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Everything posted by Omegawatt

  1. Thanks! Duck Duck Zeus, Mallard Killmore and The Quacken are probably my favorite names, but DDZ wins on overall theme.
  2. I seem to recall that in the original game, you had the ability to toggle the visibility of your character's name and title on and off for yourself. Am I mistaken? If not, how do you do that? Thanks!
  3. A month or so ago I discovered the rubber duck costume piece and that set me off on a path of duck-pun characters on Excelsior. The origin story for all of the charcaters begins in a toy store in Steel Canyon which was caught in the crossfire of a CoT and Clockwork battle that took place during a Rikti Raid. The store was destroyed by mystical and Rikti energy, but the combined forces granted the toy ducks sentience and super powers. They used the scrap parts from the destroyed Clockwork to build themselves bodies. Some decided to fight for good while others turned to evil and fled to the Rogue Isles. I don't recall the power sets for each of them, but the list consists of: The Mighty Duck (not really a pun, but a nice find. He is the main/Superman-ish hero duck) Mallard Killmore (name based on President Millard Filmore if it's not obvious. He's the main villain duck) Quacksilver (a speedster) Duck of the Irish (would have preferred Lucky Duck, but alas, not available) L'il Miss Firequacker (would have preferred just plain Firequacker, but again, it was taken) The Quacken (whose battle cry is: "Welease the Quacken!") Thunderduck (whose theme song is AC/DC's Thunderstruck) Quackenstein (a Frankenstein's monster-esque tank) Duck a l'Strange (Mallard of the Mystic Arts with a name based on the dish duck a l'orange and Doctor Strange) Clubber Duckie (a war mace brute) Bubble 'n Squeak (a squeaky toy with sonic powers) Duck Duck Zeus (a weather-controller)
  4. I recently released the following name on Excelsior: Skate Not a terrible name, especially with everyone having access to Prestige Power Slide, but I simply couldn't come up with a concept for it. Better luck to someone else. There are two names on Excelsior I would love to have if the person who is using them sees this and is not overly attached to them: Crazy Plant Lady Acoustician These names would be used for characters modeled on my wife and me. She has a bit of an... obsession with plants, and I'm an acoustician in real life. If you have either of those names and are willing to part with them, please send me an IM. Thanks!
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