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Posts posted by Trickshooter

  1. 51 minutes ago, MsSmart said:

        So why not give us, at the tailor, a flag we can chose to have super skin and look human instead fruity pebbles or look like we been stoned?


    Because you're playing Stone Armor, not Invulnerability. If you just want "super skin," then you play Invulnerability.


    Options are great, but you can't just ask to throw out the visual theme of a set. That power is Granite Armor in the Stone Armor powerset, so rocks are gonna be involved in one way or another.

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  2. On 5/12/2024 at 12:34 AM, Glacier Peak said:

    For whatever reason, in Issue 12 Acrobatics was reduced from a static 100 points of knockback protection to 9 points, two of which are enhanceable and affected by buffs. Maybe they were proliferating set bonuses and Invention Origin enhancements that provided the protection in abundance. 


    I believe during the Issue 12 beta, we were told something like "in retrospect, this is basically complete KB immunity and we should have never had it be that high" and so they reduced it to be less than the KB protection Melee ATs got, but players wanted it to be higher as it required more investment, and so the resolution of the back and forth was the situation we have now, where 2 out of the 9 points of KB protection are enhanceable with KB enhancements, even though no other power works that way. The whole issue was full of tweaks to KB, like adding PvP suppression, as well as being the issue where all versions of Power Boost's had KB enhancement removed from the buffs they provided.


    For the OP, it is not a bug that Acrobatics accepts KB enhancements, but as far as I know it is intended behavior that Acrobatics does not accept KB IO sets. KB IO sets were added in Issue 11, and the change to Acrobatics was done in Issue 12; if Acrobatics was intended to accept KB IO sets, it could have accepted them from the beginning, but doesn't. I'm sure there was even a dev post explaining that they wouldn't work in Acrobatics, but it's likely lost as it would have been on the original beta forums.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Uun said:

    Running Provost Marchand's mission where you fight Nosferatu in Croatoa. Mission set to +3/x4. I'm on a lvl 50 Plant/Martial permadom w/ T4 incarnates (so +1 lvl shift). In the final battle, Nosferatu (EB) is accompanied by 3 vampire bosses. Hit them with Seeds, bosses are confused. Bosses transform into Dark Warwolfs. They are no longer confused, so I hit them with Seeds again. They have the purple dots around their heads, but they're still attacking me. After rezzing, had to hover out of melee range and stack Strangler on each of them (1 application wasn't sufficient). 


    With Domination up, Seeds is a mag 6 confuse and Strangler is a mag 6 hold. According to CoD, Dark Warwolfs have mag 5.19 mezz protection (confuse, fear, hold, stun, sleep). Unless I'm missing something, 1 application of a mag 6 hold or confuse should have affected them.




    Wouldn't that be that they get an ADDITIONAL 5.19 mezz protection, on top of already being Bosses and having natural mag 3 protection?

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  4. So, what it looks like to me is that Reverberant is inheriting the damage bonus from damage enhancements in the Reverberant power as well as the  damage enhancements from your own Hymn of Dissonance (because of the way Reverberant works, it's granted a copy of your power every time you use a power). So it's getting double damage slotting.


    I asked about Melodic Binding, because I thought that damage looked pretty low, and it looks like that power is not inheriting ANY damage bonus. At level 50, Reverberant's Melodic Binding does base 66.73 damage, which is pretty dang close to that first line of damage there, which is why I think it's not getting any +damage from your slotting.

  5. They're already so much more convenient to reapply than they originally were, having to activate them a second or even third time just because some people are further away is just not really an issue to most players, I think. Having lived through the dark ages of asking a team to stop so you can click one power 8 times, and then another power 8 more times... being able to buff the whole team (or whole LEAGUE) by clicking each power once still feels almost too generous 13 years later.

  6. Can you share what level your character is, what your slotting is for Reverberant (as in what percentage of +Damage is it receiving from enhancements), and possibly also what your slotting is for Hymn of Dissonance and Melodic Binding (again, what percentage of +Damage is coming from enhancements)?


    Edit: Do you also remember what level the enemies were?

  7. 47 minutes ago, Uun said:

    I don't have a Fire or Rad blaster, but I tested with Dark, DP, Ice and Water, as well as Tactical Arrow and Temporal. I only got one buff per attack on all AoEs and cones. This was in PI and RWZ, not AE. Perhaps someone else with a Fire or Rad blaster could test?


    Went back and checked again cause you said you tested DP and it worked as expected.


    Of the sets that have Defiance as a Standard effect, Archery and DP have the flags to prevent stacking Defiance buffs on their AoEs.


    The other three, Energy, Fire and Rad Blast all do not have that flag on their AoEs. So I'm gonna theorize those are the only three sets that may have the behavior the OP is experiencing. Of course, I also have no blasters with any of those primaries to check lol.

  8. Up to 10 enemies within an 8 ft radius of you. They don't need to be attacking you and you don't need to be attacking them; they just need to be within 8 ft.


    Edit: Actually might be bigger than 8 ft because of Gauntlet, I can't remember.


    The first enemy grants you 15.5% +Damage(All), the rest will give 5.5% +Damage(All)

  9. On 5/5/2024 at 9:53 AM, CrusaderDroid said:

    So realistically you'll just get told "play Gravity Control", and Gravity Control gets you most of the way there already.


    That said, a Telekinetic Blast T9 power that is dropping half a parking garage worth of cars on top of an area is hilarious, and I think there's a way to make it work that's meaningfully different from the existing psi sets. At the very least, the animations would be flashy, and flashy animations are like half the reason to play a set.


    Having a bunch of knockback is pretty bad though. You'll just end up being compared to Energy Blast - bad spot to be in, not just because knockback in general is bad for teams with melee but because getting in a direct comparison makes it easier for one to overshadow the other. If we aren't interested in making new gimmick effects, we could have every power apply varying magnitudes of holds or immobilizes - such that eventually you'll trap an enemy under a pile of debris. That seems pretty fun to try out.


    I am here to say play Gravity Control lol


    Visually and effects-wise, it makes a great stand-in for telekinesis. Pink Gravity Control + Combat-only Battle Fury head aura, maybe throw in the attacks from Force of Will (cause they do psi damage and KD), and you're a classic comic book telekinetic.

  10. It's interesting that your Fireball screenshot shows so many damage buffs from Fireball, but your total Damage bonus is still 0%, unlike for Ball Lightning. Not sure what's going on there.


    Anyway, the only difference I can see between the three sets you listed are that all Elec Blast defiance buffs are listed as "Activation" effects and are separate from the rest of the attack effects, while all Fire Blast and Rad Blast defiance buffs are listed as "Standard" effects and are grouped with the rest of the attack effects. I'm wondering if that means that Elec attacks will give their Defiance buff regardless of it the attack hits or not, while Fire and Rad will only give buffs if they actually hit?


    Some testing may need to be done to confirm that, and also if all the blast sets behave in the same way as the examples above.


    Sets that have Defiance buffs as an Activation effect:

    Assault Rifle

    Beam Rifle

    Dark Blast

    Elec Blast

    Ice Blast

    Psychic Blast

    Seismic Blast

    Sonic Attack

    Storm Blast

    Water Blast


    Sets that have Defiance buffs as a Standard effect:

    Archery (which also appears to not use a formula at all, all the buff values are hard-coded)

    Dual Pistols

    Energy Blast

    Fire Blast

    Rad Blast

  11. Just popping in to say that, according to City of Data, yes, all player versions of Consume are bugged in this way. Their +End and +Recovery effects are missing the flag to not scale with enemy level. So that's for all versions of Fiery Aura (Brute, Tank, Scrapper, Stalker and Sentinel), as well as the version in Blaster's Fire Manipulation, Dominator's Fiery Assault, and Defender, Corruptor and Controller's Fire Mastery Epic sets.

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  12. When it comes to Stone and Invulnerability, their resistance I consider "you're too tough to feel that attack" and their defense I consider like "the bullets just bounce right off" sorta deal. Probably similar with Ice (who was forgotten about by the OP, RUDE).


    The defense part is kind of explained by the defense combat messages, right? Some sets say "Deflected!" (Ice, Shield, Invuln, Stone), some say "Dodged!" (SR or Nin), and then purple insps say "Avoided!" (which I assume is some kind of probability alteration happening?).

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  13. On 4/30/2024 at 1:06 AM, Greycat said:

    Yeah, "destroyed" probably isn't the right word... other than the new landscaping in Moth Cemetery. Though I don't think depopulated would work... even if it was. I'm not honestly sure what the right word would be for it.


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  14. 24 minutes ago, Zhym said:

    That seems likely.  Mine is currently set to "N/A" and I don't see a way to change it.  Is there a different option I need to set to enable this?

    It might require higher graphics setting being enabled, but I couldn't tell you which, I didn't think it could be N/A. Could just be a limitation with running the game on a Mac, but I'm not sure. I would say turn up the graphics settings as high as you reasonably can and see if it becomes an option, and if it does, then roll your settings back to where you're comfortable and see what disables it as an option as you go.


    Edit: I might also be misremembering, but I think I remember something like this coming up years ago and that the sepia/black and white filters needed you to be in fullscreen mode, in case you were in windowed mode. I'm not at home to check whether that's the case or not, but figured I'd mention it just in case.

  15. This is just a thought I had, but I REALLY miss when Thermal's shields and debuffs had the heat waves effect. I know they were trouble for low-end PCs back in the day, but it's 2024!


    The .FX file still exists, I think (whether it still works is a different thing), so is there a way to add these back as an option? Likely in a way where only the user who wants to see them has to see them?



  16. For clarity, Scorpion Shield's +Resistance is NOT unenhanceable in the way that prevents it from being boosted by Damage buffs; the power itself just does not accept Resist Damage enhancements. The +Resistance is grants can be enhanced if you can find a way to sneak Resist Damage or Damage enhancements in there, like maybe with Hami-Os? I can't remember if that's still a thing you can do.


    For +Resistance in a power to be truly unenhanceable, it needs the flag that says "Ignores enhancements and other boosts" with the little lock icon to the left of the +Resistance value on City of Data, as seen on Deflection Shield.


    Scorpion Shield cannot be slotted for Damage Resistance, but it's +Resistance IS enhanceable, so that's why the whole power is flagged to ignore external strength boosts.

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  17. I love the idea of a Ranged Staff Blast type weapon! Have you considered calling it a Scepter, rather than a Staff to differentiate it from Staff Fighting? Staff Blast works well enough, but you could also just call it what it is, similar to the other weapon sets, so possibly Energy Staff/Scepter or Power Staff/Scepter.


    I don't think Staves as a ranged set are anymore origin-limiting then the guns and bows are. Comics are full of staves/wands that aren't magical. Maybe it came from a high tech alien race, maybe it was designed by some hero/villain to pull energy from another dimension... heck, comics even have a mutant who uses a staff, kinda. Black Tom Cassidy used his shillelagh as a focus for blasting his mutant ability.


    I don't like the idea of basically copying Dual Pistols theme, though, or of the default damage type being smashing/lethal, only because I'm not sure what it's firing at that point.


    You could easily design it as a set around a more unique idea, like... 


    Maybe every attack automatically cycles through Fire/Cold/Energy(Electric) damage as you use them, giving you a greater range of damage types that aren't weighed down by also being part Smashing or Lethal, but obviously you have less control over when to use them.


    Maybe the single target attacks grant stacks of some unique ability, and when you have X amount of stacks, your AoE attacks become "charged" and do more damage and have larger area of effects.


    Maybe every time you attack you gain a stack of whatever and when you have X amount of stacks, the next single-target attack you use becomes an AoE.


    Maybe you get a toggle when you take the powerset that lets you change your AoEs from standard ranged AoEs to higher damage PBAoEs at the cost of having to be closer to enemies.


    etc. etc.


    Point being, there is so much room for creativity because a staff that shoots energy is generic enough that could come up with so many gimmicks.

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