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  1. You don't understand. I juste want replace the description and the animation in this alternative skin. The damage, effect and calcul stay the same. Red Dot and Auto-Aim are just more thematics new names with snipe animation.
  2. Guys, i don't want replace Beamrifle. I just propose an alternative skin.
  3. Hello, a) Thanks for you answer. I edit my topic because i didn' see the worth looking on my phone browser. b) For me, assault rifle is not the closest to a sniper. Flametrhower, Grenade Launcher, Shotgun.....are not power for a sniper gameplay. Even the animation (weapon on the hips when you shoot) are not in this theme. I agree, Assault Rifle is fun but not in a "one shot, one kill" logic. BeamRifle is more single target focus. Indeed. NOT a new power. It's just an alternative skin. It requires less effort for the HOMECOMING TEAM (again, THX FOR YOUR WORK <3). Hello, thx for your answer. Great idea but it requires lot of work for HOMECOMING TEAM. A simple reskin like my proposal is more accessible.
  4. Hello everyone. What would you think about an alternative theme to the Beamrifle: the sniper? I love the Beamrifle but chose it because it comes closest to a sniper. Nevertheless it remains too flashy and "pew pew pew" for me. I would have preferred a more classic rifle. So I thought of a new power that would have exactly the same characteristics as the beamrifle. Nothing would change except the skins and sounds of powers. Damage would be energy based as well as the sniper would use high Cinetic energy projectiles. The damage would therefore be related to Cinetic energy. It would really be an aesthetic alternative. I started thinking about power and their equivalence. Here are some ideas for the most complicated powers to convert: - Cutting Beam would become a fragmentation projectile: the sniper fires a projectile which fragments on its trajectory and injures the enemies in a cone. (Animation : Sniper AR / Sound : shotgun). - Desintegrate would become Red Dot: the sniper designates a target using a laser sight. This reveals its weak points. (Animation : Sniper AR / Sound ; Targeting Drone from Device or something like this). - Lancer Shot would become Auto-Aim: After shooting a target marked with Red Dot, the sniper scope memorizes the opponent's weaknesses. She manages to reveal these weaknesses on nearby opponents. - Overcharge would become Powder Overload: the sniper uses projectiles whose primer he has overloaded so that they are devastating. I think for the rest of the powers, the conversation will be very simple. (Same animation and sound than sniper AR) I think it would be an easy addition to implement because all the calculations are already done and the animations already exist in the game. Thanks for reading me. We cant kept the same animation than Sniper from AR set and just change the sound.
  5. Hello all. I'm playing beam/device. But lack of aoe ... So, i wanna try Arrow/device. Is it a good choice. Is this combo good for dps ? Thx
  6. Hi ! Thx for your answer I have already a beamrifle device character but beamrifle bored me :)
  7. Hi mates ! I wanna try to up a */device blaster. I want stay on a "operative" theme. So my heart swings between DP or AR. Wich has the best syngergy with AR. I specify that I often play solo. Thanks for ready :)
  8. So saaaaad....i wanna the possibility to wear my katana on my back 😞
  9. What is this improvement ? New costume part ?
  10. πŸ™‚ Not a crazy request. Just add the possibility to show the weapon our hero use on costume. For exemple, if my hero use katana, i would have the possibility to wear my katana on my back. πŸ™‚ Thx Homecoming team for your work πŸ™‚
  11. Thx for answer. My choice was between ta and em. I choice ta because it’s seems less cliky. Ta looks really cool to play
  12. For TA how many control power do you need ? Is a build with only web arrow and the first power (forgot the name) + utilities (gym, eagle, etc etc) viable ? For primary, i Will take beamrifle.
  13. Thx for your answer
  14. Hi guys, I wanna try to up a new Dual Pistols blaster ! I choice two possible secondary : Martial Combat or Temporal manipulation. What secondary is most survivable/solo friendly ? Thx for answer !
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