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Everything posted by Markus8

  1. Bump gor later
  2. Bumping this because the same for me
  3. Costume changes seem to only take about 8 seconds. so I think it will work, I just need to bind it properly.
  4. Hey guys, I am making a Morph style character, my goal is to have macro buttons set up for all his physical powers, when I click a power say fly, a costume change will happen to a costume with wings. If I hit brawl a costume change will happen to a costume of the hulk. Ideally I will be able to circulate between 2 or 3 costumes per power. So flight might have Angel, and Arc-Angel. Brawl might have the Thing and Hulk. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. I was thinking there should be an accolade for the last tier of the achievement badges Take and inflict damage, being held, healing, debt etc.. I think a movement speed increase would be perfect showing that after going through all that your body has become faster. Just a suggestion.
  6. Just bumping this because it is still an issue.
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