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  1. Thanks for the information. I will give it a try. The /bind didn't work but yeah I think this will work with it better. Thanks.
  2. Hello, I was wondering if anyone had any success with getting the Razor Blackwidow v4 Pro macro buttons, the M1 thru 5s working? I wanted to set them up for various things like Team Teleport as an example but seems like the game might not recognize them. Has anyone ever used Macro buttons from this Keyboard or similar keyboard and got them to work? Thanks for taking the time to read.
  3. So the global chat invite sets it up to be sent instead of just auto posting in the SG Global channel. And on top of that I guess because my SG has two names instead of a single name it won't. Yet for the marco it worked. Not sure what is going on.
  4. Thank you for the reply. Disappointed they can't be more character specific and less general purpose. I'll give that chat command a try. Thanks Googly for moving this to the correct spot.
  5. Hello. I recently stumbled upon the popup menu feature after reading a guide on the Labyrinth raid. I have some questions and was hoping someone could answer them if possible. I am not sure where this would be best posted so I posted it here. I do apologize if this should have been in the help section but that seemed to be more for actual game bugs and issues and not for something this. So the first question I have is if it is possible to setup a recruitment button in the popmenu to send a message to a global channel? I am trying to send a message to my SG Global Channel and I am using the command Chan_Send which I found on the HC Wiki but I am getting an error that Chan_Send is an unknown command or if I use Send it says Send is an unknown command. I can send a message to the SG Global chat using a macro no problem. So I am confused on what I am doing. The command for the popmenu am using is OPTION "SG" "CHAN_SEND "SG NAME HERE". I've searched the forums and found no solution so far to this. My second question is I am wondering if I can have a custom popmenu for each character rather than just 1? If so how would I switch between them or have them just be there when I load for that particular character? Also is it possible to close the menu and open it up without loosing the buttons? Do we have the option to change the name of the window from CUSTOM to say my character's name? Thank you for taking the time to read and respond.
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