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Posts posted by Trickshooter

  1. 2 minutes ago, JayboH said:

    Shifting Tides doesn't seem to have any kind of sound effect when toggled on.


    I am a little confused by the description - if you put it on an ally, say, your pet (Barrier Reef,) is that ally going to be taking random damage?  ...or is that only if it is put on enemies?  If put on enemies, does it do random damage to allies?


    Who you can use it on and who the effects affect can be separate.


    You can see this on City of Data in powers that affect both allies and enemies, where bad things are generally tagged:

    if !target.isFriend? && Ne(target>entref, source>entref)


    While good things will be tagged:

    if target.isFriend? && Ne(target>entref, source>entref)


    The difference is the ! which you can generally assume means "not".

  2. 3 hours ago, Maelwys said:

    The -MaxHP component of Brine could really do with being flagged as Unresistible (and possibly Unaffected by level differences) in order to be worthwhile against exactly the sort of tough single targets that you'd want to use it on.


    Not sure making it unresistable is really going to do anything to improve it, I doubt a single entity has Res(HitPoints).


    I know that part of this beta test is testing the waters (zing!) on whether we can have powers with this kind of debuff in the future, how strong should they be, and whether they can be enhanceable, but I think ultimately the most important thing should be that it just needs to be better on it's own than the Degenerative proc.


    The Degenerative proc is only a 3.5% MaxHP debuff, I think, which on most enemies is obviously gonna be nothing, but definitely feels more impactful on things like EBs, AVs, GMs, Pylons, etc. when it gets up in to the 800-1000 -MaxHP range.


    I know the desire of the devs is for Brine to be used a MaxHP debuff first and foremost, and on most enemies in the game (boss rank and below), the flat value is better than a percentage. But I think the power as is, focused on the MaxHP debuff over its Resistance debuff, reminds people of powers like Heat Exhaustion and Benumb; big boss killer powers that you save to use on Elite Bosses and up, in which case the MaxHP debuff feels underwhelming.


    I think the best solution is to split the effect based on the rank of the target: Minions, lieutenants and bosses get the enhanceable flat value; Elite bosses and up get a percentage, hard-capped at -1000.


    p.s. I don't care either way, I love the set as is and can't wait to play it Live. Very creative theme, I would have never thought of an ocean-themed support set. I say it every time I post about this set, but I'm super impressed by whoever conceived it.

    • Thumbs Up 4
  3. 2 hours ago, MirrorDarkly said:

    Also I am not sure if this in intended, but Power Boost from the Epic Soul PP is not affecting either the +Max HP or the Reg the power grants even though it has +healing. 


    It's intended, Heal Strength is only for true Healing. For Regen and MaxHP effects to be affected by Power Boost, it would need to give Regeneration Strength and HitPoints Strength, respectively.


    It's a little confusing because Heal Enhancements provide all 3, plus Absorb Strength, so we tend to associate the word healing with all 4 effects, but they're their own attributes and Power Boost has only ever improved Healing, and then Absorb when it was added to the game.

    • Like 2
    • Thumbs Up 2
  4. I updated the original post with changes and suggestions.


    Lowered the defenses of the toggles from Scale 1.85 to Scale 1.65, and dropped Psi and Toxic defense from these. There is now a passive at tier 8 that gives 5% defense to all, so you still get some Psi and Toxic defense, but Psi will remain a small hole in the set. Toxic is being covered by resistances now. The overall defense for the other types is increased by this change from 21% total to 21.5%.


    Lowered the resistances of the passives from Scale 1.5 to Scale 1.0. Psi resistance is now only in Absorption Field. Toxic Resistance is now the set's highest resistance at 45% possible with the Shield Toggles + Absorption Field. At it's max, Absorption Field can give 5% Res(All), so the set's total Resistance possible for the other 6 types is increased by this change from 12.5% to 15% possible, but it requires teammates and giving up some Absorb.


    Compaction Field is now Absorption Field: gives up to 40% Absorb if no allies are nearby, only 20% if you share with allies who will each get 10%. If you use the power with allies around, in addition to the 20% Absorb, you get 1.25% Res(All) for each ally, up to a stack of 4 (the 10% Absorb you give to allies has no target cap, it's just the resistance you get that is limited to only 4 stacks).


    Dropped the slow taunt aura and embraced more Knock* for the set. Taunt aura toggle is now Force Flux, a scale 1.5 Defense debuff with a 3% chance to cause Knockdown to nearby foes every 0.2 seconds.


    Frictionless is now Slick, no +Recharge/+Speed, but you still have the slow resistances and now a passive 5% defense(all).


    Force Sanctuary now has a penalty to the caster so it's not just free Regen/Recovery for them: -50% Speed/Recharge and -75% Damage. So you can still fight and keep aggro, but your focus is only the buffs.

  5. Sorry, I was going off the thread title and thought that was your issue. I don't see that she has any powers that would normally seriously drain end/stop recovery, it looks like Thunderous Blast is the only one she even has that debuffs recovery.


    BUT it looks like there's a special version of her that gets AE versions of the Elec powers, and those do have a lot of -End/-Recovery, so maybe she's just stacking a ton? https://cod.uberguy.net/html/powerset.html?pset=v_genericheroes.arc_flash I dunno if this is the version you fought, because I don't know what these are used for. Did you fight her in a Mayhem Mission or was it a story arc?

  6. I guess there's just not a monitorable attribute for Res(End), but yes, the cap for both effects is lower than the amount granted. Both the effect and the cap go up with you as you level. Resistance to Regen, ToHit and Defense debuffs all work the same way.


    If you go here: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/archetype-data.html?at=tanker


    And with Tanker selected, change the level to 28, you'll see under ResMax for Endurance it's 74% Max Res(Endurance) at level 28, and for Recovery it's 64.3% Max Res(Recovery) at level 28.


    Res(Endurance) caps at 95% at level 39, and Res(Recovery) caps at 95% at level 47.

  7. Vigilance is vanilla, but it's fine. Defenders perform well enough that they don't need a gimmicky inherent.


    (Although like 100 years ago I did suggest a Vigilance 2.0 that basically ended up becoming the Support Hybrid tree lol)


    Anyway, they don't really need anything (especially since the push to correct shared pseudopets), but if I was gonna ask for anything to change, I would request a scaling Mez resistance (not protection) that goes up with the EndDiscount. That's all, really. But even then, not really necessary.

  8. Just now, BrandX said:


    Doesn't the T9 have an animal with it though?


    That said, I would hope lots of different options in the animal department.  Not all natural either.  A nice metal spider would be cool.  Still, it feels like one would need some sort of animal with the concept for that T9.


    Yes, the tier 9 would be an animal, but it's not a 'spirit animal', that idea was just for the activation of the toggles. I thought that the 'spirit' aspect of the toggle effects was what you didn't like.


    The Animal Companion would just be a normal animal, one of the many dog or cat models in the game already, up to the player. I only didn't include a spider because I feel like in-game they move slower and that would affect being able to keep them within 30 ft of you on a fast moving team.

  9. On 7/7/2024 at 2:08 AM, BrandX said:

    I like the idea of the set, except for the spirit animal.  It becomes like Bio, limiting in use due to FX 😕  


    If it ever happened, I'd be sure to include a minimal FX option since it's a more "natural" set (like SR, Regen, WP, etc.). And just to be clear, my idea with the spirit animal effect is JUST for the activation of the toggles, not like a continuing effect.

  10. Here are all the sets with Defense Debuff resistance comparing all their effects. You'll notice my set is only the best at ToHit debuff and Defense debuff (and the defense debuff is tied with Rad Armor). Bright green highlight for the highest value, light green for when sets are tied.


    These numbers include Wild Instinct's tier 9, the pet and all its buffs, but for the other 7 sets I did not include the values from their tier 9s. As you can see, even with Wild Instincts using all 9 of it's powers, it does not excel at many things over any other set using only 8 of their powers. I do include Phalanx Fighting's bonus defense for allies, because that's part of it's gimmick and it wouldn't be fair to discount it. Energy Aura is obviously not on Tankers, so this is the Brute version with Tanker mods.


    Also worth keeping in mind that sets are balanced with SO performance, and because 7.5% of Wild Instincts defenses are unenhanceable, it will fall even further behind Shield and SR in Defense with enhancements. That is why I included a Heal, Regen and a Rez in the set, because it's Defense and Resistance values are incredibly middle of the road, so it relies on those effects to keep it alive.


    And yes, the pet does damage, but it is not designed as a damage dealing pet. The attacks are only for flavor, because the pet would be weird just standing there doing nothing. It could honestly go down to just a bite attack, I just tried to be realistic that a dog/cat pet would both bite and scratch. And look, maybe no other Armor set has a pet right now, right? But why does that mean there can never be one? If you're so set that only Controllers and MMs can have pets, how do you feel about Dark Servant in a Support set? Or Voltaic Sentinel in a Blast set? Or Kheldian pets? Or SoA pets? Or the pets in all the Epics? I feel any type of set could get a pet as long as it's main purpose supports the goal of the category it's in (Armor, Blast, Support, Control, etc.)



  11. 11 hours ago, Rudra said:

    I appreciate that it doesn't give +recharge, but you need to state that. +Speed in many powers boosts all speed aspects, and power recharge is one of them. Also, if something is not enhance able but it can be in a comparable power, then you need to state such, And what is FF? If you are talking about the Force Field support set, it isn't comparable.


    I didn't list it because it's not listed that way in any power. If a power gives +Recharge, it says +Recharge, so I didn't say +Recharge. And FF is Focused Fighting, from Super Reflexes, the power you were comparing.


    12 hours ago, Rudra said:

    Okay, I missed True Grit and Inexhaustible, but that means you are scaling this set to rival top tier armor sets. Rather than median.


    No, I have no mind for meta, I use other sets as the boundaries, specifically trying to stay in the middle. I don't think of True Grit and Inexhaustible as like, very powerful abilities in top tier sets. They're just modern sets, which frequently try to spread affects across multiple powers, instead of the launch sets which tend to pile all of one or two defense or resistance types in to one power.


    12 hours ago, Rudra said:

    Tough Hide is a tier 8 power, not a tier 2. And it only gives +5% defense to your 15%.


    Okay, but tier 8 is just level 22, not even half way to level 50. Ultimately, tiers don't really matter, it's the set as a whole. I'll post some comparisons in a bit.


    12 hours ago, Rudra said:

    Then please state that.


    Why would I though? As far as I know, there is no set where Res(regen) is enhanceable?


    12 hours ago, Rudra said:

    Against All Odds caps at 10 targets like any other Tanker/Brute aura. With the first target giving the biggest boost and the next 9 giving less. Your math has the aura at 11 targets of effect. So Against All Odds caps at +59.5% (10% + [5.5% x 9]). Thank you for clarifying what you mean though. (So this power would be +45.75% before pet.) (Edit: My mistake, you are correct. Both Shield Defense and your set have +65% damage buff at max values. SD = 5.5x10 + 10 = 65. WI = 4.25x10 + 7.5 + 15 = 65.)


    Ok, but it's only 65% Damage buff with 2 powers, to Shields 1, and only after you get the pet and only if you stay within 10 ft of it. That's not outrageous.


    12 hours ago, Rudra said:

    I'm looking at Tankers for comparison, but they have the same. However, I will not compare a Stun effect to a Fear effect. And your Fear effect dwarfs a control AT's Fear as well. Make it Mag 3 and I can feel better that at least the Controller has a longer duration.


    I only linked Regen on a Scrapper cause Tankers don't have it, I just wanted to show the most basic self rez. But I disagree that a 300 second recharge power that you need to be dead to use for a 12 second Fear at level 50 dwarfs Controller fears that are all on a 40 second timers with nearly 3x the duration. There is precedence for powers to work like this, which is why I linked Dark Armor's self rez.


    12 hours ago, Rudra said:

    It needs to lose the pet, not an attack. This is an armor set. It should not have a pet. Especially a pet that passively boosts the summoner's damage for all damage types, boosts the summoner's defense against all position types, and boosts the summoner's regeneration. And that is without considering that the pet also gets inherent defense to all positional attacks that can be further boosted with enhancements, resists mezzes which MM henchmen class pets cannot, and has an unstated special resistance.


    Sets will always have differences from each other. We'll have to agree to disagree that the set can have a pet. It's just flavor, the most important part is the buff it gives, and the goal is just to keep it alive to keep those bonuses. That's the balancing point for it being in the set. It's not designed to be like Controller or MM pets that are designed for damage.. Also, I can't understand why I have to keep saying none of it's boosts are enhanceable, and also none of it's own passive defense would be enhanceable, no pets outside of some of the old MM primaries that were reworked, have ever allowed their passive resistances to be enhancable. The closest comparison would probably be Dark Servant, but in reverse as DS is about his debuffs and they are enhanceable.


    12 hours ago, Rudra said:

    It also gets a 59.6% endurance discount. That boosts it well above. (Edit: For example, with a 59.6% endurance discount, that 0.26/s END toggle is actually 0.11/s before you even start slotting any enhancements. Even the Cardiac Core Paragon Alpha incarnate power only gives a 45% endurance reduction. And you can still take that Alpha with this set for a total 104.6% global endurance reduction. That makes all your powers cost nada to use. Though I think it will cap around 90% endurance reduction, so it may as well cost nada.)


    It's the same end discount in Elec Armor and Energy Aura? It's in fact exactly Energize, except it doesn't get the +Regen that Energize gets. I didn't pick numbers out of nowhere, there was reasoning for every decision made.


    12 hours ago, Rudra said:

    So no, I still think it is OP. You are trying to make a set that rivals the best armor sets in the game: Shield Defense and Bio Armor, instead of pitching a median set that if played right works well. Even your hole against Psi' is easily plugged. You can get 30% Psi' resist just from Impervium Armor and another 5% from Aegis. And the pet being present at all in an armor set is not acceptable to me. Let alone a pet that boosts your damage, defense, and regeneration while also fighting alongside you.


    I'm not trying to rival any set; I'm only trying to make a set that is in line with the other sets and on that we'll have to disagree. Also, Impervium only gives 6% Psi Res? Even if you meant slotting 5 of them, this set only has 2 powers that would accept Damage Resistance IOs, ignoring the fact that no set has ever been balanced around IOs.

  12. 46 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    This is so ridiculously overpowered.... Let's review:


    I disagree, and ask that you keep in mind that sets aren't valued on power-to-power comparisons, but on the set as a whole.


    47 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    This starting power is granting the character 15% melee defense, Mag 10 KB/KU protection, 21.625% Defense Debuff resistance, and apparently +run speed, +fly speed, +jump speed, and +recharge. Assuming this is a defense set like SR, SR's closest power is Focused Fighting which only grants 18.5% melee defense, Mag 12.975 confusion protection, and 17.3% Defense Debuff resistance.


    It doesn't give +Recharge. For the comparison you gave, FF gives 3.5% more defense, more confuse protection than KB protection this set gets, and an enhanceable 17.3% defense debuff resistance. Wild Instincts' defense debuff resistance is not enhanceable. I didn't put that because no set except Super Reflexes gets that benefit, not even Ninjitsu. Anyway, for all those benefits FF has, Wild Instincts Melee toggle gets a +Speed buff, which I didn't include a value for because it's annoying how many things you gotta list for +Speed. Assume about as much +Speed as the other sets get in their Auto powers. And again, does not include +Recharge.


    52 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    This alternate starting power at T2 grants +50% regeneration plus +15% damage resist to smashing, lethal and toxic damage plus 20% regeneration debuff resistance at 0 END cost to the character as an auto power. Assuming this is a resist set, Invulnerability's closest power is Resist Physical Damage which only grants 10% damage resist to smashing and lethal damage plus 25% Defense Debuff resist. Or if you compare it to Temp Invulnerability which costs endurance to use, 30% smashing and lethal damage resist plus nothing else.


    This isn't a resist set, and neither is Invulnerability really, not entirely. Yeah it has some resistance and then a lot to smashing and lethal, but it's more consistently a defense set. I mean, Tough Hide and Invincibility together can give MORE Defense than this set even gets outside of being within 10 ft of the pet. But anyway, closest power is honestly gonna be more like... True Grit or Inexhaustable.






    And it falls pretty in line with them? Even Tough Hide in Invulnerability gives Defense to 6 different types and the largest flat defense debuff resistance in all the armor sets, I think. Or Permafrost from Ice gives 30% Res(Cold), 12.5% Res(Fire), and 5% Res(Lethal, Smashing, Energy, Negative, Psionic, and Toxic) on top of a 20% slow resistance.


    And just to be clear, the Regen debuff resistance is not enhanceable, not sure they ever are.


    1 hour ago, Rudra said:

    This toggle power grants the character +15% ranged and AoE defense plus a 5% ToHit buff plus a 300% Perception boost which is a 1,500 feet increase in Perception. There is no closest comparison for power because this power is so over the top it is combining no less than 3 whole powers from other sets. And that is ignoring that the 1,500 feet perception boost means even Flash Arrow needs to have 5 hits on your character from different sources to actually blind you. Focused Accuracy only gives +300 feet (+60%), not +300%.


    Tankers don't get Ninjitsu, but if they did: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=stalker_defense.ninjitsu.danger_sense&at=tanker


    On a Tanker, Danger Sense would give more defense, the same amount of Perception (it's meant to be 300ft, not 300%) and defense debuff resistance instead of ToHit. It's not that out of line for an armor set.


    1 hour ago, Rudra said:

    I have no idea how to read this power. Are you granting +7.5% all damage buff, +4.25% all damage buff, or +11.75% all damage buff despite the +7.5% stating it does not stack? Also, at -10.5% ToHit debuff, this power far outstrips Willpower's -3.5% ToHit debuff and Dark Armor's -5%.


    It's the same as most taunt auras that give buffs to the player. The first 7,5% you get and it doesn't stack with itself. The 4.25% stacks with itself up to 10 targets, so a total of 42.5 + 7.5 = +50% Damage at 10 foes, less than Against All Odds (which goes up to 65%. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=tanker_defense.shield_defense.against_all_odds&at=tanker


    The ToHit might be too high, but the base value falls in line with other set's -Defense and -Damage debuffs.


    1 hour ago, Rudra said:

    And again here you have an auto power that grants +15% damage resist, this time to 4 damage types. Comparing this to Invulnerability's Resist Energies, you are granting 5% more damage resist than Invulnerability does to twice as many damage sources. And while you lose the 25% END debuff resist, you counter that with a permanent max HP boost.


    Once again, True Grit does more: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=tanker_defense.shield_defense.true_grit&at=tanker


    1 hour ago, Rudra said:

    What do you mean that the character will be immune to most damage for 15 seconds? Is the character effectively untouchable for a full 15 seconds but able to fight enemies that entire time? (Edit again: And a Mag 4 Fear for 11.92 seconds quashes a Darkness Control Controller's Fear effect, which is only Mag 3.) (Edit yet again: Other rezzes make your character untouchable for 15 seconds, not immune to most forms of damage for 15 seconds. If you are saying the same thing, that rezzing simply protects you for 15 seconds like other rezzes, then I apologize for over-reacting.)


    It's almost exactly how all self rezzes are worded? https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=scrapper_defense.regeneration.revive&at=scrapper And to the best of my knowledge they all have the same 15 second window of damage immunity to give you time to retoggle on all your powers.


    And if you think a Mag 4 fear on a 300 second timer is OP, check out the Mag 30 Stun on Soul Transfer: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=scrapper_defense.dark_armor.soul_transfer&at=scrapper


    1 hour ago, Rudra said:

    And now we are back to the pet. This is an armor set, so why is there a pet in it? And why is that pet better than the pets Controllers, Dominators, and Masterminds get? This pet 3 attacks! MM pets don't even get 3 attacks unless the Mastermind upgrades them. And worse, this pet passively boosts the PC's regeneration, all damage, and all positional defenses while within 30 feet of the character. This is just all kinds of wrong.


    I mean, it can lose an attack, it's not that big a deal. The gimmick is the bond power. It only has attacks for theme. As for the buffs, 30 ft is the minimum for the smallest amount of buffs, those effects get to the listed values only when you're within 10 ft of each other, and none of them are enhanceable. The set has a pet for the same reason Shield and Fire have attacks in their sets: for flavor! I mean, I'm just trying to be creative here, the people want more armor sets and there's only so many ways to end a set with a crashing panic mode.


    Other little things:


    The +Recovery this set gets in a toggle is less +Recovery than other sets get in Auto powers


    The +Regen this set gets in its passive is less than the +Regen in other set's Auto powers, and Rise to the Challenge can give more +Regen than this set gets in it's 2 +Regen powers.


    The Res(Regen Debuff) is less than other sets too.


    Anyway, you're free to think it's OP, I disagree, but maybe you'll give it another look with these comparisons.



    • Microphone 1
  13. "What are Wild Instincts?"


    Well, the set started as me trying to come up with a new Support set, but it just made more sense as an Armor set. From there, I really wanted a set that was a little different from the others we have available. The idea was that your ability to defend yourself didn't necessarily come from superhuman abilities or years of training, but maybe just a lifetime of living in the wilderness. For inspiration, I looked to comic book characters that might fit the theme, such as DC's Vixen or Marvel's Ka-Zar.


    I hope the idea of the set is fun, because I know it's probably not meta or PvP-friendly to have an armor set that has a pet. 😅


    Some notes:


    Effects-wise, I envision activating the toggles to have an effect like Vixen does; that is you activate your toggles and a kind of spirit animal is overlaid on your character animating. For example, you activate Wolf's Endurance and you do the Howl emote while a spirit-looking Wolf model appears over you also howling.


    For the pet, I would like to see the ability to choose between a feline or canine, and I would probably limit it to that since they have the same "skeleton" so there would be less differences in movement or animation times.


    Numbers-wise, for a Tanker at level 50 with just SOs, the set would be looking at:


    Without the pet

    ~23.4% Def(Melee, Ranged, Area)

    43.25% Res(DefDebuff)

    ~23.4% Res(All but Psi)

    ~98.5% Regen

    ~389.178 MaxHP


    With the pet (and within 10 ft of each other)

    ~30.9% Def(Melee, Ranged, Area)

    43.25% Res(DefDebuff)

    ~23.4% Res(All but Psi)

    ~248.5% Regen

    ~389.178 MaxHP


    All the numbers below are for a Tanker at level 50. Take a look and let me know what you think!


    Wild Instincts
    Through training or perhaps a life spent in the wilderness, you have learned how to survive and defend yourself like a wild animal! You can move faster, see farther, and heal quicker than the average person and your connection with nature can even afford you an Animal Companion to assist you.


    WildcatsReflexes.png.805d74f554373f673b5e708a54021cbd.png Wildcat's Reflexes

    You can move with the reflexes of a wildcat! You more easily evade melee attacks and can avoid being knocked off your feet. You are also able to slightly run faster, jump higher, and resist defense debuffs.


    Toggle Self: +Def(Melee), +Res(Knockback, DefDebuff), +Speed


    +15% Def(Melee)
    -10 Knockup, Knockback
    +21.625% Res(DefDebuff)

    +Speed, I don't want to type all that out

    Recharge: 2s

    Endurance: 0.26/s



    ImprovedConstitution.png.cb96d158ba1bea071098ec67875f8c87.png Improved Constitution

    Being tested by the wilderness, your constitution has been improved, granting you increased health regeneration and resistance to Smashing, Lethal and Toxic damage. You will also be slightly resistance to regeneration debuffs. Your Animal Companion will share these effects with you.


    Auto Self: +Regen, +Res(Smash, Lethal, Toxic, Regen), Special


    +50% Regeneration
    +15% Res(Smashing)
    +15% Res(Lethal)
    +15% Res(Toxic)
    +20% Resistance(Regeneration)



    HawksVision.png.40298f6ca004ca01507b3ec6928b97d3.png Hawk's Vision

    Your vision is like a hawk's, able to see farther and react quicker to incoming danger. You can more easily evade ranged and AoE attacks. Your perception and chance to hit are also increased.


    Toggle Self: +Def(Ranged, Area), +Perception, +ToHit


    +15% Def(Ranged)
    +15% Def(Area)
    +5% ToHit
    +300% Perception


    Recharge: 2s

    Endurance: 0.26/s



    WolfsEndurance.png.d9f7f958a9ffc242f89e2f236f96d745.png Wolf's Endurance

    You have the endurance of a wolf, allowing you to withstand attempts to control you, reduce your endurance recovery, or debuff your defense. You also naturally recover endurance faster than normal.


    Toggle Self: +Res(Hold, Stun, Sleep, Immobilize, Endurance, Recovery, DefDebuff), +Recovery


    +12.975 Prot(Hold)
    +12.975 Prot(Stun)
    +12.975 Prot(Sleep)
    +12.975 Prot(Immobilize)
    +43.25% Res(EndDrain)
    +43.25% Res(Recovery)
    +21.625% Res(DefDebuff)
    +25% Recovery


    Recharge: 2s

    Endurance: 0.26/s



    Invigorate.png.64c397f4e871feac23d990170aed3350.png Invigorate

    You take a moment to reconnect with nature, healing yourself and reducing the cost of your abilities for a short while. If your Animal Companion is nearby, the amount you will be healed will be halved and your Animal Companion will being healed for the difference.


    Click Self: Heal, Endurance Discount, Special


    +59.6% EndDiscount
    468.5173 Heal


    Recharge: 120s
    Duration: 30s

    Endurance: 10.4



    Ferocity.png.45ca2f0c248e75e9eb139c914dc4c9ab.png Ferocity

    Embrace the ferocity of the wild, increasing your damage for every nearby foe while this toggle is on. Your foes will have reduced chances tohit just from being near you in this state. You will also gain some resistance to fear while this toggle is on.


    Toggle PBAoE Self: +DMG(All), +Res(Fear), Foe: -ToHit


    +7.5% Str(Lethal) Does not stack
    +7.5% Str(Smashing) Does not stack
    +7.5% Str(Fire) Does not stack
    +7.5% Str(Cold) Does not stack
    +7.5% Str(Energy) Does not stack
    +7.5% Str(Negative Energy) Does not stack
    +7.5% Str(Psionic) Does not stack
    +7.5% Str(Toxic) Does not stack
    +4.25% Str(Lethal)
    +4.25% Str(Smashing)
    +4.25% Str(Fire)
    +4.25% Str(Cold)
    +4.25% Str(Energy)
    +4.25% Str(Negative Energy)
    +4.25% Str(Psionic)
    +4.25% Str(Toxic)
    +12.975 Prot(Fear) Does not stack


    -10.5% ToHit Debuff


    Recharge: 10s
    Max Targets: 10

    Endurance: 0.26/s



    WeatheredHide.png.027c52f2db1ef997249badb1004546da.png Weathered Hide

    Exposure to nature has toughened you, effectively increasing your Max HP and resistance to Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy damage. Your Animal Companion will share these effects with you.


    Auto Self: +MaxHP, +Res(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative), Special


    +187.4 Maximum HitPoints
    +15% Res(Fire)
    +15% Res(Cold)
    +15% Res(Energy)
    +15% Res(Negative Energy)



    Relentless.png.8439c48e296188c08441e879489a9039.png Relentless

    Should you fall in battle, your relentless nature will allow you to revive yourself. You will revive with most of your Hit Points and half your Endurance and be protected from XP Debt for 90 seconds. You will also have 15 seconds of immunity to most damage. Nearby foes will be terrified by the sight and suffer lowered defenses. Call of the Wild will be instantly recharged when you use this power.


    Click Self: Rez, Special, Foe: Fear (Mag 4) -Def


    1405.5518 Heal
    +50 Endurance
    +11.92s Fear (Mag 4)
    +10.5% Defense Debuff


    Recharge: 300s

    Duration: 30s (just the -Def)

    Endurance: 0



    AnimalCompanion.png.1e9326b2c2eccab227ef56779a79c719.png Call of the Wild

    You can summon an Animal Companion to aid you! Your animal companion can only bite and scratch at enemies, but your bond provides you both with buffs as long as you remain close to each other. While your Animal Companion is nearby, you will both have increased Regeneration, a bonus to all Defenses, and increased Damage (These effects cannot be enhanced). Your Animal Companion will benefit from the buffs from your Auto powers and receive half the healing from your Invigorate.


    Summon Animal Companion: +Regen, +Def(All), +Damage, Special


    Animal Companion
    Bite - Melee Foe: Moderate Damage(Lethal) DoT(Lethal)

    Scratch - Melee Foe: Minor Damage(Lethal) -Resistance
    Claw - Melee Foe: Minor Damage(Lethal) Chance for Knockdown
    Resistance - Auto Self: +Def(Melee, Ranged, AoE) +Res(Hold, Stun, Sleep, Immobilize, Fear) Special
    Nature's Bond - Auto Self: Special


    Nature's Bond

    +150% Regeneration - Reduced by 50% for every 10 ft away
    +7.5% Def(Melee) - Reduced by 2.5% for every 10 ft away
    +7.5% Def(Ranged) - Reduced by 2.5% for every 10 ft away
    +7.5% Def(AoE) - Reduced by 2.5% for every 10 ft away
    +15% Str(Lethal) - Reduced by 5% for every 10 ft away
    +15% Str(Smashing) - Reduced by 5% for every 10 ft away
    +15% Str(Fire) - Reduced by 5% for every 10 ft away
    +15% Str(Cold) - Reduced by 5% for every 10 ft away
    +15% Str(Energy) - Reduced by 5% for every 10 ft away
    +15% Str(Negative Energy) - Reduced by 5% for every 10 ft away
    +15% Str(Psionic) - Reduced by 5% for every 10 ft away
    +15% Str(Toxic) - Reduced by 5% for every 10 ft away


    Recharge: 240s

    Duration: 120s

    Endurance: 26

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  14. 16 minutes ago, biostem said:

    This is a much more valid critique, IMHO - Either the toggles could be adjusted to account for this, or one simply needs to prioritize which toggles to run and when...


    Since they're more or less single-effects per toggle, their endcost is discounted like the SoA Leadership toggles. So running all three would cost less than a Sonic running Sonic Dispersion and Disruption Field.

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  15. 39 minutes ago, Rudra said:


    Your provided example matches what I said. A character with multiple mouths, presumably with as many sets of vocal cords as mouths and also presumably with a brain capable of independent mental processing for each mouth.


    Edit: And even at that, singing more than 1 song at a time results in a jumbled mess where either 1 song is performed in a manner that overpowers the others or is just a discordant array of garbage. Having had the misfortune of being at a gym where multiple radios were blasting completely different songs, (each of the guys had his preference for metal to power through their workout with) I can assure you that the only thing your character will inspire in others is rage at your character for the horrific array of sounds. (I can't describe how bad the rest of us forced to listen to the sounds wanted to shove those radios down each of those individuals' throats. We even asked them to pick just 1 radio, but they each preferred their own music and their own music was easy for them to hear since the radio was at their heads.) (Edit again: And yes, after mandatory PT, we each went back to our supervisors and complained, getting more than 1 radio being played at the gym banned. Policy became choose 1 radio or bring your own headphones and keep your music to yourself.)



    I don't think it's too big of a problem, it's all make believe, lots of unbelievable stuff going on in this game. If I just change the names of the toggles to the same song name, but different vocal parts, like soprano, alto, tenor, bass, etc. Then it's not a jumbled mess anymore if all are going, but even then I don't think the name of any power holds that much weight for most players.


    Here's another example character who can do this, but with no extra mouths or extra vocal chords: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Joshua_Guthrie_(Earth-616)#Powers


    Doesn't even need to be a character with a mouth, honestly. Could be a robot who has a speaker in their chest or something. You could tell yourself it's just... musical telepathy or something, I dunno. It's all up to whatever the player wants it to be. And it's all just as plausible as being able to have multiple sonic resonance toggles on.


    What's important is whether it looks like a fun set or not.

  16. 14 hours ago, biostem said:

    It'd be interesting if this set utilized the absorb mechanic, with certain powers allowing you to target allies, with the catch being that you can only replenish X amount of absorb points per "tic", so spreading it among too many allies thins out the protection.  Perhaps this set could have a "Build Up"-like power that replenishes a large amount of said absorption points.  It'd also be interesting if your status protection was tied to said shield(s) being intact - so them getting depleted leaves you vulnerable.  Perhaps have a passive that grants a small amount of base status protection, and perhaps also increases the base rate this absorption is replenished... 


    Hmmm... not sure many melee players would like their status protection tied to teammates lol but it is an interesting idea. Maybe to simplify, what if Shield Compaction was a small AoE and you could give other players some of the Absorption if you're close enough together, but you get reduced Absorb for each teammate you help out this way, BUT maybe you also get slightly higher damage resistances or even +Regen for each teammate at the same time. So you trade off the protection of Absorb, but get a bonus that still reduces incoming damage.

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  17. 14 hours ago, Enamel_32 said:

    What does this look like for stalkers?


    I think it would just drop Density Field for Hide, as they already offer similar defense values. I don't see an issue with any other power, really. Maybe Force Recoil, but it's fun and I wouldn't want to keep that from Stalkers!


    14 hours ago, Enamel_32 said:

    From a game mechanic point of view, it's not the world's most interesting offering, but that's fitting since it's emulating an issue 0 power set. For a new power set these days, I think people will ask: what makes it stand out?


    My idea was that what made it different was that it covered all damage types and most debuffs for a bit of simplicity and consistency, but at the cost a true heal. I think I might play around with it a bit more, probably do as others suggested and combine 2 of the shields and then add in another team-type power. I think I like the idea of it being another support armor powerset, kinda like Shield.


    14 hours ago, Enamel_32 said:

    There's a lot of debuff resistance for being a defensive set. Mostly they just resist defense debuffs and sometimes -speed/-recharge and the other debuffs are avoided thanks to the defense.


    The only debuff resistance I added that other sets don't already get (I think) is ToHit resistance. The next comparable set is Invulnerability, I think? Gets defense debuff, end/recovery debuff, and slow/rech debuff resistance. My only concern is that some of the resistances may be too high for a melee armor set. Might knock a couple down to half.


    14 hours ago, Enamel_32 said:

    Density Field: I would maybe consider a different or much weaker debuff effect, as the -recharge is ~3x stronger than the one in Entropic Aura, for example, and that doesn't also reduce enemy movement speed.


    I forgot to use a modifier for those, so that's the base value. 😅 For a Tanker, it would actually be -64% Speed and -40% Recharge (because their Melee Slow mod is 0.8). That puts them just higher than Chilling Embrace on a Tanker, but with +Def instead of -Damage. It might still be too strong, as I decided those values before I decided to add +Def to the effect. I might revert it somewhat to an earlier version where Density Field was only a debuff, and Frictionless had a passive +Def.


    14 hours ago, Enamel_32 said:

    Force Recoil: Big crowd control. I don't think I would pick this power unless I was playing a capital T tanker to be honest. I do think it'd end up looking hilarious, since most knockdown animations put enemies on their backs, and they're simultaneously being pulled toward their target.


    It's fun though, and that's the real goal!


    14 hours ago, Enamel_32 said:

    Shield Compaction: I have a suspicion that the resistance component pushes this into Way Strong territory, but a click absorb makes a lot of sense to me for a defensive set, particularly at lower levels where you're getting hit more. Maybe it also makes sense to shift a portion of the defense debuff resistance from the other powers into this one?


    I don't think it's Way Strong, the absorb amount is standard with the other sets that get Absorb (Rad and Bio), I think. They get +Regen instead of +Resistance, though. Overall, I think the set has a little too much damage resistance though, and if I update it I will probably drop it down to scale 1.0 (so 10% for Tanks, 7.5 for everyone else).


    14 hours ago, Enamel_32 said:

    Force Sanctuary: the regeneration feels out of place here; it reads like an Empathy power to me. With the initial suggested numbers it's exactly as potent as Regeneration Aura and Regeneration Aura combined, though it differs in that follows the player around vs. being a one time click, and has a shorter duration and radius of effect.


    The uptime for Force Sanctuary and the Empathy auras is pretty close, the benefits for the auras being the larger AoE and longer duration, though. But I have been thinking about this and haven't decided how to change the power. I feel it needs some kind of penalty to be strong enough to be worth using. Maybe either the Force Shield user can't affect enemies while it's on (not ideal cause without attacking you lose threat), or that it also contains a Repel so enemies will sometimes be just out of range for most of your melee attacks, or that the user themselves suffers from decreased speed, recharge and damage, so that the penalty is just that it's not optimal, but you can still attack and taunt and maintain threat.

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