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Everything posted by Lioncourt

  1. Ok, that is a solid reasoning, thank you!
  2. You sir, are a legend! That was fast, and exactly what I was looking for. One question I have after quickly browsing through the two builds, I don't see any of the ever so popular Performance Shifter - Chance for + endurance enhancements in either build? It just made me curious, so figured I would ask about it? To clarify though, I don't need it, as I have the Ageless Core Epiphany incarnate power running on auto, so just a point of curiosity 🙂
  3. Heya @JJDrakken Your builds have been great for me as a returning player to use for inspiration and relearning the art of building, so thank you for that! You are putting in some immense effort and work to help the community. I searched back through the topic, and I realise the combo tank of Fire/Fire seems to have fallen out of favour since the noughties, but could I ask you to put together a Tanker Fiery Aura - Fiery melee build whose main purpose is to farm AE fire farms and occasionally powerlevel the odd doorsitter? It will mainly run updated content, so there will be almost exclusively fire damage. Currently, I've not yet had time to build up a massive budget, so if you could have a version without ATO/Purples and maybe comments on where to incrementally upgrade/slot the high end enhancements in? I hope you can offer some guidance and wisdom, but in any case, thank you again for all these builds you provide, and the help you offer to the community! Cheers!
  4. Yeah, it doesn't quite reach 100% uptime, but when trying out the 5 x FF +recharge, it was up 90% of the fight, pretty much going off again as soon as it had run it's duration. But yes, even with it in 5 different attacks in some kind of rotation I wasn't able to keep the FF proc up 100% of the time. Yeah, I don't mind the Jetpack, aside from how it deactivates when you use any attack powers, but attacking while flying is not needed for 99% of the content, and with hover, it's a workable solution anyway. Thank you for all your advice! You have given me some good insights and given me a place to start learning a bit more in this jungle of building this game is (Which is a big part of my love for it, ever since live) I really appreciate your help, and thank you for taking time and energy to teach a returning newbie out. ps. Your simple guide for newcomers is how I made my first 80 mil inf which I used to equip my farming tank 😉
  5. Oh thank you for the swift comeback! The reason for mystic flight was because Arcane bolt is ranged force feedback trigger and space for another chance for build-up through decimation. I had 5 Force feedback +recharge as I am unsure of exactly how the PPM mechanic works and I wanted to make sure that I could always have it up, leading to perma haste, but in your example you use more LotG increased global recharge, and while it doesn't quite reach perma haste, (135 cd vs 120 duration) it's very close. Good advice for the endurance and epic pool! What would you suggest replacing the energy patron pool with, keeping in mind the slot starving Battleaxe seems to enjoy? 😄 At first, I wasn't going to take ground zero but I figured the AOE would be helpful, and could even be slightly useful while teaming, on the rare occasions. I appreciate you not wanting to mess around too much with the powers, but can you show me an example of how you would build this instead, for something solo that can do AV's and the tough storylines?
  6. Hey all. Ok, since this thread is newbie friendly, I hope you all don't mind if I poke my head in and ask this here: I am trying to build a Brute Battleaxe/Rad with perma haste, decent resists (not so decent defense) and fast recharging attacks. I have played around in Mids and trying to build it on Brainstorm atm, but I would love (and need!) some feedback and advice for the build. I have a semi-limited budget, which is why the slots have a wide mix of things. I can rake in the inf and kit it out, but that means running my farmer for a couple of weeks (Yes, weeks, my farmer is terrible lol) but I am trying to aim for somewhere around 100-200 mil inf, counting on using conversions and catalysts as required. Yes, no taunt. Meant more for durable DPS than tanking, i guess? Will mostly run solo as i run weird hours. Brute with big axe and rad more for feeling and concept, even though scrapper might be better for the role itself. So, I sit here, blissfully ignorant of builds and combos currently in wise use. Share thine wisdom oh friendly community of brutes! 😉 Brute (Battle Axe - Radiation Armor)V2.mbd
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