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Everything posted by Kailath

  1. Sorry. On the bright side, someone else beat us by many days https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/52689-endless-colonnade-map-spoiler/
  2. Little man marks the start. https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=mtj2qyfep8s if you want to see the source EDIT: added the solved version
  3. Thanks for the locations. Used them in a popmenu to facilitate the badging Bicentennial.mnu
  4. Greetings, Had he same issue in Everlasing at Steel Canyon. The message "[Nemesis] Imbeciles! I shall pacify Steel Canyon myself!" showed up and the red dot at the zone map that appears when GM Nemesis spawn was outside the zone map. Asked for help to GM Korvin (bug report #34886) and he reported finding nothing at the red dot location. The event was over before we could investigate any further.
  5. Found a similar duplicate. At Long Jack arc at "Defeat all villains in warehouse". Villain Archon Maurillo is called Archon Archon Maurillo
  6. Greetings, While participating in a mothership raid, some henchmen were not summoned when I used the associated power. After using the mentioned powers, I should have 3 Battle Drones (had only 2), 2 Protector Bots (had the right ammount) and one Assault bot (had none). After zoning, the missing henchmen automatically apperared (didnt had to use the summoning powers).
  7. Not really a typo but The Mastermind Inherent (Supremacy) description in game reads However, the damage in Bodyguard mode is not divided evenly as the Mastermind takes 2 parts while each pet in range takes 1 part of the total damage.
  8. Started the Crow arc from ouroboros and finished its first mission. To continue the arc, I have to speak to Crow to get the second mission. Crow is located at the Resistance hideout in Underground Neutropolis. When clicking the hideout door, I get the message "This door is secured with a secret passcode and does not open". As I can't get the second mission, I can't finish the arc. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/sEgmKWuLxVc" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  9. Creating a topic as requested by GM_Crumpet. I had this issue twice in the last week. While doing mission arcs from ouroboros, it seems you can not complete some missions without the help of a GM even after completing all objectives and defeating all hostile NPCs. In common, both missions had these decorative untargetable NPCs. Is it possible the missions are expecting some interation with these NPCs to complete? The affected missions are "Manipulate Files in Athena Labs before PPD arrive" and "Save Syfotine Industries"
  10. You can try Protetores or Inominável. Whats your global name?
  11. It works similar to base transporter, supergroup portal, monitor duty teleporter and rapid response portal that are properly disabled.
  12. When you start an ouroboros arc with the 'No travel powers' option enabled, all fast travel options are disabled except for the Long Range Teleporter.
  13. Greetings, When playing a Warshade or peacebringer, while in Bright (Dark) Nova or White (Black) Dwarf forms, the only fast travel option enabled is the Long Range Teleporter. We used to be able to use enterbasefrompasscode in any Kheldian form before the latest update. Can we have the other fast travel options enabled? Nova form can cause some problems due to flying, I guess, but I dont see any reason to limit the menu on Dwarf. Thanks for your time.
  14. Red side ouroboros arc "6.78 The missing Maidens" from Jezebel Jones. On first mission "Investigate disappearance" you can get a mission marker at St. Martial -3084.8 -9.7 -391.9. Real mission door is in another building.
  15. As requested by GM Miss, i am creating a thread in the forum. I believe there is a bug related to the Arachnos building in Mercy Island and mission waypoints. It can be reproduced playing the Seer Marino arc from Ouroboros "Oh, Wretched Man!". After completing the mission "Get records, leave no witnesses" located inside the Arachnos Building, when you call your contact from inside the arachnos building, you get an invalid waypoint as shown in the video https://youtu.be/2iSA9rmlpnk To complete the arc, dont call your contact after completing the mission "Get records, leave no witnesses". Instead, select Seer Marino (you will get an invalid waypoint) and go to her (use the local map to navigate). Talk to Seer Marino and get a valid waypoint to the next mission.
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