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  • Birthday 11/16/1980

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  1. You rock.
  2. I've searched and could not find Defender Empathy/Archery. I'd love to see your version of that.
  3. We lost my mother last week at 67 years old. She was a staunch City of Heroes supporter. We have a GoFundMe for her memorial if anyone feels they want to help. She was exceptional and is missed so much. Thank you so very much. https://www.gofundme.com/f/memorial-expenses-for-kim-staines
  4. Great to see this. I'd love to run these with my husband. This kind of post is wonderful for people like me who'd enjoy recommendations.
  5. ❤️ Condolences to his husband and other family.
  6. New content.
  7. Same thing happening to me and husband.
  8. Daily

    Emp/Psy/Psi Build

    Thank you for taking to time to respond with this. I appreciate it a lot.
  9. I am really interested in making an Emp/Psy/Psi defender, but I am bad with knowing how to slot things. Does anyone have any builds that show slots/sets that they could share, please? I really appreciate it. I basically always team and am most interested in being built for that type of play.
  10. Thanks. Don't care if anyone thinks it's a good choice or not. Just wanting to help my husband. We play for fun and to make toons we like, not to appeal to anyone else.
  11. Hi! I'd love some build help. I'm looking to help my husband with his controller - Mind/Force Fields. I would really like a general PvE build help. He likes the Arcane Flying pool power. I'm new with slots/IO stuff (or just can't remember), so those tips would really be great with a build.
  12. I would love to see Leveling Pact system turned on. It was very fun to use with my husband to keep us the same level when he was working and I could play. If you don't remember what it is, it is when you can connect your character with another person's character (as long as they are level 5 or under, I think it was) and you would share you xp. Even if only one of the toons was online and playing, it would store half of the xp and give it to the other person when they logged in so that the 2 toons were always the same level. I remember that they eventually turned it off on the lives servers too, but it would be really fun to have it back. It hasn't been tried on these servers has it? I wonder if people would enjoy it.
  13. Holy! I didn't realize you had to rent them. I know nothing of stuff like that, but I guess it makes sense why MMOs are expensive.
  14. I see the 4 servers as offline, but I have family in game and playing. Just wondering what that means cause there's no queue or anything. Just grey servers.
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