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Everything posted by lineuphere

  1. This is a very annoying bug in this power set. Bumping it with fingers crossed it gets addressed. The attack animation timing has nothing to do with the SFX or the target's hit (or miss) timing.
  2. In the Pandora's Box arc, when using the LFG tab to teleport to Flashfire, I zone into and get stuck in the bridge.
  3. So many great adjustments for the VEATS. Well done. This is so tiny, but probably a good time to bring up: The SFX on the Power Maul mace option is bothersome. Is there any way to turn it off (or have it fade out)? I love the visual of it, but aside from the soft, very faint jingle that the 3 carnival maces make, the Power Maul is the only one that has a perpetual SFX. Thematically, it goes against me being all stealthy when the critters can certainly hear my invisible mace buzzing and whirring nearby.
  4. Not seeing the new travel sets. Tried reinstalling twice. Did they get cancelled already?
  5. Just for train travel logistics, there is no junction to indicate where the yellow light rail line connects to the green light rail line.
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