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  1. Weapon redraw works by adding the time it takes to animate drawing the weapon to the animation time of the triggering attack... however the delay before you can start activating any additional followup attacks is unaffected. The upshot of this is that if you start with your weapon holstered + then activate two weapon attacks one after the other... the animation of your second attack will cancel and "overwrite" part of the animation of your first attack. That second attack ends up activating at the same point in time that it would have activated if you'd started out with your weapon already drawn.
  2. I'm going to stop with the Memeposting for a minute. FWIW judging by his profile page ol' Snarks is still Lurking (with a capital "L") and visiting every few hours. Since posting this leaving thread he's also pipped the 10k "reactions received" reputation mark... and it's probably worth drawing attention to the fact that only 229 of those 10k reactions (less then 2.3%!) have been negative. @Snarky - If this is the first time in your >8.4k posts that you've been told by someone that you've "crossed a line" then I think that deserves some (blood)cake rather than a self imposed posting ban. You're far more likely to be mobbed by hugs here than by pitchforks. If you're enjoying the break from posting then great, but if not then dry your undead eyes and get your crusty posterior out of the coffin and back behind the keyboard already.
  3. Agree with @tidge here. Defender larger buff/debuff values are not always overkill (especially +Res/-Res) and a lot of their damage leeway can be made up for by Procs. Some of the Blast sets also have useful secondary effects that are better on Defenders (Sonic, Elec, etc) There are definitely specific powerset combos which shine more on Defenders; just as there are certain powerset combos which shine more on Corruptors. Corrupters certainly have a hugely higher potential damage ceiling due to Scourge (particularly so on sets with "Rain" powers)... but whilst teaming that typically only has a major effect if you're fighting big bags of HP (e.g. AV-level foes). And without Scourge; once you factor in Procs there isn't a huge amount of difference between a Defender's damage output and a Corr's... and in some cases things can even begin to slant in favour of the Defender if the powersets contain significant levels of -res debuffery. That said; I'll fully admit that Vigilance is pants and the Defender ATOs are rather situational since they apply absorb/healing rather than damage output (but they can still be pretty handy for certain support powersets - FF, Sonic Resonance, Cold Domination, etc)
  4. 100% this. Everyone's going to have slightly different preferences as to how to tweak their control scheme; especially us users of unholy frankinsteinian combinations of Joypad/Mouse/Keyboard/KitchenSink. FWIW, a visual representation of my default kitbashed setup (the horror!) is below. However I normally tweak it a fair bit depending on the toon in question to implement some additional functionality (e.g. the DPad "Down" key typically also activates Hasten, and performing any movement will activate Clarion Destiny incarnate on toons that take it or start activating my Melee toon's armor toggles, with Mez Protection first!) My "Regular/Default" setup: Numpad tweaks for Masterminds: ...and my other MM controls (as mentioned previously, but copied here for completeness' sake): B "petcom_all defensive follow" [Bodyguard mode] G "petcom_all aggressive" [aGgressive] H "petcom_all passive follow" [Heel] and usually also a Variable key which sets most pets to Bodyguard mode and leaves one alone (to instantly give me some survivability but let one pet continue to attack etc) e.g. V "petcom_pow 'Battle Drones'follow defensive$$petcom_pow 'Protector Bots' follow defensive" PowerTray #1 is set to "Attack this target" ("petcom_all attack" mostly, sometimes altered so just one pet attacks) and PowerTray #2 is set to "Go here" ("petcom_all goto"). On most maps I can enter a mission, press G then V and then amble around instructing my little engines of destruction to "go here" quite a lot.
  5. You can definitely just use a Controller to play most of the game. I do. Even on a MM. Throwing the mouse in too makes camera movement and mission objective interaction much easier... although having one Analogue thumb stick for movement and another for camera rotation plus an "Activate" bind can go a long way. Typically my left hand is always holding a Joypad whilst my right hand alternates between the joypad and the mouse. Occasionally that right hand might drift over towards the keyboard numpad, but it's not a regular occurrence (mainly for selecting individual teammates or henchmen without needing to click on them, or triggering long recharge time buffs like Incarnate and Alignment Clickies). Enemy target cycling is done via D-pad left/right with D-pad down bound to a "select nearest problematic enemy" bind that prioritises Sappers and DE eminators etc. Whilst the Numpad buttons are certainly helpful for handling targeting + fine control of individual MM henchmen... I get by 99% of the time with this setup (mainly just tapping one key at the start of each mission to set my "mode", followed by repeatedly using power tray macros to handle Goto and Attack commands)
  6. https://homecoming.wiki/ seems down indeed. 404 errors everywhere. The old ParagonWiki archive page is still working and at least contains enough info to help guide you through the older TFs etc.
  7. The Proc Aura gets a bit wonky in the auras IIRC... although admittedly it's been a whiles since I looked at it properly. It certainly used to be the case that if you took an INV running Invincibility (for example) and a WP running RTTC and stood them both next to the same mob then the INV always won without even trying. It's possible that may have changed in recent patches, but WP is such a sucky set that I can't quite muster up the desire to roll one up on the live servers to check. However a very quick and dirty brainstorm test suggests that 3/3 Possessed Scientists prefer to focus on a different Tanker (even when it just stands there like a lemon whilst the WP is actively wailing on them...)
  8. To be fair, most of the armor auras have a base duration of ~13.5s which isn't too bad. Willpower's Rise to the Challenge has a base duration of just 1.25s. You can peel aggro off it with a rolled up newspaper... 🤷‍♂️
  9. Yep. And more to the point the introduction of Threat Duration sets also allow you to use your Placate (the Stalker/VEAT Power) base enhancement slot for boosting multiple aspects or a psi damage proc. Back when they were just "Taunt Duration" I also found the Taunt/Range IOs pretty handy to slot in melee AT taunt abilities, particularly on toons that could fly. I remember hovertanking a lot of nasty AVs back on live that way (keeping their attention whilst outranging their attacks). Also IIRC once you surpass the target's required mez protection (typically mag3/4) the Longer the Taunt Duration effect the more an enemy's attention focuses on you. Take two tanks and the one with the longer duration Taunt is always the one that ends up holding the aggro.
  10. I've encountered many occasions now where what the UI claims doesn't quite match up with the real remaining recharge time of a power. When this occurs it's usually a 120s or longer ability such as Hasten or one of the Incarnate abilities (especially Lore). If I attempt to manually trigger such an ability then I can sometimes get it to activate even if the UI claims there are 5-10s left before it fully recharges... and it can work the other way too, as sometimes whenever the UI claims a power is fully recharged my attempting to manually trigger it will fail and I'll just get a "recharging" message. The discrepancy seems to happen more frequently if I encounter a cutscene or moved through a doorway or elevator during the power's recharge cycle. I'm guessing it might be due to lag spikes or just the client playing catch-up.
  11. Looks fine to me. Midway through the recharge time of Spinning Strike; a single helping of Cryonic Rounds only budged its remaining recharge time by a second or two. Trying to activate it after already being under the influence of a Cryonic Rounds debuff bumped its (unenhanced!) full recharge time from 16s to 19s. I suspect either you were being hit by a UI display bug or you were under the effect of *lots* of simultaneous debuffs.
  12. Cheers. Whenever I get home later this evening I'll hop on and see if I can replicate (assuming nobody else has beaten me to it!)
  13. Are you sure that's Spinning Kick? Spinning Kick is a Dominator-only power (from Martial Assault) and I see what look like Willpower Toggles there. (i) What level are you? (ii) What level were the mobs you were fighting? (iii) Do you know the actual name of the specific mobs (as opposed to Council "marksmen") (iv) Where did this happen: is this in a specific Mission map; a Radio Map; AE; Street Sweeping....? Chances are that it's either a UI bug or a specific enemy power has got a decimal point in the wrong place (it's happened before) But whilst you're seeing weird numbers on the screen... in order to narrow down the culprit and replicate it we're gonna need more accurate details. If someone can jump into the same situation and actually review the combat log + observe what values the current -recharge debuffs are doing in their Combat Numbers display we'll have more to go on...
  14. There are indeed powers out there which inflict Knockback that cannot take Knockback Set IOs; but take Universal Damage Set IOs. And an example; as mentioned earlier; is Rise of the Pheonix. The "real issue" is nothing to do with the set bonuses of Overwhelming Force. I could not care less about those set bonuses. None of my characters (and I have a LOT of characters) are using two or more Overwhelming Force pieces anywhere in their entire build. This is mainly because the OF set comes pre-attuned and so the strength of their aspect enhancement cannot be boosted to +5; therefore slotting boosted 50+5 IOs from other sets or Lv53 HOs is virtually always mechanically better. This is compounded by the fact that its set bonuses are actually pretty weak and forgettable (with the possible exception of the 5-piece +2.5% Energy/Negative Defence - and even that gets soundly trounced by the likes of 3-piece Eradication). Let's take some examples of where I'm actually using the OF Proc: You can probably see a theme developing here. More useful set bonuses (like Global Recharge, Recovery, S/L Resistance) can often be had; and stronger aspect enhancement can virtually always be had. There is simply no need to slot more IOs from the Overwhelming Force set into those powers - doing so would hurt my build's performance. The reason I would like the Overwhelming Force IO to become non-unique is that it contains some damage aspect enhancement; which provides at least a little mechanical benefit over and above the KB>KD conversion. So using up one of my very precious enhancement slots on an Overwhelming Force KB>KD IO doesn't have quite as much opportunity cost as doing so on a Sudden Acceleration KB>KD IO. I would also happily use a new KB>KD IO that contained something extra such as additional % aspect enhancement or some minor "PPM Proc damage" instead. For anyone who cares about min/maxing (and there are a lot of us out there) having to use up one of your precious enhancement slots simply to "fix an annoying secondary effect of a power" is extremely painful. Even if you (somehow!) have spare slots left over at the end of your build... you only get a maximum of six slots per power. And in almost every case where I feel the need to convert KB>KD I could instead be using that 6th enhancement slot to gain additional mechanical performance via damage aspect/damage proc/set bonuses/whatever. This is why people claim that there is an "enhancement slot tax" for taming Knockback. All that said, there is currently one single exception to the above across all of my builds: In this particular case I'm actually not utilising the KB>KD conversion component of the OF unique at all... but instead simply adding a "chance for KD" to my pets' attacks whilst also (just about) ED-capping their damage. The OF proc in this one case is actually being a mechanically useful efficient use of enhancement slots. In every single other case where I slot it across all of my toons on HC... the best thing I can say about the Overwhelming Force KB>KD IO is that it is not causing quite as much of a performance hit to the build as using a Sudden Acceleration KB>KD IO would.
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