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  1. I like the set, but didn't realize til just now I'd skipped the strong hold, but I was focused on keeping her at range. I also don't actually like all the knockback the pets do either. I can scatter a murder ball sometimes. I was actually just working on a Dark/Fire/Psi build.
  2. OooooH! So I'm a big stupid head! In my Illusion build I might've sort've skipped Flash..... Welp maybe Ill/Fire wasn't the experience I was hoping for cause I failed it....
  3. Only thing about your build that may be an issue is the slow resist level not being high enough. Bio relies heavily on its click powers and if their recharge suddenly takes longer you could come up short. Also, with my build Darkest Night helps boost survivability. The other tiny knock would be the Power Transfer proc, it's superfluous, Bio's regen is through the rough already. The reason my hit is higher, and your recovery is higher is because you have Efficiency Adaptation toggled, and I have Offensive. Once you select Offensive, which is what I recommend you running in, your resistances and defenses take a hit, but you do more damage. Efficiency is good when leveling though, especially if you are dealing with sappers. Barrier is great, definitely a good choice, I use it alot on many toons, Brutes included. But with Bio I tend to lean Ageless Radial for the recharge boost and debuff resists. Bio truly loves recharge. Edit: Cleave.... I'm still on the fence about this power. My slotting is tech subpar, but it is because in game I accidentally added an additional slot to Stamina so in the build I just robbed it from Cleave, but then I've found that I might've needed the additional recovery due to Darkest Night's heavy drain. Cleave is very situational for me.
  4. Couple questions... 52 pages... So.... Are these for low level tanks? Is there one on Everlasting? Or which server is most active? Wouldn't mind jumping into this party.
  5. I've gotten to where I don't really like putting controls on my tanks/brutes, I'll let support handle that. And Fold Space...half the people using it don't know when to use it. Can't tell you how many times I get a group together only to have them ported away. I'm mildly addicted to Energy Mastery, or more precisely Focused Accuracy. In my mind, tanks need to be debuff proof, or near too it. If I ain't hittin, I'm only gettin hit, and that stuff ain't cool.
  6. A buddy of mine was just talking to me about a Dark/EM stun build. It sounds interesting. But I wonder if it's really just a solo build. In an ITF, for instance, even the biggest murder balls are downed in 15-20 seconds, leaving only a few scattered stragglers to deal with. And with the radius of all the AOEs being only 8ft...I don't know... I did put one together though, and thinking about trying it out. The only thing I don't like about the idea is when the bad guys are stunned they tend to meander out of melee.
  7. I gave this set a go. It's not bad, and maybe it's my build, but it doesn't feel strong. I did go as far as getting most of his incarnates T4'd. Sav/Bio is more my speed. Brute (Battle Axe - Bio)-Final-shared.mbd
  8. I built an Illusion/Fire/Psi Dom a while back, good fun but not quite the experience I was hoping for. I want a set that really locks down the enemies, like they can't shoot or move, but I don't know which status effect does that, not sleep, that is too easily interruptible.
  9. The proc build is prob the direction I'm going first. Just wish I could "have it all" procs and resists. My hope is that the heal will recharge fast enough to compensate. I have a Tanker build, same sets, and it looks more survivable. Just hope this thing kills fast enough to not be a problem.
  10. Oh yeah don't get me wrong, I like my mini Dark/SR Brute. I had to work at getting his damage up, but he's always been stout. I've only face planted a few times with unlucky shots slipping in without my resistances having scaled up. I've worked on a SR/Dark Tank build but haven't pulled the trigger cause I worry the damage will be subpar.
  11. Savage/Dark I've been working on a build for a couple days now and I went two slightly different directions. One of the builds I used my Sav/Bio toon where Savage is proc'd out and I swapped out the secondary to Dark, The other is a build I borrowed from he who shall not be named (@Snarky) Dark/Dark build he posted up years ago, obviously this time I stripped the primary out and inserted Savage. I think I like the proc'd out one better... But both have holes, and neither are what I'd call "right." Brute (Savage Melee - Dark Armor)1.0_proc.mbd Brute (Savage Melee - Dark Armor)1.2.mbd
  12. Umm this makes me sad....and a lil unhappy. How are we supposed to know that from the description? I've been thinking my Dark/SR Brute has been spamming -11% toHit in melee range to all...BUT no?? That literally makes Touch of Fear pretty much useless. It does little damage, and it doesn't even proc well, what is its point? The more I learn about Dark Melee the less I like it.
  13. I forget his name................BUT it starts with a D.
  14. Question about SS in general when paired with, as in this case Regen, or any other set that isn't a defensive set. What happens during Rage crash? Does the -20% def dig an even deeper hole or does it just zero out your defenses? And if it does go into the negative, does that have more of an impact?
  15. I like any of the pools that allow me to teleport around. I've used them all in various ways and for various reasons and they always add a layer of fun, utility, and versatility. Plain ole flying is boring to me now. I also dearly love Super Speed; the phase shift that accompanies it can be invaluable if you want to "stealth" around without actually having stealth. I think the movement pools is what makes me feel all superhero-y. Most of the time if I'm making a speedster, I make a point to max out the run speed 120.24 mph is blazingly fast AND if you get the mini mode costume modifier, you are just a blur. Be mindful though if you are running a Brute or Tanker with a speed power, with it toggled on, it reduces your threat by 100.
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