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  1. I've always wanted to make a kunoichi character in CoH, but I just can't get the combination of costume pieces (and even harder, the color scheme) right so i've never made one. It seems like every time I pick one costume piece I like, it automatically disables another one. Champions Online has the advantage over CoH in that you're able to layer clothing pieces which always makes for more dynamic outfits, but unfortunately we're limited with our choices over here. If you think you can do this concept justice, use these reference pictures and give it a try:
  2. My werewolf hunter Ezra Hawthorne.
  3. All fine suggestions, let's hope the current dev team can be convinced to give us a single pistol powerset sometime in the near future. The main goal to keep in mind is that Assault Rifle is about volume, Dual Pistols is quantity, and Single Pistol should be quality. And it must have Dirty Harry's magnum sound effect since we already have the gun as a pistol skin option: https://soundideas.sourceaudio.com/track/43532494
  4. Here's a character concept inspired by outfits worn by the first American football leagues.
  5. I never stated this so don't put words in my mouth. We're free to make suggestions in this forum and those who are in charge of the forum are free to accept or reject these suggestions as they see fit. Back when the game was live I stopped commenting in the forums due to the sheer level of vitriol and unwarranted flame wars that used to happen when discussing certain topics. When we made occasional requests to have pistols before they were added (suggested as "pistol scrapping" back then) it caused floods of infuriated people who would crap all over the idea and seem legitimately offended by the suggestion. "There will never be pistols in City of Heroes! Can not happen will not happen! Stop asking about it!" and then the dev team gave us Dual Pistols. We would propose the idea that the dev team allow us to modify the FX of powers and allow us to choose which specific weapon was drawn for War Mace and Assault Rifle and there would be more people vehemently opposed to it commenting in the thread than there were forum users who were in support of the idea. I remember arguments over the suggestions getting seriously ugly and requiring forum admins to step in and start warning people to calm down and stop making personal attacks over it. Even when we finally got this feature these same people were still sore about it for some unexplained reason. I guess certain forum members who declared The Card Says Moops make the viewpoint their entire personality and feel "cheated" when the feature they're firmly convinced won't happen is granted after all. Even 20 years later I guess some things never change.
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  7. Power Progression Tree For Blasters and Corruptors: Pistol Bash - Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient Gut Shot - Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF Heavy Shot - Ranged, High DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback Feelin' Lucky - Self +To Hit, +DMG, +Range Empty Pistol - Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback Knee Shot - Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Immob, -SPD, -Fly, -DEF Dodge This - Ranged, Superior DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback Aimed Shot - Sniper, Extreme DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback The quintessential power set for detectives, investigators and gumshoes alike.
  8. I know what you're thinking: "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being these are a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow yer head clean awf, you've got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well do ya, punk?
  9. Yes, I acknowledge that the set is going to be a little trickier than other ranged sets due to the nature of the play style. I don't believe it should have an AoE as there isn't quite a suitable choice coming from a single pistol. There are semi auto pistols to choose from, but if we're only going to have a maximum of 6 per multi-shot attack then there isn't a realistic option for an AoE strike.. perhaps we could borrow an idea from the Thugs and have an attack where you throw a magazine into the air and shoot it, it explodes and hits enemies for an AoE but that seems more like something for another power set. 😐 I chose to put the cone attack earlier as it would be more useful to hit multiple enemies earlier in your run. The "nuke" would have to be a single heavy-hitting fight stopper with a long cool down. And yes, the cone should have the rounds hit multiple enemies. An Aim type of power can pierce multiple enemies in a line so it's not too farfetched to believe that a 6 shot cone would hit a crowd of enemies. If we included a buff like Feelin' Lucky and at least one melee strike such as Pistol Bash that still leaves 7 pistol powers, it starts to get difficult to find a lot of variations of attacks from a single gun. Believe it or not, police used to be trained to aim for the pelvis back in the day. They would draw a revolver, squat all the way down to the ground and fire at the pelvis one-handed, it was believed this would disable the target and be less lethal than a chest shot. You can see for yourself in this old training video: I picture the Gut Shot attack power's animation as being the existing "fire from the hip" power that we have. Since the set is not as exciting/dynamic as Dual Pistols, I feel this could help give the set some visual variety. Dual Pistols is quantity, Heavy Pistol would be about quality. Something that I have forgotten how much I dislike about Dual Pistols (and Martial Arts as well) is how "crouchy" they are; every attack power has your character repeatedly standing and squatting with each animation, so I hope this one would fix that by staying standing. And now for your viewing pleasure, please enjoy this video of every shot fired by Dirty Harry in chronological order:
  10. Here is my Magic Shield/Axe Tanker viking warrior, Eindride Urthborn. His battle music of choice:
  11. I wasn't specifically calling for control as a secondary effect, but this power set could most likely make use of Stagger and Knocks as a form of soft control. I don't want it to be a power pool because I intend for it to be a primary power set, and because we can already use devices to mimic a power pool anyway. You can buy a pistol and Statesman Slugger baseball bat and other weapons if you wanted to add that theme to your character concept. The purpose of the images and music is to help set the mood for the theme and to give a visual representation of existing characters who would use this power set if it were created. The Imgur link I shared (but couldn't embed) is a clip of Dick Tracy punching various goons to support the justification for adding melee attacks in the power set. But if we wanted pistol attacks only, then I suppose three good substitutes could be: Pistol Bash An already existing power that Stuns an enemy in melee range. Knee Shot A ranged version of the Knee Strike power in the Street Justice set, would Immobilize the target allowing you to get outside of melee range and create some distance. Aimed Shot Another already existing power, the character would take a few seconds to aim and fire one long ranged hard hitting shot for High/Extreme damage. You probably could create something like that in Champions Online since a Freeform character allows you to mix and match whatever powers you want, but the downside is if you take too many different powers you miss out on benefits that earlier powers can provide you, so you'll never be as effective as if you picked only one power set. Sadly unless our detective/private eye characters are super powered or from The Matrix, there isn't a fitting power set to match the theme. I like that the CoH team is recycling existing powers for us to use, i've asked the CO devs for years to do the same thing but they are not receptive to these requests. Lots of enemy characters have attack powers we don't have access to much to my chagrin. I have a number of heroes that I don't play or level simply because there isn't a power set I like for them, so they exist for role play purposes only.
  12. Hello Homecoming forums, it's been a hot minute since I came around these here parts and I wanted to share something i've been aching for since I bought the DVD edition of CoH an eternity ago. While I migrated to Champions Online after the shutdown Paragon City was destroyed by Rikti to get my superhero fix, neither game has indulged my need for a certain play style. Specifically, there is no power set tailored towards a heavy pistol. First a little music to set the mood: Character concepts like a hardboiled detective, loose-cannon cop, or suburban vigilante can't be fully realized due to the only options for guns in both games are either Rambo or The Matrix. The CoH dev team was nice enough to give us a Model 29 as a pistol skin option, but there is no power set to pair with it. Our current pistol power set is basically the movie Equilibrium with spins, flips, cartwheels and acrobatics. What we need is a power set with single, heavy booming shots that knock enemies backwards with the force of the impact. Not one, but two movie protagonists have chosen the Model 29 as their primary weapon of choice. What I propose is we create a power set to more accurately suit our gritty gun-toting fatalists who patrol the mean streets of Paragon City. Many unlucky thugs, goons, ruffians and blaggards would meet their maker after staring down the barrel of your trusty Roscoe. Here's how I picture the power set progression tree: Power 1: Gut Shot Your character fires a single round into the enemy's breadbasket for Medium damage. Power 2: Chin Check A meaty left handed punch with a chance to Stagger enemies for Medium damage. Power 3: Heavy Shot You fire a single round into the enemy's chest, chance to Knockback for Medium damage. Power 4: Hard Boiled A resistance buff that increases durability for a short time. Power 5: Empty Pistol A cone attack that hits multiple enemies for Medium damage. Power 6: Sweeping Punch A left handed melee punch cone attack that hits multiple enemies for Medium damage. Could use a mirrored version of the existing power to ensure the pistol stays in the right hand. Power 7: Dodge This A single hard-hitting round with a high chance to Knockback for High damage. If I recall correctly, Banished Pantheon has a similar attack where the enemy raises a musket and fires one shot that knocks the player backwards. The animation could be recycled for this by using that power. Would play sound effect of a hammer being cocked back followed by a loud BOOM. Power 8: Feelin' Lucky A ToHit buff that increases accuracy and chance to hit for a short time. Power 9: Powderkeg Punch A hail Mary baseball pitch style left handed punch that starts behind the knee and ends in the nosebleed section, applies Stagger and Knockup for Extreme damage. https://i.imgur.com/5almEP1.mp4 The sound effects for Dual Pistols sounds like popcorn, to distinguish this power set from that one we should use classic movie gunshot sound effects like the ones featured in this video, two to three sounds per attack power would help prevent it from sounding repetitive: I hope you enjoyed this post, feel free to comment with suggestions, ideas, or anything else you'd like to share regarding this concept. One day i'll get to bring my detective and vigilante characters to life with a fitting power set for each of them. (Apparently AI thinks The Rock should have been the star of Death Wish, which heck yes he should have.)
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