even includes bubbles. (Edit: Kinetic Shield, Power Shield, Energy Drain, and Overload have bubble effects that go transparent with a lingering filler field.)


    No, it's not, but thank you.



    36 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    (Edit again: And it uses both defense and resists.)


    To be fair, almost all the defense sets are a combination of defense and resistance, except maybe Ninjitsu. Even SR has passive damage resistance as they take damage!

  5. 4 minutes ago, FupDup said:

    My opinion on a Forcefield Armor is that Energy Aura already fills a very similar theme. Just look at the power names it has: Dampening Field, Kinetic Shield, Power Shield...The only thing missing is alternate FX for bubbles. Add that option and we've got Forcefield Armor at home. 


    The kind of thinking that would have prevented Willpower from being made.

  6. I understand that the ability to make force fields is a classic comic book power, and I do like that powerset in this game.


    HOWEVER... I've always felt that this game was really missing force fields as an armor powerset. Plenty of characters in comics have force fields, or at least can create force fields through some means (Magneto, Jean Grey, Invisible Woman, etc.), but I wouldn't describe their powerset as being 'Force Fields' (except maybe Invisible Woman). Some characters only have one around themselves that they can manipulate, like Unus the Untouchable, Skids, Cecilia Reyes, Armor, etc. This version of Force Fields, which I'm calling Force Shield to differentiate, is one I've wanted to see in CoX for some time.


    This is my first attempt at designing an armor powerset, so numbers might be off, but I really tried to make it fit alongside the other sets. Numbers are all for Tankers. For those that don't want to read all those numbers, here are the below defensive values on just SOs at level 50:


    ~28.86% Defense(All) without Density Field / ~32.76% Defense(All) with Density Field

    ~19.5% Resistance(All)

    43.25% Defense Debuff Resistance


    Anyway, enjoy!


    Force Shield
    You wrap yourself in protective force shields that deflect nearly all forms of damage and soften the blow of most attacks that break through your defenses. Additionally, you can somewhat manipulate your forcefield offensively against foes. Force Shield offers defense and some resistance against just about all types of damage and debuffs, but has no direct Heal.


    DeflectionField.png.04759bc9616069ff9b0836a79bb027cd.png Deflection Shield

    Your force field defends you against the kinetic impact of Smashing and Lethal damage attacks. It also offers some resistance against debuffs to defense and protects you from Stun and Hold effects.


    Toggle Self: +Def(Smash, Lethal) +Res(DefDebuff, Stun, Hold)


    18.5% Defense(Smashing)
    18.5% Defense(Lethal)
    21.625% Resistance(DefenseDebuff)
    -12.975 Protection(Stun)
    -12.975 Protection(Hold)

    Recharge: 2s

    Endurance: 0.26/s



    KineticBarrier.png.2c769ae8cba171fdafbc820a5c8e7de0.png Kinetic Barrier

    Activation of your force field is somewhat subconcious, and even while not actively being used it will soften the kinetic impact of some attacks, effectively increasing your Resistance to Smashing and Lethal attacks, increasing your Max HP, and protectimg you from Knockback effects. It also offers some resistance against debuffs to defense.


    Auto Self: +Res(Smash, Lethal, Knockback, DefDebuff) +MaxHP


    12.5% Resistance(Smashing)
    12.5% Resistance(Lethal)
    -10 Protection(Knockback)
    -10 Protection(Knockup)
    21.625% Resistance(DefenseDebuff)
    187.4 Maximum HitPoints



    InsulationField.png.426f26848d3cf751ee256af766556714.png Insulation Shield

    Your force field provides a stable environment inside that protects you from toxins and temperature extremes, defending you from Fire, Cold and Toxic damage attacks. It also offers protection from Immobilization effects and some resistance to Regeneration debuff effects.


    Toggle Self: +Def(Fire, Cold, Toxic) +Res(Immobilize, RegenDebuff)


    18.5% Defense(Fire)
    18.5% Defense(Cold)
    18.5% Defense(Toxic)
    -12.975 Protection(Immobilize)
    20% Resistance(Regeneration)


    Recharge: 2s

    Endurance: 0.26/s



    AbductionField.png.0cf51d31dd372e92baba98dadb8e9292.png Force Recoil

    You manipulate your force field to extend outwards and then violently retract. Nearby foes will be pulled towards you, knocked to their feet and may be stunned.


    Click Foe: 'Reverse Repel' Knockdown Stun (Mag 2) Taunt


    Mag 1.0 Reverse Repel
    0.67 KnockDown
    9.536s Stun (Mag 2)
    14.96s Taunt (Mag 4)


    Recharge: 30s

    Endurance: 10.4

    Radius: 15 ft

    Max Targets: 10



    RefractionField.png.6ec0849ba33d263c5bca9599da3b015d.png Refraction Shield

    Your forcefield refracts energies and disrupts psionics, defending you from Energy, Negative Energy and Psionic damage attacks. It also offers some resistance to debuffs to Recovery and chance To Hit, as well as Endurance Drain and Sleep effects.


    Toggle Self: +Def(Energy, Negative, Psionic) +Res(EndDrain, RecDebuff, ToHitDebuff, Sleep)


    18.5% Defense(Energy)
    18.5% Defense(Negative Energy)
    18.5% Defense(Psionic)
    43.25% Resistance(EndDrain)
    43.25% Resistance(Recovery)
    43.25% Resistance(ToHit)
    -12.975 Protection(Sleep)


    Recharge: 2s

    Endurance: 0.26/s



    CompactionField.png.cdb66c7933982c9f627d8bf2838e9c01.png Shield Compaction

    You focus on increasing the thickness of your force field, providing damage absorption and some resistance to exotic types of damage for a good while.


    Click Self: +Absorption +Res(Fire, Cold, Toxic, Energy, Negative, Psionic)


    30% MaxHP Absorb
    12.5% Resistance(Fire)
    12.5% Resistance(Cold)
    12.5% Resistance(Energy)
    12.5% Resistance(Negative Energy)
    12.5% Resistance(Toxic)
    12.5% Resistance(Psionic)


    Recharge: 120s
    Duration: 60s

    Endurance: 13



    DensityField.png.c99d58dc48f6ee89ae4c054178b4b8f8.png Density Field

    You project a field with increased density around you that decreases your foes movement and attack rates. With most of your foes slowed, you are more easily able to evade attacks, effectively increasing your defense for each foe affected, though the first foe will give the largest bonus.


    Toggle PBAoE Foe: -Speed -Recharge Taunt, Self +Def(All)


    -80% Speed
    -50% Recharge
    14.96s Taunt (Mag 4)

    0.5% Defense(Smashing) Does not stack
    0.5% Defense(Lethal) Does not stack
    0.5% Defense(Fire) Does not stack
    0.5% Defense(Cold) Does not stack
    0.5% Defense(Energy) Does not stack
    0.5% Defense(Negative Energy) Does not stack
    05% Defense(Psionic) Does not stack
    0.5% Defense(Toxic) Does not stack

    0.2% Defense(Smashing)
    0.2% Defense(Lethal)
    0.2% Defense(Fire)
    0.2% Defense(Cold)
    0.2% Defense(Energy)
    0.2% Defense(Negative Energy)
    0.2% Defense(Psionic)
    0.2% Defense(Toxic)


    Recharge: 4s
    Endurance: 0.26/s

    Radius: 8 ft

    Max Targets: 10



    FrictionBarrier.png.8681131a87a3fd5a09e23b8a4137c291.png Frictionless

    You can easily maintain a thin force field very close to yourself that is partially resistant to friction, allowing you to move and act faster than usual, and leaving you resistant to slows.


    Auto Self: +Recharge +Speed +Res(Slow, RechDebuff) +Def(All)


    20% Recharge
    20% Speed
    40% Resistance(Speed)
    40% Resistance(Recharge)



    ForceSanctuary.png.6cb448448cd058906dd251e7fc55709f.png Force Sanctuary

    You can push your personal force field to its protective limits! Force Sanctuary creates a field around you that increases regeneration and recovery, and protects from many crowd control effects, then expands it out a few feet from yourself, offering the same effects to nearby allies. The strain of this power is too great to use it for long and it will automatically disable after 30 seconds.


    Toggle PBAoE Team +Regen +Recovery +Res(Hold, Sleep, Disorient, Immobilize)


    200% Recovery
    500% Regeneration
    129.75% Resistance(Hold)
    129.75% Resistance(Stun)
    129.75% Resistance(Sleep)
    129.75% Resistance(Immobilize)


    Recharge: 240s

    Endurance: 0.52/s

    Radius: 15 ft

    Max Targets: 255

    • Like 1
  7. 54 minutes ago, Arnabas said:

    There seems to be a growing number of bugs (or at least strange occurrences)  lately. Here's what I am seeing, in case no one else is reporting them:

    1. When running backward, the character doesn't actually run, they just shake like they're having a seizure.

    2. When close to enemies that are shooting at me, the blast (often energy blasts) come from above or the side, instead of from the enemy

    3. Stone Spears in the Earth Assault powerset triggers the attack animation twice each time it's used.

    4. Cryo Freeze Ray (Arsenal Control) typically encases the foe in ice before I fire.


    There are more, but these are the ones I notice most.


    Gonna be honest, these sound mostly like poor connection issues.

    • Thanks 1
  8. So below is the intended chances for the various effects of the Control Hybrid tree.




    But looking at City of Data, those chances for +1 Mag are not accurate. Each Control branch with the +1 Mag ability grants a Global Chance mod that affects any power tagged a 'ControlProc'. The 'chance for damage to a controlled enemy' effects use this tag and are correctly boosted by the Global Chance mod to the percent that is stated in the power description.


    However, all of the +1 Mag effects are tagged 'HybridWeaken', a tag that is not affected by any other power and instead all of the various +1 Mags have a flat 33% chance at all tiers. See below for visual aid of what I'm saying, in case it doesn't make sense.




    Additionally, Control Radial Genome says it has a 35% chance for a mag 2 Fear, but is actually only 30%, and the bonus Stun effect of Radial Embodiment, which is supposed to be a 100% chance if the target is already Feared and Immobilized, is actually only 90%. And for PvP, those qualifiers are missing so you just always have a 90% chance to Stun.

    • Like 3
  9. 20 years later and we still have no antithesis to Dark Miasma. Or any dark sets really, but we're focusing on just one for now.


    Now you might say, "But Trickshooter, it's very easy to just be Empathy/Energy or Empathy/Rad and call it Light powers." And to that I say, nobody asked you.


    I've been cooking up this idea for awhile, but it took many iterations before I was happy with it.


    I hope you guys like it, but if you don't, don't tell me because I will take it personally. Numbers are level 50 Defender numbers.


    Light Affinity
    You can manipulate light to aid your allies or weaken your foes. Light Affinity can heal, deflect assaults, blind or stun foes and more.


    Radiance.png.9707c958092f962f21031bc09db149a0.png Phototherapy

    You radiate healing light all around you. Phototherapy also leaves allies resistant to ToHit and Perception debuffs.


    Click PBAoE Team: Heal, +Res(ToHit, Perc)

    133.86 Heal
    +43.25% Resistance(ToHit, Perception)

    Recharge: 10s
    Duration: 30s

    Endurance: 13
    Animation: 2.03s (Healing Aura)



    CrescentBeam.png.1f6a28a7b61913b669d53836254e4a7d.png Crescent Beam

    You send out a wave of forceful light in an arc, knocking your foes to the ground and leaving them vulnerable, effectively lowering their resistance to damage.


    Click Cone Foe: -Res(All), Knockdown

    -20% Resistance(All)

    0.67 Knockback


    Recharge: 30s
    Duration: 30s

    Endurance: 7.8
    Animation: 1.17s (Transfusion)



    BlindingArc.png.8f9ceadcf748d0e43af2d9f61cf92d7f.png Blinding Arc

    You blind your foes in a wide cone in front of you, lowering their chance to hit and damage potential.


    Click Cone Foe: -ToHit, -Dam(All)

    -12.5% ToHit

    -25% Damage(All)


    Recharge: 60s
    Duration: 30s

    Endurance: 10.4
    Animation: 2.17s (Sonic Siphon)



    VeilOfLight.png.fc88faf65f966a3327a7fe3ea642b0ce.png Veil of Light

    You surround an ally in a veil of light that makes targetting them difficult for your foes, effectively increasing their defense. Veil of Light also provides resistance to many debuffs.


    Click ST Ally: +Def(All), +Res(Def, ToHit, Recovery, Regen, Slow)

    +15% Defense(All)

    +43.25% Resistance(Defense, ToHit, Recovery, Regeneration)

    +20% Resistance(Movement Speed, Recharge)


    Recharge: 60s
    Duration: 120s

    Endurance: 10.4
    Animation: 2.27s (Fortitude)



    Illuminate.png.009ee2b2e3e6063975aaa12b62a0fefe.png Illuminate

    Surround yourself with revealing light that increases the chance to hit and perception of you and your allies attacks. Illuminate will also increase the range of many abilities. Foes within this area of effect will have slightly reduced chances to hit through the blinding light.


    Toggle PBAoE Team: +ToHit, +Perception, +Range, Foe: -ToHit

    +12.5% ToHit

    +432.5 ft Perception Radius

    +15% Range


    -12.5% ToHit


    Recharge: 15s
    Duration: N/A

    Endurance: 0.52/s
    Animation: 2.03s (Freezing Rain)



    FlashBurn.png.743deaa547b6c5bf16523a4909e9fbe9.png Flash Burn

    Expose a single foe to an intense, burning light. They will be temporarily blinded, lowering their chance to hit, and the burn will slow them and reduce their ability to regenerate health and recover stamina.


    Click ST Foe: -ToHit, Slow, -Regen, -Recovery

    -31.25% ToHit

    -200% Recovery

    -500% Regeneration

    -87.5% Recharge


    Recharge: 120s
    Duration: 30s

    Endurance: 13
    Animation: 2.03s (Benumb)



    StarMotes.png.3aa30462f932fcfddf6dd74ded9f258c.png Star Motes

    You summon a trio of star motes, small particles of light that bounce around and fascinate foes. They will taunt nearby enemies and their light will reveal stealthed enemies near them. The star motes can't be harmed, but they can't attack and will only last a few seconds before fizzling out.


    Click Location Summon: 3 Star Motes (Wisp Model), Foe: Taunt, -Stealth

    Summon Star Mote 1
       13.6s Taunt (Mag 4)
       -1000 ft Stealth Radius


    Summon Star Mote 2
       13.6s Taunt (Mag 4)
       -1000 ft Stealth Radius


    Summon Star Mote 3
       13.6s Taunt (Mag 4)
       -1000 ft Stealth Radius


    Recharge: 90s
    Duration: 15s

    Endurance: 15.6
    Animation: 1.53s (Come Hither)



    ColorSpray.png.e92e489d6fe03435c49d0a09fa2bb4bf.png Color Spray

    You flash a cone of clashing colored lights in front of you, disorienting many foes and leaving them defenseless.


    Click Cone Foe: -Def(All), Stun(Mag3)

    -25% Defense(All)

    11.92s Stun (Mag 3)


    Recharge: 90s
    Duration: 30s

    Endurance: 10.4
    Animation: 2.27s (Fortitude)



    Lightspeed.png.f32b2ef23732ed7992d2469826a1748b.png Lightspeed

    Radiate powerful light around you that supercharges you and your allies. Lightspeed will dramatically increase your recharge and movement speed, as well as you regeneration and recovery rates for a short while.


    Click PBAoE Team: +Recharge, +Speed, +Regeneration, +Recovery

    +50% Recharge

    +30% Movement Speed

    +50% Recovery

    +200% Regeneration


    Recharge: 360s
    Duration: 60s

    Endurance: 20.8
    Animation: 2.57s (Moment of Glory)

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  10. 3 hours ago, Arcanum said:

    If you could design a power set, what would it be and for which AT?

    • My answer would've been time control, but that got added?   Probability manipulation?

    oh ho! Have you checked out my Arbiter Hawk-approved Probability Distortion powerset suggestion from back in the day? 😁


    Anyway, a fun read, thank you guys for taking the time to answer! And for coming out to the costume contests, loved seeing some of you there!


    Maybe someday we’ll team up (not that I’ll know)!

  11. 5 minutes ago, ViridianDev said:


    This bugfix isn’t a removal of the heat distortion fx entirely, it’s a fix to this very bad-looking bug report here from specific mobs using the wrong fx



    I know, I saw that bug report a few weeks ago and it's what made me remember that the Thermal powers all used to have that heat wave effect, but they were removed from all of them not long after CoV launched (I guess they were too intense for some people's PCs, I dunno). That bug post was what made me realize that the effect was still around in the game files (V_COV/POWERS/THERMALRADIATION/HEATVAPORSCONTINUING.FX) and I just keep hoping we'll get them back someday. 😅

  12. 4 minutes ago, Williwaw said:

    So no "we reverted all the changes to Bio Armor because everyone hated them and nobody even understood why they were needed in the first place", huh? 😄


    This patch is stuff Cobalt Arachne is focusing on, I think. The armor changes are being handled by Powerhouse and they've been sick for a few days, but there should be another patch for the armors soon.

    • Like 1
    • Thumbs Up 2
  13. Like I said before, I think the Tanker version should be the only one with reduced Fire/Cold Defense in Power Shield, and then the +MaxEndurance should be dropped from Energy Reserve and replaced with scale 1.25 Resist(Fire, Cold). Might need a new name, though.


    That leaves the ATs looking like the below, numbers wise on just SOs. Highest values among the ATs marked in green, defensive holes marked in red.


    Without Energy Drain:



    Stalkers (Unhidden, assuming only 1 Defense SO in Hide)
    26.52% Defense(Smashing)
    26.52% Defense(Lethal)
    26.52% Defense(Fire)
    26.52% Defense(Cold)
    30.42% Defense(Energy)
    21.84% Defense(Negative)
    0% Defense(Psionic)
    0% Defense(Toxic)

    64.88% Resist(Defense)
    19.50% Resist(Smashing)
    19.50% Resist(Lethal)
    19.50% Resist(Fire)
    19.50% Resist(Cold)
    35.10% Resist(Energy)
    19.50% Resist(Negative)
    19.50% Resist(Psionic)
    19.50% Resist(Toxic)
    25.74% Defense(Smashing)
    25.74% Defense(Lethal)
    29.25% Defense(Fire)
    29.25% Defense(Cold)

    32.18% Defense(Energy)
    22.23% Defense(Negative)
    5.85% Defense(Psionic)
    5.85% Defense(Toxic)

    51.90% Resist(Defense)
    14.63% Resist(Smashing)
    14.63% Resist(Lethal)
    0% Resist(Fire)
    0% Resist(Cold)

    26.33% Resist(Energy)
    14.63% Resist(Negative)
    14.63% Resist(Psionic)
    14.63% Resist(Toxic)
    27.99% Defense(Smashing)
    27.99% Defense(Lethal)

    27.99% Defense(Fire)
    27.99% Defense(Cold)
    32.09% Defense(Energy)
    22.14% Defense(Negative)
    2.25% Defense(Psionic)
    2.25% Defense(Toxic)
    51.90% Resist(Defense)
    11.70% Resist(Smashing)
    11.70% Resist(Lethal)
    0% Resist(Fire)
    0% Resist(Cold)

    17.55% Resist(Energy)
    14.63% Resist(Negative)
    0% Resist(Psionic)
    14.63% Resist(Toxic)


    With max Energy Drain:

    Tankers Brutes/Scrapppers Stalkers (Unhidden, assuming only 1 Defense SO in Hide)
    34.01% Defense(Smashing)
    34.01% Defense(Lethal)

    34.01% Defense(Fire)
    34.01% Defense(Cold)
    37.91% Defense(Energy)
    29.33% Defense(Negative)
    7.49% Defense(Psionic)
    7.49% Defense(Toxic)
    64.88% Resist(Defense)
    19.50% Resist(Smashing)
    19.50% Resist(Lethal)
    19.50% Resist(Fire)
    19.50% Resist(Cold)
    35.10% Resist(Energy)
    19.50% Resist(Negative)
    19.50% Resist(Psionic)
    19.50% Resist(Toxic)
    31.36% Defense(Smashing)
    31.36% Defense(Lethal)
    34.87% Defense(Fire)
    34.87% Defense(Cold)

    37.80% Defense(Energy)
    27.85% Defense(Negative)
    11.47% Defense(Psionic)
    11.47% Defense(Toxic)

    51.90% Resist(Defense)
    14.63% Resist(Smashing)
    14.63% Resist(Lethal)
    0.00% Resist(Fire)
    0.00% Resist(Cold)

    26.33% Resist(Energy)
    14.63% Resist(Negative)
    14.63% Resist(Psionic)
    14.63% Resist(Toxic)
    33.61% Defense(Smashing)
    33.61% Defense(Lethal)
    33.61% Defense(Fire)
    33.61% Defense(Cold)
    37.71% Defense(Energy)
    27.76% Defense(Negative)
    7.87% Defense(Psionic)
    7.87% Defense(Toxic)
    51.90% Resist(Defense)
    11.70% Resist(Smashing)
    11.70% Resist(Lethal)
    0.00% Resist(Fire)
    0.00% Resist(Cold)

    17.55% Resist(Energy)
    14.63% Resist(Negative)
    0.00% Resist(Psionic)
    14.63% Resist(Toxic)


    This way, Tankers are always winning with Damage Resistance and Defense Debuff Resistance, and while none of their base defenses are the highest without Energy Drain, they do clearly pull ahead with Energy Drain, on top of being the only AT that will have a passive MaxHP buff. Tankers do have a Psi/Toxic Defense hole without Energy Drain, which should be plugged up for fairness. Perhaps a scale 0.5 added to their Entropic Aura?


    Brutes and Scrappers are ahead of Tankers in Fire/Cold Defense, yes, but at the cost of no Fire/Cold resists and no passive +MaxHP. They seem fine to me with the changes proposed. They only pull ahead in some defenses because Energy Cloak doesn't suppress it's Defense values out of stealth, and again because Tankers do not have any Psi/Toxic Defense outside of Energy Drain.


    Stalkers have the highest base values for defense in their toggles, but without the Tankers mods and MaxHP buff, and without Brutes/Scrappers non-suppressing Energy Cloak, they fall to the bottom even with a fully saturated Energy Drain. But that is fine, they're not meant to battle it out like the other 3 ATs. My only concern for them is that they are the only one missing a passive Psionic Resistance, which I feel should be plugged up for fairness as well, so maybe add a scale 1.25 Res(Psionic) to their Entropy Shield.

    • Like 2
    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. 10 hours ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

    Can some explain to me, who isn't a deep numbers wonk, what "Self damage buff lowered from 1.0x to 0.875x" means?


    The Tanker modifer for self buff powers like Build Up and Rage is going from 1.0 to 0.875.


    Build Up and Rage have a base damage buff of 8.0 (80%) that is multiplied by the Tanker Modifier to determine the final damage buff they get.


    Old Build Up/Rage: 8.0 * 1.0 = 80% Damage buff

    New Build Up/Rage: 8.0 * 0.875 = 70% Damage buff

    • Thanks 2
  15. Really enjoying this set now. I'm so happy to get a fish-less option, as that works more for the concept I have, but I still appreciate the fish theme being there, very unique.


    Survivability feels much better than the original iteration, I feel like I have tools at my disposal to keep myself alive. I'm one of those weirdos who loves to play support, but also loves to play alone and it's a very fun, very active solo set.


    Overall, I can't wait to play this set on live and I applaud whoever conceptualized it!


    Trickshooter Seal of Approval!

  16. I'm guessing the idea with the change to Dark Regen and Soul Transfer is that you would now use them together to maintain HP more smoothly? Rather than your HP getting low and then filling immediately with Dark Regen, over and over?


    So on a Brute...


    1499.3 * (1+0.788) = ~2680.75

    So that's Base HP multiplied by max target 3-slotted MaxHP buff from Soul Transfer gives you a new MaxHP of around 2680.75


    2680.75 * .05 = ~134.04 HP per regen tic (5% max HP)


    12 / (1 + ~6.47) = ~1.61s Regen tic rate

    12 second base regen tic rate divided by max target 3-slotted Dark Regen plus Health 1-slotted gives a new tic rate of every around 1.61 seconds.


    134.04 / 1.61 = ~83.255 HP/s


    Yes? Did I do my math right? I'll admit I'm not an expert on the regen formula. Doesn't seem too bad, but then you're not always at the max targets...

  17. Not sure why the Fire/Cold Defense of Power Shield was lowered; that was always intentionally higher because the set does not have Fire/Cold Resistance in it.


    I understand it's probably too high for Tankers to get as is, but then that change should only be done for their version, and then their new Auto power (that replaces Energy Cloak) should get Fire/Cold +Resistance instead of +Endurance (since Energy already has plenty of end management available). I'll put that in the Tanker thread, as well.

  18. On 5/18/2024 at 2:53 PM, strangething said:

    Most of the attacks in Poison are launched from the character's mouth


    Not to be pedantic, but aren't only 2 of the powers from the mouth? Either way, I would also like to be able to change them from launching from the mouth; the set is kind of all over the place theme-wise partially because it's like, am I concocting poisons or am I producing them from my body...?


    55 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    Every set needs to have a downside. Bio doesn't seem to have any except for the horrible appearance. I always thought that was the downside.


    I just tell myself that Bio Armor is Plant Armor, make it green and bam! My Stalker is now a Thorns/Plant Stalker.

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