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Everything posted by RainbowBryte

  1. dear Devs... THANK YOU! I'm only able to pop on here and there (real life is real right now)... but it's just so wonderful knowing that the game isn't just a copy of what was, but a growing, evolving experience. Your tireless effort does not go unnoticed. ❤️ thank you
  2. respectfully, an LLC is not merely an entity created for the sole purpose of making profit. While not a usual path to take, a non-profit can be a non-profit company. The sole purpose of an LLC is to protect the personal assets of those involved in a "business" venture. Thanks to those who are behind this, they're putting a lot at risk personally. Sincerely appreciate their effots on behalf of the rest of the community. cheers :)
  3. scrappers. <3
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