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  1. I would like to see an option for the costume insignias to have an option for auras, similar to the ones we can have for certain parts of our bodies. Imagine a liberty bell insignia pulsing with the starlight glow or the jewel piece for the chest exuding fires within the body of the hero at that point. I don't recall seeing that option being presented here in this forum topic, so if it has been brought up before... apologies. However, I do believe that the insignia glowing with a pulse is something worth looking into. Best to all, Jim
  2. Been a while since I had posted to these forums, cause I really didn't have much to think about it. I think that it'd be great to create a TF for younger heroes or even older ones to fight a TF that focuses on protecting the Mayor from an assassination plot. Several missions that entail the Family, Council, and 5th Column all conspiring to insert their own imposter into the Mayor's office. There could also be a TF from the Mayor himself, informing us of impending threats to the city, 5th Column, Council, etc. I had these thoughts because as many times as we have gone to City Hall... no one's seen the mayor. Thought it'd be cool. Thoughts?
  3. Hello all! Felt I should share a piece of work by me. You should all recognize the guy, and if you are interested in any kind of commissions by me, look me up!
  4. Bumping this topic, since the game has been getting some heavier activity...
  5. Bumping this topic. Still haven't heard anything and didn't want to get it too bogged down.
  6. Thanks for the kind words about my artwork. I'm glad you liked it, and am glad to do business with anyone else outside of these forums.
  7. Hello! I am trying to reach out to all the players who played on Triumph Server, and in the Coalition of Justice Supergroup. I was a founding member with the name Angel White, and I hope that the following players who used these names: Mechtriss, Blitzkrieg, Crosscut, Death Wasp, Toxx, and Unbre' would contact me. Some of my best playing times was with these guys, and I hope that they can contact me once again. I have reformed it in Excelsior Shard, and using the same name as I played in the original game (Angel White). I have saved most of the founders' names in the SG, and will gladly relinquish them back to you! I really want to see all the CoJ guys come back and join in once again. It was a great group of people and I miss all of them. Again, please contact me on Excelsior Shard, and my global is @AngelWhiteChampion. The never-ending battle continues... Be Heroes. Jim
  8. Hello all! I've had the pleasure of drawing CoX commissions from players when the game was Live, and I'd like to offer up my drawing skills once again to any who'd like to see their toon drawn up. Please contact me for more information on my drawings and what we can do together. Attached are some of my earlier drawings for players and I've added others for further viewing. As always... Be heroes, guys n gals.
  9. Hey Guys! I was Angel White, Champion, and Angel Black for Triumph. I really would like to reconnect with those players who were in the Coalition of Justice. I've reformed it on Excelsior shard, and I will gladly reinvite those who were members. I'm trying to rebuild it with the premise/theme that the "Sunset Event of 2012" created a universal blink, which brought heroes from all over the multiverse, and dropped them right back into Paragon City in 2019. My global handle is @AngelWhiteChampion. Please, if you were a member, contact me! I hope to see you guys in Excelsior!
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