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Everything posted by LinkAiris

  1. I love the idea of a villain's power set centered around wealth and influence! Kingpin is a perfect example of how money can be a superpower in its own right. The concept of using riches as a primary or secondary power set, especially for Controllers, is really creative and fits well within the "City of Heroes" universe. Here are some ideas to flesh out this power set: Cash Handout (Pacify): This power allows you to throw a bundle of cash at an enemy, temporarily pacifying them as they scramble to collect the money. It's a great way to stop an enemy in their tracks without causing permanent harm. Bribe and Betray (Confuse): By offering a larger sum of money, you can make enemies turn on each other. This confusion effect could cause chaos within enemy ranks, making them fight amongst themselves. Money Bomb (Area Confuse): A rocket that explodes and showers the area with money. Enemies caught in the blast radius are confused as they scramble to grab the cash, giving you and your team a tactical advantage. Look the Other Way (Reduce Threat): This power reduces your threat level by essentially bribing enemies to ignore you. It's a perfect way to slip past guards or reduce aggro during a fight. Mobster Minions (Summon Allies): Summon a group of loyal mobsters to fight alongside you. These minions could provide both offensive and defensive support, making you a formidable presence on the battlefield. Trail of Banknotes (Attract): Leave a trail of banknotes that attracts nearby enemies. Villains will follow the trail, allowing you to gather them into one location. This could be used strategically to either dispatch them all at once or to lead them away from your team.
  2. I completely understand where you're coming from. Farming can be incredibly tedious and not very enjoyable for everyone. It's great to hear that you've found alternative ways to make a significant amount of in-game currency while still enjoying the aspects of City of Heroes that you love. Your strategy of crafting and converting recipes, then listing them on the Auction House, is a solid approach. It's work, but as you mentioned, it can be quite lucrative. Utilizing your merits to sell Enhancement Converters and making bulk deals is also a smart move, especially if it means you can avoid farming. Consolidating your resources and selling off excess Hami-Os for such a great profit is impressive. It's clear that you've managed your in-game assets well and taken advantage of opportunities when they arise. The fact that you earned over 640 million in a single day, plus all the additional drops and merits, is a testament to your strategy and perseverance. I couldn't agree more with your sentiment about playing the character you enjoy. The game is meant to be fun, and focusing on the content you love can still bring in substantial rewards. Running Task Forces and Strike Forces not only keeps the gameplay enjoyable but also brings in good drops and merits. As you've demonstrated, the money will indeed flow if you stick with what you enjoy.
  3. I completely understand feeling overwhelmed by the changes, especially when it comes to the in-game economy. It seems like there's this pressure to follow a specific progression path, complete with all these intricate steps involving merits, splanges, and shoobadoo enhancements. But hey, that's not everyone's cup of tea. You're absolutely entitled to play the game your own way, running missions, earning inf, and picking up enhancements that suit your level and playstyle. The beauty of CoX has always been its flexibility and the freedom it offers to players. Sure, the auction house might seem like a chaotic mess at times, but there are still plenty of opportunities to thrive without diving deep into the high-stakes economy game.
  4. Thanks for sharing such a comprehensive guide on managing influence and Merit Reward points! I never realized the potential of using Merit Vendors for Single-Origin Enhancements. It sounds like a great way to save influence for other needs while still keeping my character well-equipped. Focusing on Story Arc missions for Merit points is a great tip. I’ve often overlooked them in favor of faster missions, but I’ll definitely start prioritizing them now. I also didn’t know about the trick with the rocket pack in Atlas Park—very handy for getting those exploration badges early on! I completely agree with your point about balancing the grind with enjoying the game. Spending Merit points on practical enhancements instead of hoarding them for rare salvage makes a lot of sense, especially when it can significantly reduce the time spent grinding. Thanks again for the detailed advice. I’m looking forward to applying these tips to improve my gameplay experience!
  5. Thanks for the tips! I've been struggling with the same issue and your advice is really helpful. I never considered multi-boxing or really diving into the market, but it sounds like that's where a lot of the influence can be made. Do you have any specific guides or resources you recommend for learning about AE farming or playing the market? Also, when you say "playing on higher difficulty," do you mean setting the missions to +4/x8, or are there other ways to increase the difficulty for better rewards? Appreciate any additional tips you can share!
  6. Thanks for this forum post. Now I know how to earn more money!
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