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Posts posted by Trickshooter

  1. On 12/22/2019 at 8:07 AM, Solarverse said:

    Then its bugged. Otherwise it would also happen with Hide or Superioir Invisibility. 

    Superior Invisibility does not suppress from attacking or being attacked, only when clicking a glowie, so the Cabal's Positioning effect would not trigger stealth suppression for it like it would with other stealth powers.


    Stalker's Hide is also slightly different from most stealth powers, as it will only suppress from an enemy "attack" if damage is done. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 12/16/2019 at 8:19 AM, DrRocket said:

    So could it be possible to ammend the powers that do not have positionals, to be positional such as the Rickti Mentalist to be a ranged attack hold?



    I feel some Psionic powers lacking a positional defense is a reasonable trade off for the many more debuffs that lack a damage type defense, and to fix one without the other would be kind of unfair. And that could be quite a lot of work.


    Also, if they did fix both, Mind Control would need some reworking, because that whole set's "secondary effect" is that many enemies lack the specific psionic type defense to dodge them. Add a positional defense to those powers and Mind is basically Fire without its DoT, Elec without its End Drain, etc.


    My point is, it could be opening up a can of worms. It's not impossible, but would probably need quite a bit of time to pull off and then test thoroughly.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, summers said:

    Consume is currently broken and I've reported it earlier. It does provide endurance protection (which works against drains - not recovery debuffs), but unlike its function on Live it doesn't stack with itself. That means that when Consume hits 4 targets, you only get the 1 buff for endurance protection, which by and large means it doesn't do very much at all.


    Very disappointing!

    Consume has given a flat 50% Endurance Drain resistance since Issue 18.

    • Sad 1
  4. 6 hours ago, ZorkNemesis said:

    Not long ago I recall having a chat in the bug form about Staff and Sky Splitter having some kind of AoE effect that seems to have been attributed to Tanker's Gauntlet effect, which adds an AoE taunt to every single target attack.  It seems this effect may be unintentionally causing secondary effects of some attacks to apply to the Gauntlet AoE as well.  I've got a Dual Blades Tank right now who just trained 28 and got Vengeful Slice which causes a knockdown partway through the animation.  This knockdown seems to be applying to all targets in range of the taunt effect, but only the knockdown.  I recall my Dual Blades Brute on live servers, and that attack never dealt an AoE knockdown so i'm betting it's a Tanker problem and something is making me think it's more than just VS with this problem.  In case people ask about additional effects or slotting, Fire Armor is my shield and the only power slotted with a KD effect is Typhoon's Edge so there shouldn't be any external KDs going on here.  VS itself is fresh and only has an IO Damage currently.


    As an unrelated but quick bug, Fire Armor's Consume states that it provides two minutes of "Endurance Protection" after use, which I assume is supposed to mean protection from recovery debuffs or endurance drains.  This doesn't appear to be doing anything.  Combat attributes reports no resistance to Recovery Debuffs, and Consume is not anywhere to be found on the spreadsheet after the 15 second recovery buff goes away.

    Regarding Vengeful Slice, looks like you're right: the Tanker version's Knockdown is missing the flag that limits it to the initial target. It becomes an AoE because the power itself is secretly an AoE to make Gauntlet work.


    Regarding Consume, it doesn't give Resistance to Recovery Debuffs, it gives Resistance to Endurance Drain, which isn't an attribute that can monitored, I don't think.

  5. If Sky Splitter ever had AoE damage on a Tanker, it was a bug. The attack has always been meant to be ST. The 9 ft radius and 5 target limit on Sky Splitter for Tankers is only meant for the effect of Gauntlet. Nearly all Tanker attacks are secretly AoEs in order to facilitate the passive AoE taunt of Gauntlet, but the other effects of their attacks (except those attacks explicitly meant to be AoE) are limited by a flag that prevents the effect from extending beyond the initial target.


    It looks like there might have been a bug where the bonus damage from having 3 levels of Perfection when activated were missing their "single-target only" limiters, and now it's fixed. I can't speak for the issue of the self buffs being bugged.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Bossk_Hogg said:

    But they fall in line with the melee nukes, given that they recharge faster. T Blast is the outlier and should be fixed. Sentinel Electric Blast already fixed this as well. 


    The T9's all use the ranged modifier as well. There isnt a damage penalty for being ranged. It wouldnt surprise me if the OG devs slapped one on there randomly, because they sucked at power math.

    Realistically, the best solution probably would have been to make Thunderous Blast match Overcharge and Geyser when all the nukes were rebalanced in Issue 24, but lowering it's damage lower than the other legacy nukes might have been seen as nerfing a set that was already considered weak by most of the playerbase.

  7. I just want to add that I would love for Tesla Cage to do more damage and for Short Circuit to animate faster. I think those are solid suggestions, and while some people are going to be averse to change simply because they love a set/power just fine as it is, I think overall most people would (eventually lol) be very happy with those changes.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Bossk_Hogg said:

    Looks like Thunderous should still deal more based on the formulas. Can you double check vs Geyser and Overcharge?

    Off the top of my head, I would say if anything, Geyser and Overcharge are really the problem in the comparison to Thunderous Blast, but I wouldn't want to get them nerfed. 🤐

  9. 3 hours ago, HelenCarnate said:

    By that logic, Rain of Arrows and Geyser should be doing a lot less damage.  Also see Sentinels, the sets I listed all have the same damage and recharge.  There is no reason to have the longer recharge on the nuke for Electric. 

    Well, really by my logic, Rain of Arrows and Geyser should just be doing less damage, and they already do. Rain of Arrows specifically has to make a tohit check with each tic and server timing typically makes it only hit twice, so usually only scale 2.4 damage. Geyser seems out of place maybe, but it lines up with the only other comparable nuke, which is Overcharge.


    Thunderous Blast is basically the only nuke that functions the way it does, so it's hard to compare to another nuke and say "hey, this seems off." About 2/3s of the nukes fall in to two groups that are easier to compare (the PBAoEs, and then Overcharge+Geyser), but all the other ones are basically unique and it's hard to say specifically why certain values were picked for damage or recharge (because as Vanden said, the damage formula has never really applied to them, and even if it did, range is not included in the formulas), but we know the basic reason always comes down to trying to balance risk vs. reward.


    So considering risk vs. reward: Thunderous Blast does the damage of the PBAoE nukes, but from 60 ft away. Yes, it does take longer to animate, but you can use Thunderous Blast before enemies even know you're there, so the animation time in that situation is only annoying, unlike for the PBAoEs where it could potentially lead to a faceplant before the damage actually occurs.


    I can't really comment on Sentinels, because my opinion there would probably just be that they just weren't balanced correctly and need their damage/recharge times revisited.

  10. 2 hours ago, Bossk_Hogg said:

    Geyser and Overcharge are both ranged and on a 125 second recharge, compared to Elec's 170. They also have a secondary effect that is actually useful in most situations (stun). Elec also deals it's damage in tics, allowing retaliation, unlike the other sets which just kill stuff instantly. Thunderous Blast also has a longer cast time than any other, save Full Auto.


    They do less damage. Is that 0.5 scale extra damage worth the extra 45 second recharge? I don't know, I'm just saying there was a reason why it's recharge is longer. Also, I don't think Thunderous Blast's damage is done in tics? It splits the damage type, but it does it all at once last I checked.

  11. 4 hours ago, Captain Powerhouse said:

    I don’t recall there being any animation time changes for martial arts after the storm kick change very early on. They did change recharge times and damage for better dps, and added some new mechanic to Eagle Claw that boosts crit rate, but that was all Castle’s area.


    The blaster T1/2 normalization was for different reasons relating with making all the “usable while mezzed” powers “equal” for blasters.

    I believe they're referencing these that came between Issues 12 and 13: Link!


    Changed animations for Martial Arts attacks to help improve performance. New animation times are as follows:
    Thunder Kick 0.83
    Storm Kick 0.83
    Cobra Strike 1.67
    Crane Kick 1.67
    Crippling Axe Kick 1.60
    Dragons Tail 1.50
    Eagles Claw 2.53

    • Thanks 4
  12. On 9/19/2019 at 12:14 PM, DarknessEternal said:

    So what explains why Thunderous Blast has a longer recharge than the other Blaster T9s, and does the same damage?

    It's 60 ft range. Of all the T9s that do upfront base scale 4 damage, it is the only one that isn't a PBAoE.

  13. At work so I can't check anything myself, but not sure why it wouldn't affect Unleash Potential's Defense buff off the top of my head.


    Link Minds has never been able to be affected by power boost effects, it has always been flagged to ignore outside buffs/debuffs because damage buffs would interact with it's psionic resistance. This has been the case since Link Minds was created.


    Power boost effects have also never affected regen buffs; it's worded a bit poorly, but they buff heal strength, so just true heals (that aren't flagged to ignore outside buffs, like Reconstruction), not necessarily any power that accepts healing enhancements.

    • Thanks 1
  14. My opinion on Oil Slick Arrow, for what it's worth, is that if the fire was some kind of "bonus," and not something intended to be used everytime, then maybe the power shouldn't be balanced around it. As of right now, though, it is. Without the fire, Oil Slick Arrow is a weaker version of Ice Slick that costs more endurance and takes twice as long to recharge.


    Now, Oil Slick Arrow on a 90s timer sounds insane to me, so if we keep the 180s recharge, then I think a good compromise might be what Vanden said: have the oil automatically light after a delay, but leave the option to light it sooner. That way the player always has access to the effects that warrant the recharge and endurance cost.


    In the grand scheme of things, though, this doesn't really improve Trick Arrows in any meaningful way. I agree that Entanging Arrow, Flash Arrow and Ice Arrow could use improvements, but honestly nearly every power in the set needs a bit of sprucing up, though some issues are very small compared to others.

  15. 18 hours ago, Bossk_Hogg said:

    This may have changed since live, but doesnt lighting the slick consume it or make it go away faster? So there's a reason to not light it out of the gate. 

    Don't think this was ever the case. As far as I'm aware, the oil has always lasted 30 seconds, and the fire lasts 15 seconds. If your intention is to use it to do damage, it's almost always best to light it as soon as possible; wait too long and the fire could outlast the oil and enemies can easily run out of it.

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  16. The Endurance effect from Aid Self when you own Field Medic is an Endurance-over-Time (possibly the first and only power with this?), not a recovery or max endurance buff. It ticks 5 times over 8.1 seconds for 5% of your max endurance every 2 seconds. If anything, the real bug is that it shows up in the combat attribute monitoring at all.

    • Like 1
  17. 8 hours ago, SolarFlash said:

    I’m thinking of rolling either an A/TA corruptor or a TA/A defender - is there any strong advantage either AT has for these sets?


    Does Scourge work on all powers, or are the pet nature of rain of arrows / oil slick arrow excluded from scourge?


    It seems to me that since TA doesn’t have the strongest debuffs & no real help in hitting the softcap, the defender version is not as appealing as for other sets - which pushes me towards the higher damage potential of the corruptor.


    I read some of Sir Myshkin’s awesome work on a TA/A Proc monster - but it appeared to me this would work nearly as well on a corruptor counterpart.

    Trick Arrow is more potent for a Defender; the Corruptor version is a bit worse as a secondary than other sets due to a few issues. Its two Resistance debuffs stack to get you a whopping -30% to 10 foes in an 8 foot radius, whereas shared pseudopets in other sets allow them to hit -30% against 16 foes in 15+ foot radii with just a single power. Also, more than other sets, the effects in Trick Arrow use modifiers that are the same between Corruptors and Masterminds (Mezzes, Slows and Resistance debuffs), which makes much of Corruptor TA perform no better than a Mastermind using it.


    On the Archery side, the Corruptor version is definitely better, but it's a pretty good AoE set for either archetype.


    Scourge works on all of Archery, including Rain of Arrows, but only works on Acid Arrow's tiny Toxic Dot for Trick Arrow, I think.


    Trick Arrow itself might not necessarily help hitting the defense softcap or resistance caps, but the Defender itself does. Defender's share mods for self +Defense/+Resistance powers with Tankers, which means powers like Tough, Weave, Combat Jumping, Hover and the Epic/Patron armors function at Tanker values.

  18. Just a thing to keep in mind, it's possible to summon a different pet based on whether Domination is active or not. Dark's AoE Hold works this way, already.


    So it would be possible to make both Blind's Sleep AoE and Spectral Terror benefit from Domination, as well. Possibly also make a version of Phantom Army with stronger Taunts while in Domination?


    The two big issues with Illusion for Dominators (to me, anyway) are:


    A) Dominators are more damage-focused ATs than Controllers, so do they need Group Invisibility?


    And B) Dominators definitely don't need Spectral Wounds.


    Make new Domination-only pets and solve those two issues and it would be a fine Dominator set. Though, I believe the original dev stance was that if Illusions was ever going to be proliferated to a Villain AT, it would have been Masterminds.



    • Thanks 1
  19. The set bonuses say they improve Healing, not that they act as global Heal Enhancements. They grant Heal Strength, which is only one of the attributes of a Heal Enhancement, the others being Regeneration, MaxHP and Absorb.


    Like Vanden said, this is not really a bug; these set bonuses are acting as advertised, though I understand how it might seem like it doesn't make sense. Admittedly, all of this could use better documentation in-game. Ultimately, though, your issue is more of a quality of life thing, and would probably be better in the Suggestions forum.

    • Like 1
  20. 1 hour ago, DR_Mechano said:

    Recently tried Kinetic Melee...and my god the sound effects get rather grating after a time.


    Any sets you guys would try but found the sound effects just put you off the set?

    I wish I could find a video of the original Kinetic Melee sounds. Right before the set went Live, they changed them all to the racecar melee sounds we have now and I'll never understand why.

  21. On 9/1/2019 at 5:54 AM, Cipher said:







      Reveal hidden contents
    1 Empathy Radiation Blast 199
    2 Empathy Water Blast 189
    3 Empathy Psychic Blast 180
    4 Radiation Emission Radiation Blast 176
    5 Empathy Dark Blast 168
    6 Dark Miasma Dark Blast 129
    7 Empathy Energy Blast 122
    8 Empathy Electrical Blast 92
    9 Empathy Sonic Attack 91
    10 Empathy Ice Blast 89
    11 Kinetics Electrical Blast 88
    12 Kinetics Radiation Blast 80
    13 Radiation Emission Sonic Attack 75
    14 Empathy Fire Blast 66
    15 Kinetics Sonic Attack 64
    16 Sonic Debuff Sonic Attack 64
    17 Time Manipulation Dual Pistols 63
    18 Cold Domination Ice Blast 60
    19 Storm Summoning Electrical Blast 58
    20 Storm Summoning Water Blast 57
    21 Cold Domination Sonic Attack 56
    22 Nature Affinity Water Blast 53
    23 Kinetics Water Blast 51
    24 Empathy Dual Pistols 51
    25 Kinetics Fire Blast 51
    26 Empathy Archery 46
    27 Radiation Emission Psychic Blast 44
    28 Poison Dark Blast 42
    29 Time Manipulation Sonic Attack 41
    30 Kinetics Psychic Blast 40
    31 Radiation Emission Dark Blast 39
    32 Storm Summoning Ice Blast 37
    33 Thermal Radiation Fire Blast 37
    34 Trick Arrow Archery 32
    35 Nature Affinity Ice Blast 32
    36 Kinetics Ice Blast 32
    37 Empathy Beam Rifle 31
    38 Poison Sonic Attack 30
    39 Force Field Dark Blast 30
    40 Kinetics Energy Blast 30
    41 Poison Ice Blast 29
    42 Force Field Water Blast 29
    43 Kinetics Dual Pistols 28
    44 Kinetics Dark Blast 28
    45 Force Field Radiation Blast 27
    46 Pain Domination Water Blast 26
    47 Force Field Energy Blast 25
    48 Cold Domination Dark Blast 25
    49 Radiation Emission Ice Blast 24
    50 Force Field Sonic Attack 22
    51 Thermal Radiation Radiation Blast 22
    52 Time Manipulation Fire Blast 22
    53 Pain Domination Psychic Blast 21
    54 Pain Domination Dark Blast 20
    55 Force Field Electrical Blast 20
    56 Time Manipulation Beam Rifle 19
    57 Force Field Psychic Blast 19
    58 Time Manipulation Ice Blast 19
    59 Poison Water Blast 19
    60 Storm Summoning Dark Blast 19
    61 Thermal Radiation Water Blast 18
    62 Force Field Beam Rifle 18
    63 Time Manipulation Psychic Blast 18
    64 Radiation Emission Fire Blast 18
    65 Time Manipulation Radiation Blast 17
    66 Cold Domination Water Blast 17
    67 Nature Affinity Sonic Attack 16
    68 Thermal Radiation Sonic Attack 16
    69 Thermal Radiation Ice Blast 16
    70 Pain Domination Sonic Attack 15
    71 Thermal Radiation Electrical Blast 15
    72 Time Manipulation Water Blast 15
    73 Nature Affinity Psychic Blast 15
    74 Empathy Assault Rifle 15
    75 Time Manipulation Dark Blast 15
    76 Nature Affinity Archery 14
    77 Pain Domination Electrical Blast 13
    78 Poison Psychic Blast 12
    79 Nature Affinity Radiation Blast 12
    80 Radiation Emission Water Blast 11
    81 Force Field Ice Blast 11
    82 Traps Dual Pistols 11
    83 Nature Affinity Fire Blast 11
    84 Pain Domination Dual Pistols 10
    85 Nature Affinity Dark Blast 10
    86 Kinetics Beam Rifle 10
    87 Poison Radiation Blast 10
    88 Sonic Debuff Radiation Blast 9
    89 Radiation Emission Energy Blast 9
    90 Dark Miasma Radiation Blast 9
    91 Thermal Radiation Dark Blast 9
    92 Radiation Emission Electrical Blast 9
    93 Nature Affinity Beam Rifle 8
    94 Thermal Radiation Psychic Blast 8
    95 Pain Domination Beam Rifle 8
    96 Storm Summoning Sonic Attack 8
    97 Dark Miasma Sonic Attack 8
    98 Force Field Fire Blast 8
    99 Pain Domination Radiation Blast 8
    100 Time Manipulation Electrical Blast 8
    101 Force Field Dual Pistols 8
    102 Kinetics Archery 7
    103 Cold Domination Psychic Blast 7
    104 Poison Beam Rifle 7
    105 Traps Assault Rifle 7
    106 Traps Beam Rifle 7
    107 Dark Miasma Water Blast 7
    108 Cold Domination Fire Blast 6
    109 Pain Domination Fire Blast 6
    110 Sonic Debuff Psychic Blast 6
    111 Pain Domination Ice Blast 6
    112 Dark Miasma Psychic Blast 6
    113 Kinetics Assault Rifle 6
    114 Dark Miasma Fire Blast 6
    115 Time Manipulation Archery 5
    116 Dark Miasma Archery 5
    117 Radiation Emission Archery 5
    118 Sonic Debuff Dark Blast 5
    119 Sonic Debuff Ice Blast 5
    120 Poison Electrical Blast 5
    121 Force Field Archery 5
    122 Dark Miasma Electrical Blast 5
    123 Traps Sonic Attack 5
    124 Dark Miasma Ice Blast 5
    125 Nature Affinity Dual Pistols 5
    126 Force Field Assault Rifle 5
    127 Sonic Debuff Archery 5
    128 Radiation Emission Dual Pistols 5
    129 Radiation Emission Beam Rifle 4
    130 Sonic Debuff Electrical Blast 4
    131 Nature Affinity Electrical Blast 4
    132 Cold Domination Beam Rifle 4
    133 Storm Summoning Fire Blast 4
    134 Sonic Debuff Fire Blast 4
    135 Pain Domination Assault Rifle 4
    136 Poison Fire Blast 4
    137 Cold Domination Radiation Blast 4
    138 Dark Miasma Dual Pistols 4
    139 Trick Arrow Fire Blast 4
    140 Sonic Debuff Beam Rifle 4
    141 Storm Summoning Energy Blast 4
    142 Pain Domination Energy Blast 4
    143 Storm Summoning Psychic Blast 3
    144 Trick Arrow Dark Blast 3
    145 Thermal Radiation Beam Rifle 3
    146 Time Manipulation Energy Blast 3
    147 Poison Dual Pistols 3
    148 Sonic Debuff Water Blast 3
    149 Storm Summoning Radiation Blast 3
    150 Traps Dark Blast 3
    151 Trick Arrow Dual Pistols 3
    152 Poison Archery 3
    153 Traps Fire Blast 3
    154 Sonic Debuff Dual Pistols 3
    155 Storm Summoning Dual Pistols 3
    156 Thermal Radiation Archery 2
    157 Sonic Debuff Energy Blast 2
    158 Dark Miasma Assault Rifle 2
    159 Radiation Emission Assault Rifle 2
    160 Traps Archery 2
    161 Thermal Radiation Dual Pistols 2
    162 Pain Domination Archery 2
    163 Thermal Radiation Assault Rifle 2
    164 Cold Domination Energy Blast 2
    165 Dark Miasma Beam Rifle 2
    166 Storm Summoning Archery 2
    167 Nature Affinity Assault Rifle 1
    168 Trick Arrow Ice Blast 1
    169 Trick Arrow Psychic Blast 1
    170 Poison Energy Blast 1
    171 Dark Miasma Energy Blast 1
    172 Traps Radiation Blast 1
    173 Cold Domination Electrical Blast 1
    174 Nature Affinity Energy Blast 1
    175 Traps Electrical Blast 1
    176 Traps Water Blast 1
    177 Trick Arrow Beam Rifle 1
    178 Poison Assault Rifle 1
    179 Thermal Radiation Energy Blast 1
    180 Trick Arrow Energy Blast 1
    181 Cold Domination Dual Pistols 1
    182 Traps Ice Blast 1
    183 Trick Arrow Sonic Attack 1
    184 Trick Arrow Water Blast 1
    185 Trick Arrow Assault Rifle 1




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