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Burnt Umber

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  1. Ah, sorry, 12.00 pm Eastern/11.00 am Central/9.00 am Pacific.
  2. Also, tomorrow (2/16), I was hoping to do a few more runs of the wedding missions. Call it SWS revisited? Bring alts., and enjoy crashing wedding and the chaos otherwise.
  3. I'll bring Retro-Star - AR./Martial
  4. Annoyingly, it seems domicile maintenance will be taking me away from today's runs to fix my heating. Might be on later today though.
  5. Minor thing: you get the badge just by starting the Nemesis event; you don't need to reach completion/defeat all. Also, a few other things I've noticed while doing this: -The Nemesis event ends seemingly automatically if you defeat Lord Recluse and the Patrons, even if other heroes and villains remain. -The Nemesis event itself has all 14 signature heroes and villains that are needed for the Officiator badge, so it's handy to do that with a group to try to pick off the badge with as few runs as possible. -The Heroes or AVs that spawn with the groups seems random to some extent so you can get all the AVs in a Blueside run but need to do many Redside runs to get all nine Heroes.
  6. I'll bring Veneficio - Crabbermind
  7. I'd certainly be up for it. The two missions are relatively short, and they also yield a few ancillary defeat badges that can be otherwise annoying to get. Also, if we do the Nemesis bonus stage, it's certainly a bit less of a headache on a team (it also speeds up the "Officiator" badge).
  8. Hey some of my characters have names in Ancient Greek, Old English, or pidgin Japanese! 😛 But this time it's a temporary alt. and an orcish one so a basic english name will do.
  9. I plan on bringing Tiny the Barbarian - BS/Fire Brute
  10. I hope to be there with Nox - Fortunata. And I'll try to stop by the Safeguard portion with Commenticia - Illusion/FF Controller.
  11. It will be more of an interpretation than a great approximation, but I'll try to bring Hiemps - Storm/Ice Blaster
  12. I'm try to decide who to bring, so a quick question regarding the theme: is it one of the Prismatic costumes? Or would an approximation work?
  13. I'd be up for some of the badges associated with they Rogue/Vig. alignment contacts like Shauna Braun or John Houston.
  14. Looks like I'll be a little busy this Sat. morning, so I'll have to pass on that initial Yin. If I can I'll try popping in for the second run.
  15. I'd like to bring Kataigis - Elec./Storm Controller. But, if we need another role filled, I can also bring Amentia - WM/Shield Brute.
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