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Everything posted by Mentaxus

  1. Would be great if missions and contacts had a level range we could see or just be able to do it anyway since if they are gray we don't get xp anyway.
  2. Thanks to everyone
  3. Oh my goodness, well that's good to know. Guess I better figure out the spots and start rotating. Thanks for the info
  4. How long does it take to get each day job badge? Is it really 100 hours offline?
  5. First time playing a controller, I'm Dark/Dark and level 10 and just having a heck of a time. I really like it but I die all the time. What do I want for my enhancements to help with damage and survivability. Also a new player as well
  6. How do we update it? I have that one and badge pop up one installed with the mod tool, but can't figure out how to check on it or update it. Sorry I'm not very tec savvy, it's a miracle I was even able to get the mod tool installed and the game running
  7. I'm confused, is the Silent badge not on the roof near the police station in the upper right of Atlas Park? I don't know what the Echo thing is but I went to get it today and scoured the roof and it's not there.
  8. Well I used those choices in my first post cause that's what it showed as an example for it. I guess the main point of the post is what solo build would benefit the most for going for perma powers with hasten besides Dominators
  9. I was at first going to do Dom but I have a controller already and while it's fun it's not easy especially solo so I think I will try a tank for hasten and dull pain. Not sure what kind yet. I was trying to figure out which one does the most damage so my kill time isn't too slow. Seems like Super Reflexes or Shield are the most recommended.
  10. Well I'm very much a newb when it comes to advanced concepts and builds, so is there a list or guide or something for what powers this works on and how to go about it?
  11. Permahasten - Hasten needs a total of +275% Recharge (205% after Hasten's own +70%) PermaDP - Dull Pain needs a total of +200% Recharge PermaDom - Domination needs a total of +123% Recharge So I found this in the wiki and was wondering if this was still a thing? I couldn't find any guides on the subject or what powers could be up 24/7 like that. Sorry if this isn't the right space for this was just wondering as I was interested in trying something special for a villain. I always go solo and thought this concept would be a fun way to go from 1 to 50 alone
  12. I had that problem with a diff game and had to update my drivers
  13. Thanks I'll do that
  14. Is there a way to make what the NPC's and cutscene text boxes bigger? They are so small it's hard to read or goes by fast. I know you can adjust the window size and such but it doesn't affect the word balloons. Hopefully I worded this right
  15. I don't know if it's diff for me because of vidiot map but the outside of map borders has text and a legend but it's dark because of the fog of war, is this normal or do I need to do something
  16. Is there anything anywhere that explains what the icons mean? The ones that vidiot added, I Know the hand tells you the rest. Atlas starting zone would be a good example.
  17. I did the vidiot map thing. Are badges shared across toons if they are the same faction?
  18. I love badges and was wondering what was the best and easiest way to go about getting them except PVP. Also without having to go to different screens or write things down etc. Is there something that shows you in game or tracks or completes or something? Any help or advice or tips are appreciated.
  19. Yeah I did the save thing as soon as I got it dialed in.
  20. Thank you everyone for your help, due to your advice I was able to get the UI adjusted and figured out the vid map thing. Thank you guys, feels good to be so welcomed
  21. I used to play this back when it was new and only recently learned that it was still here after closing. Super happy to be able to play again but there are a couple things I'm having trouble with....maybe there add ons or something, my mind isn't as sharp as it used to be...or my eyes. Speaking of eyes, is there a way to make the trays bigger and the in game text? I know you can resize the global chat window but that's all I could figure out so far. The other thing is I remember being able to open a map of the zone and seeing how to get all the badges with little icons that would gray out after you got them. Was that a seperate thing? If it was a seperate thing is it still around? Is City Of Heroes Radio still a thing with the DJ's and talking about game stuff and music? Thanks for any and all info
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