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Posts posted by Trickshooter

  1. 18 minutes ago, GM Sijin said:

    Perhaps the power's animation should be changed to throw a much faster projectile earlier in the cast time, or more favorably it should be reworked to remove the projectile entirely since it adds variability in healing unless the projectile is too fast to really see... which defeats the point of having one. This applies to Antidote as well. I know a lot of players aren't particularly happy with the animation set for Poison in general and it seems like for its reactionary abilities having them be variable makes them significantly more unreliable, especially for the heal.

    Yes, please! Alkaloid and Antidote aren't particularly slow to animate, but the travel time of the projectile really makes them feel like they're always too little, too late. 

    • Like 1
  2. On 8/20/2019 at 5:30 AM, Nayeh said:

    After getting a Sonic/Poison Corrupter to 38, I imagined having a "splash" AoE on Alkaloid and Antidote would dramatically change this line to not feel so gimpy. The Debuff aspects are already "spit and splash" effects that wouldn't be too far off in alignment to the said proposal.

    Allow me to direct you to the Buff Poison thread in my signature. 😁

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, RubberDougie said:

    Why is that?

    Because Noxious Gas grants a power, and I'm not sure it can inherit enhancements the same way as other powers. I think for it to work the way you want, you'd have to preemptively slot DefenseDebuff/ToHitDebuff enhancements in to the pet you're going to use it on.


    Venomous Gas, the Defender/Controller/Corruptor version, is  just a plain toggle, which is why it can be enhanced.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Mastermind heals have always been intentionally weaker. Why they did this by lowering the base value of the heal, rather than the MM heal modifier, I'll never know. It's like they wanted to make it harder for themselves. Predictably, this lead to inconsistencies, like O2 Boost and Regrowth not having this inherent penalty.


    Anyway, the problem isn't that all those MM heals are too low; it's that Empathy, Rad and Kin weren't ported by the SCORE folks with that inherent ~12% penalty the other heals already have. 


    Twilight Grasp has just always been flubbed since CoV came out. Not sure it's worth fixing, but even if it was, Dark is such a strong set, I doubt it would make a difference.

    • Like 1
  5. On 8/13/2019 at 1:12 PM, Robotech_Master said:

    Things I'd like to see added:

    • When were Paragon Dance Party and Pocket D first added?
    • When were the two transit lines merged to one?

    I can't really find definitive dates for when the Paragon Dance Party was added. Pocket D was added late in Issue 6, I think. I see a patch note saying it was added to the zone search in Issue 7, so it was either 6 or 7. If someone knows for sure, I'll add it.


    The monorail merger is already on the list. It was in Issue 19.

  6. 17 hours ago, SemanticAntics said:

    I see in the patch notes that a fix for Burn's accuracy problem is coming down the pipe. This is great.


    I don't see any mention of the other problem with Burn that I recently noticed: The DoT ticks hit twice.


    According to the in-game detailed info on Burn, it should be doing 13 DoT ticks. According to the combat log, it is attempting 26. Each tick seems to have its own hit roll, so maybe this is using an older tick count (from before the i18 change, perhaps?) by mistake. I think this is at least partly why the Avalanche (and Overwhelming Force?) proc is doing knockback instead of knockdown when slotted into Burn.

    I think Vanden pointed it out somewhere, but Burn doesn't seem to limit itself to summoning a single Burn patch; it might be summoning one for each target in range. And since activating Burn also technically targets the caster (for the Immob protection), it probably always summons at least 2.

  7. 7 hours ago, CR Miss said:


    Homecoming changed all sets - they just mixed these up.

    Gravity Control was actually not part of that change; it's Immobilizes have never caused -KB/KU. That was an intentional design choice by the original devs since so much of Gravity relies on knock* effects compared to other sets and the AoE Immobs are so spammable. Similarly, Elec Control's AoE Immob also never caused -KB/KU either, to prevent it from messing up Jolting Chain and the Gremlins.


    That change here on Homecoming to Immobs was just to give the other sets that have a Knock* soft controls (Bonfire, Ice Slick, Earthquake, Carrion Creepers) the same benefit Gravity and Elec already had.


    As far as the Gravity Hold causing -KB, honestly I would say that could change, only because if you're distorting gravity around someone to make them float, they should honestly be MORE susceptible to knockback. 😁

  8. Just gonna reply to a couple of these:



    4. Field Projector Tool tip


    This is because you're viewing it as a Controller, who likely have a lower modifier for ally defense buffs than the Lore Pets do (looks like the support pets might share theirs with Defenders). Divide the value you see by 0.75 and you'll see the actual value (or just change the AT to Defender).



    5. Twilight's Grasp Tool tip Error


    This is a very old bug, but it's because of the way the power works. Twilight Grasp summons a pet for 1 second at the caster's feet to cause the heal, which in 1 second would have time to fire twice, except that the heal is delayed to accomodate the animation, which makes sure it only happens once. It's difficult to make the power info box understand that, though.



    7. Knives of Vengeance Radial Superior Ally: Rallying Cry


    Like Field Projector, this is because you're viewing it as a Controller. If the support Lore Pets do share their mods with Defenders, then the tool tip and detailed info would match up if you switched the AT to Defender.

  9. 33 minutes ago, Bossk_Hogg said:

    Does it really? It deals less damage than Ripper, which is a faster recharge, animation, and a cone that hits more targets. The animation time coupled with melee knockback (ugh) is a huge drawback. Thunderstrike is a DPS loss, and an artifact of the original devs poor design.  


    Lower its damage like 20%, turn the KB into KD and make it a true PBAE and it would see use. That would put it on par with something like Atom Smasher. 

    Sorry, I flubbed my math. A 16s recharge ST attack would actually do 2.92 scale damage, while Thunder Strike does 2.354 scale damage. However, if Thunder Strike was balanced as an AoE attack, it would do 1.04 scale damage at 16s recharge.


    It's probably originally balanced as ST, but scaled back because of the Stun chance, more than because of the AoE damage. I would agree that it could probably use some reworking.


    I'm kind of curious if Electricity Assault was completely untouched in this patch, or if it's patch notes just got lost.

    • Like 1
  10. 34 minutes ago, Kismette said:

    Power activation via bind goes from right to left (at least from what I remember).  You'd want to target the oil slick first before setting it off so it should be:

    /bind t "powexecname taser dart$$targetcustomnext oil slick"

    I am not an expert at binds, but something about the + in my bind makes it work, and in only a single button press, I'm pretty sure, but I couldn't tell you why. If someone is willing to check, I'd be grateful. 😁 

  11. 26 minutes ago, Bossk_Hogg said:

    Is the formula for Thunderstrike accurately reflecting that only a small portion of the damage is AE? If the everyone was hit for the full amount it would actually be relatively balanced. 

    Unless something has changed, Dominator's Thunder Strike does damage as if it's a ST attack. It does about 2% less damage than it should for it's recharge time if it were a true ST attack. It's endurance cost though is calculated for an AoE attack, a problem it shares with the Blaster/Defender versions, but was corrected for the Brute/Tanker/Scrapper/Stalker versions waaaay back when.

  12. 13 hours ago, GM Sijin said:

    Confirmed: Magnitude is just over typical for knockdown at 0.77. Possible typo from 0.67?

    It's not a typo, the problem is that it's using the Ranged Knockback tables which makes it scale by AT and level. It should be using the Ranged Ones tables, which is what is typically used to make sure KD powers stay Knockdown.

  13. 17 hours ago, ELRODVOSS said:

    My main in the live days was a Claw/Regen Scrapper.  I have remade him as a Claw/Bio Scrapper.


    I have noticed (and can provide video clips if needed) that a lot of times the animation seems to include the "whip out claws" animation, even when im only used claw based attacks.  It appears random, but it does slow down the attack chain a little and seems to ruin the flow and speed of claws.


    Is this something that is intended as design and I have never noticed or some random animation bug for Claw?  





    Are some of your attacks set to NoRedraw? If you mix Original and NoRedraw animations, I believe you will have to redraw your Claws anytime you try to use an Original animation after a NoRedraw animation. Double check that all of your attacks are either Original or NoRedraw.

  14. 12 hours ago, reconfigureyourface said:

    Any other classes or power sets you wish had alternate sounds?

    I replaced all my Sonic Blast sounds with the Talons of Vengeance Siren's attack sounds. It's hilariously over the top and I love it.

    • Haha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Captain Powerhouse said:

    Not "wrong", as much as traditionally, special mechanic damage is not factored in onto things like criticals. You can see this clearly on Street Justice, where critical hits for base damage, regardless of combo level.

    If this was in response to me, then I'm sorry if I wasn't clear in my response, but the base damage of Cross Punch is 1.27 damage scale, before Punch and Kick's bonuses are added. The Containment/Scourge/Critical Hit/Assassination damage lines are only doing 0.76 damage scale, which is exactly Punch's base damage, which makes me think this is a bug. It's funny because in this case, the special mechanic damage (the bonus from owning Punch and Kick) is being factored in, but the base damage it's multiplying is incorrect.

    • Like 1
  16. 15 minutes ago, The Philotic Knight said:

    But we're exhausting because we're passionate. WE want it to be a success. I think this is a strength of the community, and the fact that MOST of the time we can keep it fairly civil even with disparate opinions.

    For sure. I just sympathize with being in a position where every decision will upset someone. It's easy to let it get you down, but they're doing a good job and I wanted them to know.

    • Like 2
  17. Based on City of Data (since I'm not at home to check the actual game files), they are correctly getting the bonus from having Punch and Kick. The problem seems to be that all the additional damage lines in Cross Punch for the various AT inherents that do extra damage (Containment, Scourge, Critical Hit and Assassination) are the wrong damage scale (0.76 DS). Looks like they were initially copied from Punch but not updated to reflected Cross Punch's damage scale (1.27 DS).

  18. 5 hours ago, Hedgefund said:

    Can't boost Fade, you say?

    Fade is bugged and is missing the flag that should prevent this from happening. Normally, a power that gives +Resistance and some other Power-Boost-able attribute will either:


    A) Allow the +Resistance to be enhanced, but the whole power will be flagged to ignore outside buffs and debuffs. (Cold Shields, Reconstruction, Healing Flames, etc.)


    B) Flag the +Resistance to ignore enhancements, but the rest of the power will benefit from outside buffs and debuffs. (Deflection Shield, Alkaloid, etc.)


    Then there are some powers that forget to use either method, like Fade and Frostwork. And some that don't allow +Resistance slotting OR outside buffs, like Dominator's Link Minds.

  19. 14 hours ago, Septipheran said:

    I am playing an Illusion/Cold/Primal Force Troller and I noticed that my Ice and Glacial shields are giving my targets the same amount of defense, with or without power boost active. According to Mids, this should not be the case. I tested group invisibility as well and power boost seems to work as I expected with that, so it's only my ally shields that are experiencing the issue. I am not sure if this is working as intended or not, but just wanted to post about it in case it's not.

    It's intentional.  The Cold Shields are prevented from being affected by outside buffs and debuffs. This is because they contain enhanceable +ResistDamage. If the flag that prevents outside buffs/debuffs was removed, +Damage buffs would buff the +Resistance offered by the shields.


    As mentioned in this thread, Fade has enhanceable +ResistDamage, so it should also be prevented from being affected by outside buffs and debuffs, however it was not correctly set up with this flag. As a result, you can pop a bunch of red inspirations before activating Fade, and they will greatly increase the +Resistance it offers.

    • Thanks 1
  20. On 8/3/2019 at 3:34 AM, McGarnackle said:

    Hi there!


    Here's a question for you Rad Melee users...


    Can you tell me if the splash damage is based on the attack it's splashed from or is the splash damage a set amount no matter what attack it splashes from?


    Thanks in advance!

    I haven't played Rad Melee, but unless it's significantly changed from how it appears on City of Data (because I'm not at home with access to the actual game files), the splash damage should be based on the single-target attack that caused it, be equal to 20% of that attack's damage scale, and can be affected by damage buffs and enhancements.

  21. On 8/3/2019 at 6:58 PM, DR_Mechano said:

    Apparently the next three slots were all buffs to pre-existing slots with a choice of which of the slots you buffed (so like one could choose either buff Alpha or Interface) out of the set we have now.

    There's some confusion here. Only Genesis, the next Incarnate slot, would have provided buffs or additional abilities to the previous slots (minus Alpha and Hybrid). The different ability choices would have been named for the Incarnate slots they'd improve: Data for Lore, Verdict for Judgement, Socket for Interface, and Fate for Destiny. I can't remember what they all did without checking, but I remember Data would have improved the damage and health of Lore pets.


    Arbiter Hawk said in one of the Lore AMAs that Genesis was going to be buff/debuff patches, but Genesis is like 25% set-up in the piggs and that isn't what it does, so I assume he confused Mind or Vitae with Genesis. I don't think they would have gotten as far as they did on Genesis and then changed it, unless they hit a huge roadblock and completely scrapped it internally.


    Omega was described by "Tim" (who I assume is Black Scorpion) in one of the Lore AMAs, also:


    I’ve said this in a couple places but the primary trees which had been sketched out on paper were Arete (instant recharge on all powers for a period), Majesty (cause foes to instantly fight for you and then self-destruct), Infinity (summon doppelgangers of yourself), Transcendence (immune to everything and can attack into Phase), and Fulfillment (major PBAOE +Level Shifts)


    • Thanks 2
  22. 10 hours ago, Blackbird71 said:

    This is what really has me curious.  According to Paragon Wiki, it should still be there, which makes me think it must be an i24 or i25 change.


    If i24, then the devs must have had some future plan for the space (hence the construction site now in its place).  But that purpose will probably never be known, let alone come to fruition, so maybe we could get it put back?


    If i25, I'd think the HC team would have said something about it, or there would be something in the patch notes, forum, etc. explaining the absence.


    As it is, I can't find any reference to the change anywhere, and that is the most perplexing part of the whole thing.  It's just gone, without any explanation or justification for its absence.

    There is a patch note for it in Issue 25:


    After years of legal battles, the business at Sparky's Boardwalk won their case against the Paragon City Arena for blocking the beach access and removing the parking lots. The Talos Island location of the Arena has been forced to close.
    The Peregrine Island Arena location is now the main location in Paragon City. Paragon City construction has been tasked with the construction of a new building in the area occupied by the Arena.


    • Thanks 3
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