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  1. Options->always show character name. Apply Changes isn't reacting to click.
  2. There was little boy blue.
  3. You could/should make a public comment on the Snarky situation. You could also cower and say we don't talk about blah blah blah. This is a chance for a good upfront conversation. NOTE: I hate that you are making me say this.
  4. Ok, too much work to change the system. How about having an NPC somewhere, that has continuous dialog of these player names.
  5. true, but it gives people agency to choose if they want to be on it. plus, weekly would make alphabetical order possible. but if it is too hard for the devs, well....
  6. Never really gave much thought about this before. You do bring up some interesting points. Who to include or exclude? Does everyone get it or only a select few who get selected by someone. My only way of providing a solution or approach for this would be to find some place like Echo Plaza. Also all players to register their handle. If some day they pass away, have a special marker next to the name to honor them. Before someone else suggests it, I don't know if having players offer tributes to that player as a honor to provide other markers or something should be done. But it would allow people in the community to feel something, perhaps grief, by doing that. Have a good weekend.
  7. Those NPCs who call for help are the ones most likely to sue the hero for some BS reason like their purse strap got broken.
  8. We all know how game breaking this bug is but I still need to do this. When you leave the RWZ through the portal PI is listed as level 41-50. But the portals in other zones show it as 40-50. As I said, game breaking.
      • 1
      • Haha
  9. Bottom line, we got a bunch of busy bodies looking to start a fight. How about just let players play the fing game? This is low level BS,
  10. I know we are an older group playing the game, but it feels like we are losing people far to quickly...
  11. I went through a couple of hundred characters and most but certainly not all got the stuff. The others I consider D level characters.
  12. I think Sith would be hard to stand in court as it was a term that existed before Star Wars. Word History and Origins Origin of sith1 First recorded before 950; Middle English; Old English siththa, dialectal variant of siththan, originally, sīth thām “after that, subsequently to that” (compare German seitdem “since, ever since”), equivalent to sīth “subsequently,” akin to Gothic seithus (adjective) “late,” Old Norse sīth (adverb) “late, in the evening,” German seit (preposition and conjunction) “since” + thām, dative of demonstrative pronoun, i.e., “to that”; the 1
  13. Some of us have been in many msr for the whole time homecoming has been around. Just tossing out hater is because people are voicing a different opinion just doesn't work for me. At this point, I would rather see MSR be a zone like hami.
  14. See, you are being a bit of an ass here with the whole reading comprehension bit. So f off. You the same person who talked in the MSR about people just being lazy? BC f off to the person that said that. And why are you botting a character?
  15. Tonight, I have decided to take a break for the game. Perhaps as long as the summer or longer. Just little things are adding up to a less enjoyable experience.
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