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Posts posted by Trickshooter

  1. Alright, I had to do this for Brutes because Tankers don't have Energy Aura, but here is a comparison between Force Shield and the other Typed Defense sets. This is with their foe-based buffing powers maxed (Density Field, Energy Absorption, Energy Drain, Invincibility), level 50, no slotting. Just base values of all their Def/Res powers added up.




    Looking at it here, I think the Defense values are mostly appropriate, I would probably consider bringing down Psionic and Toxic defenses in the shields down to half their current value, so that would bring their new total for Psi/Toxic Defense down to 8.813%. If I did that, I would at least bump up the Toxic resistance 18.75%. That would give it more parity with the FF support set that only has some Psi/Toxic Defense in Dispersion Bubble, and then Toxic Resistance in one of the shields.


    The lower defense debuff resistance is intentional, since this set as designed has more consistent damage type coverage.

  2. 3 minutes ago, GM_GooglyMoogly said:


    Yes, damage done to you gets reflected back to enemy, like bullets ricocheting.  However, that also brings up an interesting possibility -- what if you had a tanker power that acted like MM bodyguard, but for your teammates.  Damage directed at team gets deflected back to that tank.  Sorry, just riffing off your ideas.


    I'd love for the set to do deflected damage in that sense, but I don't know if the tech is there for it to be possible. If it was possible to reduce incoming damage by making some of it reflect back, I'd probably drop most damage resistance from the set and let that act as it's 'resistance'.

  3. 26 minutes ago, Purrfekshawn said:


    Also l have no idea why Energy Aura is still NOT proliferated to the tanks. l can understand why Super Strength becomes OP on scrappers (stacked Rage), but from my experience Energy Aura would become somewhat mediocre, even weaker powerset for Tanks, very much compared to Ice Armor powerset.


    l can only understand that devs just didn't get their hands onto that. l hope it will be fixed at some point (just copypasting from brute to Tanker Energy Aura edition would do the trick).


    Tankers don't have Energy Aura because if you just copy the Brute version to them, they'd be softcapped to 5 of the 8 damage types on just SOs. Super Reflexes is nearly there itself, but all it has is Defense; Energy has defense, plus an end drain/gain, a heal that also reduces end cost, consistent damage resistance and stealth. It will take some tweaking to bring the defense numbers down without compromising the survivability of the set.

  4. 30 minutes ago, GM_GooglyMoogly said:

    Soooo . . . Force Shield.  I'd have to see the end numbers after a typical Mids build, but on first glance it seems like it will be easy to soft-cap and still have a decent amount of resist, as well as absorb, and a team-wide hibernate that everyone can still use all attacks and powers.  Sounds OP at first glance, but again I'd need to flesh out a full build with IOs to see.  I was also hoping you had some deflection damage in there, which is something I'd like to see in an armor set some day.


    PS. - Debate the topic, not each other and . . . 

    Be Excellent to Each other.jpg

    Ice would still probably be easier to soft cap, except to Fire and Cold damage, I believe. If I knew how to add things to Mids, I probably would do it for every suggestion I made lol


    Overall, it should have a little more defense than Shield (I think less than 1%, but I’d have to double check, and that’s without Density Field and Shield with Phalanx Fighting but with no teammates nearby ), but also a little less resistance.


    The team wide Hibernate is probably my biggest question of if it would be too good, but I think it fits the theme well and at a 4 minute recharge to 30 seconds max of effect, I think it wouldn’t be that exploitable. I need to look up some of the math tomorrow, I’m in bed right now, but I tried to make sure it was still not better than the Empathy auras.


    edit: What did you mean by deflection damage? Like reflected damage?

  5. On 6/14/2024 at 9:01 PM, CrusaderDroid said:

    I like what you're going for, and I think there's definitely room for Force Shield and Energy Aura to coexist.


    I'm not sure this is the play, though. You need three separate toggles for a mix of typed defenses (which I think is worse than positional defenses? Correct me if I'm wrong) and mez resist, which is eating too much room in the set and doesn't leave open enough for the unique stuff like Force Recoil and especially Force Sanctuary, which is incredibly cool and something I'd like to see more of in the set. I think megaericzero has the right of it by moving it towards support tank - that's a pretty unique space that is only possibly contested by Shield Defense, which doesn't get the PBAoE pull of Force Recoil anyways.


    If you merge Insulation Shield with Refraction Shield, you'll free up a power you can use for extra ally utility.


    On 6/14/2024 at 9:38 PM, FupDup said:

    And it is also a good point that Fire, Cold, Energy, and Negative tend to be bundled together in the same power for def/res in most other armors rather than split up (outside a few cases like Stone Armor). 


    Most of the armor sets have 3 armor toggles anyway, it's just typically one is Smash/Lethal, one is Fire/Cold/Energy/Negative, and one is Mez protection. I just decided to divide the defense types and mez protection amongst the 3 toggles. Also, keeps it aligned with the other Defense-based sets which can typically slot 3-4 Defense IO sets (Ice, Shield and Energy; SR can do 6-7, but shhh).


    I could combine Insulation and Refraction Shield, but I would need to shift things around a few powers in the set so that one toggle isn't doing so much of the heavy lifting. If I did that and added another power, it would have to be one that doesn't benefit the user's survivability as much, kind of like Grant Cover in Shield.


    On 6/14/2024 at 9:38 PM, FupDup said:

    Typed defenses are often considered worse than Positionals because they can be harder to build for, but the big exception is Psi damage because there are some "unpositional" Psi attacks that cut straight through armors like SR and Shield and can only be blocked by typed Psi def. On the flipside, it can also sometimes be hard to build ranged defense on melee toons due to Mako's Bite 6 slots being the main source of it.


    Typed defenses can also be a pain because there are plenty of debuffs in the game without a defense type to check against so they can get through your defenses easily, but that's also why I tried to cover most of them in the set, as well.


    As far as the set using Typed over Positional, even though regular FF provides defense to all types and positions for fairness, I think thematically they're considered a type-based defense, which is why I stuck with that.

  6. On 6/22/2024 at 8:24 AM, Uun said:

    Just checked CoD and I don't see that information anywhere. Nor do I see it listed for any other teleport power with both an entrance target and an exit target (Wormhole, Teleport Target). Must be buried deep in the spaghetti. 

    Click the little checkbox in the upper left corner that shows the info as code. The range for the reticle is listed under range_secondary.

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 6/18/2024 at 10:15 PM, rounds said:

    I know this is out of the blue, but I've been trying for ages to get a cape that simulates really really long hair. Is that even possible?


    Have you tried the bridal veil hairstyle?

  8. What does your Combat log say?


    Also, was it just in this mission that it wasn't working? Did you try outside or leaving the mission and reentering? 


    I haven't checked myself, at work, but I'm seeing lots of people test the set on Controllers and it works, but you're on a Dominator. I wonder if the Dominator version is pointing to pets that no longer exist or something.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Frosticus said:

    To this day I'm still unsure what purpose t9 pets are supposed to serve for dominators given their tool set? But if the mass confusion swap is indication then perhaps a reverse swap could happen one day. I'd swap fire imps in a heart beat for something like fire armor's phoenix. 


    Well, Dominators weren't exactly damage dealers at CoV launch (except maybe /Psi) lol


    Maybe if they had the damage mods they do now in Issue 7, things would be different.

  10. I was very excited to try these, I love my Mind Controller and these seem like fun changes. Unfortunately, they don't really add much if the goal is to keep Mind competitive with the other control sets post-Containment changes. They're not bad, but both definitely feel like I have less actual control, less lockdown ability. Deep sleep on Mass Hypnosis helps a lot there, at least.


    The Total Domination change feels like a sidegrade. It's neat, love the damage, but not sure it's really making an improvement. The Mass Confusion pet is fun, but feels unnecessary. And, after playing with it, I'm not sure I like not being able to control where it's focusing it's confusion.


    I think the simpler way to improve the set to compete with other sets going forward is just giving Total Domination and maybe Mass Confusion damage. Not necessarily upfront damage, but a psionic DoT while they're under the effects of the Hold or Confuse, like some of the Symphony powersets.


    I get it's not ideal because they're both 240s recharge powers, though. I would personally (can't speak for everyone) be fine taking a hit to the radius or duration of Mass Confusion in order to get the recharge timer brought down to like 120-180s or so. Though, I'm not sure it would break anything to just lower it's recharge some without penalty? Smoke Canister gets the 90s recharge, but is the same radius as Mass Confusion, costs less endurance, has no accuracy penalty, debuffs tohit and perception, doesn't notify mobs, and comes with a bonus -KB effect... all with the only trade-offs being that it's a patch and has a max limit of 10 foes on the confuse effect. I'm not saying nerf Smoke Canister, I think it's a great power and fits well in the set it's in, but it for sure outshines Mass Confusion more than Seeds of Confusion ever did.


    What would Mass Confusion have to become/look like to get closer to the usability of the other AoE Confuses? Not necessarily on a 90s recharge, but just a recharge lower than 240s.


    Other things to consider for Mind Control:


    1. Please remove the 10% accuracy penalty from Terrify. It is the only cone fear in all the control sets with a penalty.


    2. Please review the end costs of some the Mind Control powers. Mass Confusion costs more end than half of the other sets' pet powers at 26 endurance. Really feels like it should at least be the lower of the two end costs for the tier 9 powers, which is 20.8. Meanwhile, Terrify is 20.8 endurance, when both Fearsome Stare and Dreadful Discord both cost 8.528 endurance. I realize Terrify does more damage than Dreadful Discord, but not enough to warrant almost 2.5x more endurance. It could at least come down to 13 maybe.



  11. 11 hours ago, Wavicle said:


    Setting aside until testing the question of whether or not this is a good change (though I'm hopeful), I would encourage finding a new name. 



    Shadowed Invoker

    Invisible Confusion


    10 hours ago, csr said:


    Splinter of the Mind

    Sower of Confusion


    Not that I think the pet is gonna last lol but it should be called an Astral Projection

    • Like 1
  12. 9 minutes ago, FupDup said:

    I might be able to be persuaded on this if the def/res breakdown were changed to make it play/build a lot more differently from Energy Aura as it stands now. Ice Armor already being similar to Energy Aura only reinforces the need for more distinction here. 


    That... is a fair judgment that I brought on myself.


    10 minutes ago, FupDup said:

    Maybe this could be stronger typed defenses with weaker resists, go the other way with stronger resists but weaker typed defenses (too similar to Invuln then?), maybe go full potato and make the defenses positional instead. I also don't think it needs the Density Field debuff aura as it stands, not just to reduce overlap but also because Forcefields are normally associated with self-protection rather than offense (the Force Recoil aura can stay because that's more unique). 


    I actually originally had the taunt aura as Force Spikes, but then I realized that was just Icicles lol I do want the taunt aura to be something that affects the enemy in some way and also something that benefits Force Recoil, so the set has synergy with itself. I'm for sure open to trying other things. I'm also hesitant to add more defense as the base defense from the toggles is already the same base value as the SR toggles.

  13. 14 minutes ago, megaericzero said:

    Count me in on the opinion that Energy Aura could get there by having Force Field's visuals, though I do want to express:

    1) Full points for fleshing out an entire set. It has its own feel in the reverse-Hand Clap and tier 9 powers. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing this set added.

    2) Thank you for recycling Force Field's shields' names, including the internal name for Detention Field's icon - Refraction Shield. It shows a high level of care, attention to detail, research and love for the parent set.


    I do understand the Energy Aura thing, I promise lol


    Thank you, though! Armor sets tend to check a lot of the same boxes (multiple toggles that cover the damage types, mez protection, some auto powers), so I was trying to find a distinctive playstyle in those utility powers. I know KB is kind of one of the signature features of Force Field, but also that no one would really want that in an armor set, so I tried to find a way to include the effect that was also useful for melee fighters, but also had some benefit to the powerset it was in (in this case, I thought it was a useful way to pull foes in to your taunt aura and get that defense buff from having enemies nearby).


    The reusing of the Force Field shield names was also kind of a nod to the Thermal set doing something similar. Both its shields are named after the similar shield in Fiery Aura (only internally for Thermal Shield though). It's actually kind of funny if you put Thermal Shield on a Fiery Aura user, the buff icons stack because of it.

  14. 25 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    And if you want a set that has a more localized force field effect, then there is Shield Defense with the Vanguard Shield or the Elemental Shield: Energy Shield.


    I want a bubble!


    Or if the best I can get is reskinned Energy Aura, some kind of effect that surrounds the body, like the Victoria aura in the costume creator.

  15. 16 minutes ago, FupDup said:

    Not really? In terms of gameplay, WP was meant as a more balanced and passive version of Regen, but it fills an entirely different theme/concept. Regen is Wolverine or Deadpool, Willpower is Batman. 


    For Energy Aura vs Forcefield Armor, forcefields are pretty much a bubble of energy projected around the user. That Density Field power you suggested that slows enemy rech and spd is also a bit similar to Eng's Entrophic Aura power (which only provides -rech to enemies). And it's still a typed defense armor set with moderate resistance, which is again similar to Energy Aura. 


    I'm not trying to poopoo on you or your ideas, I'm just saying that something we have now is very close to what you're asking for. If the HC team were to add alternate FX to Energy Aura, it would fit the fantasy/theme of a Forcefield Armor set very accurately. 


    Kinetic Melee vs Energy Melee, then? Savage Melee vs Claws? We have several powersets that are distinctive from each other in terms of concept and gameplay. That doesn't mean they're not similar visually and/or functionally. I mean, functionally Ice Armor and Energy Aura are pretty similar themselves. Typed defense sets with some resistance to most damage types, a slow taunt aura, an end drain that also buffs defense, a self heal... (yes, I know Energy Aura was kind of an Ice Armor replacement redside, but still).


    I understand, I do, and I'm not against adding force field graphics to Energy Aura and calling it a day, but I'd rather it be distinct and not just vague energy themed. I want McDonalds, not a sandwich mom!


    I'm not taking it personally or anything, but it was disheartening to put a lot of thought in to this suggestion and have the first response be like, "but energy aura" lol

    • Like 1
  16. 36 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Energy Aura is basically what you are talking about. It even includes bubbles. (Edit: Kinetic Shield, Power Shield, Energy Drain, and Overload have bubble effects that go transparent with a lingering filler field.)


    No, it's not, but thank you.



    36 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    (Edit again: And it uses both defense and resists.)


    To be fair, almost all the defense sets are a combination of defense and resistance, except maybe Ninjitsu. Even SR has passive damage resistance as they take damage!

  17. 4 minutes ago, FupDup said:

    My opinion on a Forcefield Armor is that Energy Aura already fills a very similar theme. Just look at the power names it has: Dampening Field, Kinetic Shield, Power Shield...The only thing missing is alternate FX for bubbles. Add that option and we've got Forcefield Armor at home. 


    The kind of thinking that would have prevented Willpower from being made.

  18. I understand that the ability to make force fields is a classic comic book power, and I do like that powerset in this game.


    HOWEVER... I've always felt that this game was really missing force fields as an armor powerset. Plenty of characters in comics have force fields, or at least can create force fields through some means (Magneto, Jean Grey, Invisible Woman, etc.), but I wouldn't describe their powerset as being 'Force Fields' (except maybe Invisible Woman). Some characters only have one around themselves that they can manipulate, like Unus the Untouchable, Skids, Cecilia Reyes, Armor, etc. This version of Force Fields, which I'm calling Force Shield to differentiate, is one I've wanted to see in CoX for some time.


    This is my first attempt at designing an armor powerset, so numbers might be off, but I really tried to make it fit alongside the other sets. Numbers are all for Tankers.


    Anyway, enjoy!


    Force Shield
    You wrap yourself in protective force shields that deflect nearly all forms of damage and soften the blow of most attacks that break through your defenses. Additionally, you can somewhat manipulate your forcefield offensively against foes. Force Shield offers defense and some resistance against just about all types of damage and debuffs, but has no direct Heal.


    DeflectionField.png.04759bc9616069ff9b0836a79bb027cd.png Deflection Shield

    Your force field defends you against the kinetic impact of Smashing and Lethal damage attacks. It also offers some resistance against Toxic damage, debuffs to defense and protects you from Stun and Hold effects.


    Toggle Self +Def(Smash, Lethal) +Res(Toxic, DefDebuff, Stun, Hold)


    16.5% Defense(Smashing)
    16.5% Defense(Lethal)
    20% Resistance(Toxic)
    21.625% Resistance(Defense)
    -12.975 Protection(Stun)
    -12.975 Protection(Hold)

    Recharge: 2s

    Endurance: 0.26/s



    KineticBarrier.png.2c769ae8cba171fdafbc820a5c8e7de0.png Kinetic Barrier

    Activation of your force field is somewhat subconcious, and even while not actively being used it will soften the kinetic impact of some attacks. You will have increased resistance to Smashing and Lethal attacks, increased Max HP, and some protection from Knockback effects. It also offers some resistance against debuffs to defense.


    Auto Self +Res(Smashing, Lethal, Knockback, DefDebuff) +MaxHP


    10% Resistance(Smashing)
    10% Resistance(Lethal)
    -10 Protection(Knockback)
    -10 Protection(Knockup)
    21.625% Resistance(Defense)
    187.4 Maximum HitPoints



    InsulationField.png.426f26848d3cf751ee256af766556714.png Insulation Shield

    Your force field provides a stable environment inside that protects you from some energy and temperature extremes, defending you from Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy damage attacks. It also offers some resistance to Toxic damage and protection from Immobilization and Sleep effects.


    Toggle Self +Def(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative) +Res(Toxic, Sleep, Immobilize)


    16.5% Defense(Fire)
    16.5% Defense(Cold)
    16.5% Defense(Energy)
    16.5% Defense(Negative Energy)
    20% Resistance(Toxic)
    -12.975 Protection(Immobilize)
    -12.975 Protection(Sleep)


    Recharge: 2s

    Endurance: 0.26/s



    RefractionField.png.6ec0849ba33d263c5bca9599da3b015d.png Refracting Barrier

    Activation of your force field is somewhat subconcious, and even while not actively being used it will refract some of the energy of attacks away. You will have increased resistance to Fire, Cold, Energy, and Negative Energy attacks. It also offers some resistance against debuffs to endurance, recovery and tohit


    Auto Self +Res(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative, EndDrain, RecDebuff, ToHitDebuff)


    10% Resistance(Fire)
    10% Resistance(Cold)
    10% Resistance(Energy)
    10% Resistance(Negative Energy)
    21.625% Resistance(EndDrain)
    21.625% Resistance(Recovery)
    21.625% Resistance(ToHit)



    AbsorptionField.png.f7b4aeb6c5bb2d369341f08cec9d8079.png Absorption Field

    You can briefly create a durable outer layer on your force field that will absorb some damage and improve your damage resistance by a small amount. You can use this near allies to also provide them a portion of this protection. Doing so will reduce the amount of Absorb you receive (min. 10%), but the damage resistance you receive will increase for each ally affected (up to 3).


    Click PBAoE Scaling Absorb, Scaling Res(All)


    10% Absorb Does not affect caster
    20% Absorb Caster only
    10% Absorb Caster only if EntitiesHit < 3 after 0.5 second delay
    10% Absorb Caster only if EntitiesHit < 2 after 1 second delay
    1.25% Resistance(Smashing) Up to 4 stacks
    1.25% Resistance(Lethal) Up to 4 stacks
    1.25% Resistance(Fire) Up to 4 stacks
    1.25% Resistance(Cold) Up to 4 stacks
    1.25% Resistance(Energy) Up to 4 stacks
    1.25% Resistance(Negative Energy) Up to 4 stacks
    1.25% Resistance(Psionic) Up to 4 stacks
    1.25% Resistance(Toxic) Up to 4 stacks


    Recharge: 120s
    Duration: 30s

    Endurance: 13

    Radius: 15 ft

    Max Targets: 255



    ForceTopple.png.a94e9d4209929a17dcaa09e99df7ab6c.png Force Flux

    You can send out a constant wave of force from your force field that has a chance to knock most foes to the ground. Even foes that manage to stay on their feet will have their defense reduced by the force of the pulse.


    Toggle PBAoE Foe Knockdown -Defense


    14.96s Taunt (Mag 4)
    0.67 KnockDown (3% Chance every 0.2 seconds)
    10.5% Defense Debuff


    Recharge: 4s
    Endurance: 0.26/s



    AbductionField.png.0cf51d31dd372e92baba98dadb8e9292.png Force Recoil

    You manipulate your force field to extend outwards and then violently retract. Nearby foes will be pulled towards you, knocked to their feet and may be stunned.


    Click Foe 'Gather' Knockdown Stun (Mag 2)


    Mag 1.0 Gather
    14.96s Taunt (Mag 4)
    9.536s Stun (Mag 2)


    Recharge: 45s

    Endurance: 10.4

    Radius: 15 ft

    Max Targets: 10



    Slick.png.dd68e1ddcf04fe299b8ef2f92a00ed30.png Slick

    You can easily maintain a thin, slick layer of force field very close to yourself that will safely disperse some attacks away from you. Slick provides a small bonus to all Defense types, as well as resistance to slow, recharge and defense debuffs.


    Auto Self +Def(All) +Res(Slow, RechDebuff, DefDebuff)


    5% Defense(Smashing)
    5% Defense(Lethal)
    5% Defense(Fire)
    5% Defense(Cold)
    5% Defense(Energy)
    5% Defense(Negative Energy)
    5% Defense(Psionic)
    5% Defense(Toxic)
    40% Resistance(Speed)
    40% Resistance(Recharge)
    21.625% Resistance(Defense)



    ForceSanctuary.png.a7b531892e136d9b712d3b2425137120.png Force Sanctuary

    You can push your personal force field to its protective limits! Force Sanctuary creates a field around you that increases regeneration and recovery, and protects from many crowd control effects, then expands it out a few feet from yourself, offering the same effects to nearby allies. The focus needed to maintain this effect will limit your movement speed, recharge speed and damage while it is active. The strain of this power is too great to use it for long and it will automatically disable after 30 seconds.


    Toggle PBAoE Team +Regen +Recovery +Res(Hold, Sleep, Disorient, Immobilize), Self -Speed -Recharge -Damage


    200% Recovery
    500% Regeneration
    129.75% Resistance(Hold) Does not affect caster
    129.75% Resistance(Stun) Does not affect caster
    129.75% Resistance(Sleep) Does not affect caster
    129.75% Resistance(Immobilize) Does not affect caster
    -50% MovementSpeed Caster only
    -50% Recharge Caster only
    -75% Damage Caster only


    Recharge: 240s

    Endurance: 0.52/s

    Radius: 15 ft

    Max Targets: 255

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