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  1. Opening up more powers to be usable while in Nova/Dwarf form would be awesome and the form powers are basically copy/pastes of the regularly available ones (although losing double mire on WS wouldn't be as fun). Overall though, human only form Khelds could use a massive revamp. Damage needs to be buffed across a lot of powers, and maybe increase in damage buff cap. Outside of a few powers like Gravity Well/Radiant Strike, nukes, and a few others, most attacks are severely under powered. Knockback. It is extremely annoying that a ton of powers across khelds do knockback and essentially require wasting slots to slot a kb to kd IO. I can understand keeping it on a few powers, such as the nuke for example, but it would be nice to change a lot of the kb powers to kd instead, or at least offer players the choice of making them kd. You could even add umbra/luminous mastery epic (why do VEATs get epics while HEATs do not?) that has an always active passive power (similar to Widow's Fate Sealed) that changes KB effects to KD as an example. Animation times could use an update. I don't know why Incandescent Strike is still animating at 3.3 seconds when all other such powers with the exact same animation (i.e. Thunder Strike, Total Focus, etc) have been reduced to 2.53. Would also be nice if Dark Extraction and Unchain Essence animation time could be decreased, also would it be to much to ask for Unchain Essence to release the energy of live foes as well as dead? Would make targeting a little less cumbersome. Overall, I think the kheld secondaries are fine and don't really need adjusting, but the primary powers are in need of some buffs. Once buffed, you could then remove the ability to do changeling builds which IMO feels like it's abusing the way form changes are coded to be able to deal more damage. Longbow counterpart to Arachnos MMs would be a nice option as a "hero" themed MM.
  2. Quick example of some of the changes I would suggest. This can be fine tuned a bit more, but with 1 SMoT proc and barrier, that's a permanent +11.7% resist to all and 5% def to all. Will get you to soft cap s/l/e/n with 1 target within range of invincibility and 43.5% on f/c. Hard cap to s/l/e/n with ~65% f/c resist, 60% toxic, and 86% psionic. The low fire/cold resist is due to splitting some sets to partially proc out KO Blow and Stomp. However, cold damage is nearly none existent and fire isn't all to common either compared to s/l/e/n. You may need to set targets within range of invincibility to 0 and then back to 1 to reset defense numbers on mids. It tends to not display defense properly when loading in a build with invincibility and currently you need to manually add in SMoT proc resists (6.7% to all per stack) when figuring out total resists as it doesn't add the resist from the proc at all on mids. Hope this helps. Sylvie Stardrive [Tanker] (Invulnerability - Super Strength).mbd
  3. I don't personally have a rad/dark tank, I do have a rad/ss one and for me a double stacked rage is sufficient. In the event I'm facing things with a lot of tohit debuffs like a mob of CoT demons or the shadow things from MJ arc, I'll usually be teaming and teammates can take care of killing them. There are very few mobs that truly stack enough -tohit to impact a double rage. Dark melee would be affected a bit more since a max target soul drain only provides 30% tohit buff compared to a double stacked rage with membrane exposure HOs providing nearly 60%. Ideally, you'd start any fight with soul drain if it's up, which at least would maximize the tohit buff before any debuffs can land and decrease the chance of hitting max targets with soul drain. I have not, but sounds like a fun experiment. My rad/ss has plenty of knockdown between stomp, hand clap, and psi tornado so I went for the dmg procs on my build.
  4. The issue at lower lvls for SS is the lack of AoEs until you get Foot Stomp (unless you plan to take Hand Clap early). While gauntlet and the aura from invincibility will help in maintaining aggro, being able to hit the enemies is usually the best way to get them to focus attacks on you. The other problem on certain maps is that mobs can be more spread out. Even when you have Foot Stomp, sometimes having taunt can be helpful for drawing aggro of enemies that are further away from you and out of range of invincibility and Foot Stomp. There are other situations that can arise, like ambush spawns (ITF for example) where it would be beneficial to have taunt. Edit: can't look at the build in mids right now, but one thing you can do is split the superior gauntleted fist into 2 sets of 3 to double up on the 6% e/n resist. Instead of having 4 pieces of reactive def in invincibility, consider using a 4 piece set of shield wall to get more e/n resist. I also wouldn't do a full set of Sudden Accel in Hand Clap. 4 slot it with kb to kd proc, FF +recharge proc, and 2 dmg procs (iirc the taunt and there's one other from either kb or stun iso sets). Stacked rage + invincibility will generally take care of any accuracy issues. If you want to increase dmg and reduce the impact of -dmg from rage crash, you can similarly proc out Foot Stomp and KO blow with 5x dmg procs and 1x FF+recharge proc. Rage crash doesn't affect the dmg that procs do when triggered. Some of the resist passives seem a bit overslotted. You can also use up to 5x imperium armor psi resist and 1x aegis psi resist uniques to fill the psi hole of invuln. Dull pain is also overslotted, it's not really a reliable heal power, it's more so just a + max HP power. 2-3 slots is plenty to slot a heal + heal/recharge. Unstoppable you could drop completely. Invuln tanks have little difficulty in reaching hard cap or near hard cap resists to everything, no point in picking up a crash T9 that won't contribute anything useful and has a bad crash. Rage can be slotted with the hami enhancement that buffs recharge/tohit/def to boost both recharge and tohit, helps with accuracy. You also shouldn't need the full 6 piece set of SMoT. Iirc the last bonus is s/l resist, something that invuln has no issues capping.
  5. Very quick build to maybe offer some ideas, there are probably several ways you could tinker and improve it further. You're basically sitting at 1 SMoT proc away from hard capping everything other than cold and psi, neither of which are very common. The cold hole isn't worth trying to fix in radiation armor imo, but you could move some slots from weave to give impervium psi resist uniques if you wanted even higher psi resist. I didn't bother with dark consumption since rad armor doesn't really suffer from endurance issues and the recharge is to long to make it a useful part of an attack chain. Regarding ground zero, I fully proc'd it out since soul drain should provide you with more than enough +to hit to have sufficient accuracy, but you could remove 2 dmg procs and do a 2 piece superior avalanche (acc/dmg and acc/dmg/rech) to improve accuracy and get recharge debuff resist. This would also open up more options for siphon life as you wouldn't really need blistering cold set for the recharge debuff resist. I went for a full bombardment in psi tornado for the resist buffs but they are likely overkill. You may benefit more from doing a 5 piece ragnarok and FF +rech proc in psi tornado. Hope this helps offer some ideas. Tanker (Radiation Armor - Dark Melee).mbd
  6. Uun covered a lot of the points, I'll just add a few more I noticed: You're chasing toxic/psi resist a little to hard. Prioritize the most common damage resists first (s/l/e/n). ~30% for tox/psi is more than enough. Similarly, you're chasing max hp and regen a little to hard as well. No need to 3 slot gaussian to get a small amount of max HP when you can benefit more from getting another 4.5% e/n resist by running a 4 piece shield wall. Shield wall also provides a higher max HP bonus than either gaussian or LotG sets. Not sure how useful the BU gaussian proc is in focused accuracy as I normally don't go for energy mastery on my builds. I switched it to BU, but if it works well in FA then you can keep it there. I moved around a few slots to get you more 4 set pieces of shield wall for the e/n resist and split superior gauntleted fist as Uun mentioned. You can consider a 4 piece multi strike in whirling hands along with the FotG -res and a damage proc to get more useful resist bonuses. You could also boost your total defense a bit more by placing a gladiator armor unique in tough in place of the end/rech unbreakable guard, although if you want to keep the 5 piece unbreakable guard, I'd replace the end/rech for the resist/end/rech. Posted the very quick rework below. Gets you to 67% s/l, 70% e/n, 50% f/c, and 30% tox/psi resist. You can make some adjustments as you want/need. The 3 piece touch of death can be swapped to mako's bite if you want higher tox/psi resist instead as an example. Tanker (Super Reflexes - Energy Melee).mbd Edit: actually just noticed that you had scaling resist HP% preset already on the auto toggles, which explains why the resist numbers seemed unusually high. At 100% HP, the resists are at 42% s/l, 45% e/n, 25% f/c, and 30% tox/psi.
  7. Marine is a new powerset and is the best secondary powerset that MMs can pick. Slotting for a lot of global recharge to make PotD near perma basically makes your MM and pets nearly unkillable when in defensive mode thanks to the large HP boost and regen. It will work well with all primaries. Right now however, I think Beasts are by far the weakest MM primary available. It will still work and play well together because marine is so strong, but don't expect it to perform as well as Mercs, Demons, Necro, Bots, Ninjas, or Thugs.
  8. Hello, I'm looking to make a bio/savage tank and trying to finalize a build for the combo. I've posted what I currently have. I also haven't taken any savage melee char to 50 before so if there are better attack picks, please let me know. One thing I wasn't sure on is Rending Flurry. It seems like keeping 5 blood frenzy stacks would be better for bio for the recharge boost, but also don't want to give up an AoE attack. I'm also slightly stuck on what alpha incarnate to take. Spiritual makes sense for recharge/heal boost, but does reduce damage proc chances. Alternatively, also considering musculature radial and agility core. Goal wise, aiming for soft cap e/n/f/c def, hard cap s/l and as much e/n resist as I can get. Beyond those def/res goals, want to maximize damage. Will be running barrier for destiny incarnate most likely. Since bio is so reliant on clickable powers, also trying to keep close to 100% recharge debuff resist and perma/near perma hasten. My current build is definitely a bit low on global recharge even with the boost from blood frenzy. Not sure on how worthwhile RoP is. Several other guides I've looked up recommend it to partially cover the downtime of Parasitic Aura which makes sense, but hard to fit in the powers. I could fit it in by replacing SJ, CJ, and Taunt or Tactics to get RoP. Tanker (Bio Armor - Savage Melee).mbd
  9. This is the build I use for rad/ss. Heavily proc'd, can maintain perma hasten if constantly attacking with FF procs and ageless. Has 100% recharge debuff resist. Has decent resist numbers. I do recommend making binds or macros to combine/use any small/medium/large insps into purples. You don't need them against all mobs when rage crash happens, but definitely helps against some. Tanker (Radiation Armor - Super Strength) 5.mbd
  10. The only way you're getting Cross Punch at 14 is if you take both Kick and Boxing before then since Tough isn't available until 14. This is a rework of the proc bomb rad/ss build that I have but with CP built in at 14. You may possibly need some recovery serums for endurance as this was originally designed for lvl 50 with Ageless. I did not proc bomb CP since if you're considering exemplaring down low enough to where you would need it at that level, you may not always have access to rage. Rad Therapy and GZ both have amazing accuracy and KO Blow isn't far away from Rage so the rest of the attacks can be proc bombed. If you want to have a travel power, you can replace Maneuvers for one. The tricky part would be fitting it in at a lower level. I did not bother putting in Haymaker since Boxing and Kick are slotted a bit to provide the recharge debuff resist and can be used in place of Haymaker for single target damage. Tanker (Radiation Armor - Super Strength) 6.mbd
  11. This was a quick rework of my sr/dark into sr/mace. You can adjust the level certain powers are picked as needed, I just adjusted some slots/sets without building from ground up. I think I have SJ in this build but if you're okay with various temp/prestige travel options, you can easily replace SJ with taunt. It has almost perma hasten with (120.5s recharge), ~50% s/l/e/n resist, and ~30% f/c. You could replace Dominate slotting with a set of decimation to get the rech bonus there for perma hasten, but will lose some recharge debuff resist. Rebirth would probably be the better pick for destiny slot since both SR and WM lack any sort of heals, or alternatively you can rely on green insps. You can also rely on melee core embodiment as it does provide a significant regen boost which combined with your defense and resists, should be more than enough. It does however have a 2 min cooldown and it won't be an instant click heal, so this is usually better used several seconds ahead of time, or prior to engaging a tough AV/GM, etc. Edit: You can also get to perma hasten by just leaving a 1 slotted winter 20% recharge debuff resist and add another LotG recharge to one of the defense powers, I think the build I posted only has 4 and you'd only sacrifice a tiny bit of f/c resist for doing so. Tanker (Super Reflexes - War Mace).mbd
  12. Your resistance is okay, but could definitely be better. Some things to keep in mind: You can only get the LotG global recharge increase 5 times. Any others won't be counted and you have more than 5 in your build. SR is not a regen set, I would not recommend focusing on it. Max HP is good to build for as it means your scaling resistance will max out with more HP left. Elude is definitely not worth taking. SR can easily incarnate soft cap and has like 95% DDR. You won't suffer defense crashes like other defensive armors can. I think Harmonic Mind is better, as is Psionic Tornado if you decide to go for it. Vigor is a bad choice. You don't have a heal so the heal buff is wasted. The accuracy buff is wasted since you're not trying to proc bomb powers and will have decent accuracy slotting with full/nearly full sets. Endurance reduction is the only truly useful boost you're getting from it and you could get a more useful alpha slot. I would suggest testing on test server to see if you need ageless for endurance. Harmonic Mind and/or Physical Perfection are fine, but they don't always fix endurance issues especially for endurance heavy attack sets. You don't really need ageless for the debuff resist imo, but it's still a really useful destiny slot and provides you with a recharge boost. I don't have a SR/mace build, but can take a look at making one later when I'm off from work. I'll post my SR/dark tank build that I have to maybe give you some ideas. It's not quite at perma hasten as I focused more on shield wall sets for e/n resistance, but it gets close. Tanker (Super Reflexes - Dark Melee)5.mbd
  13. So I got a bit curious and wanted to see how far I could take resists on an ice armor tank. I wouldn't exactly recommend the build as is, several sacrifices were made chasing resist bonuses, but just wanted to test the limits of resist values. This version is ice/spines/ice and gets 73% s/l resist, 66% e/n, 60% toxic (with Hoarfrost active), 59% psi, and 43.2% fire resist before factoring in 2 SMoT procs and barrier (additional 18.4% across the board). With the SMoT procs and barrier, this would be at 90% s/l/c, 84.4% e/n, 78.4% tox, 77.4% psi, and 61.6% fire resist. Should be really sturdy when also factoring in that this can keep up 68% s/l/e/n def and 45% f/c def with 2 stacks of energy absorption and the perma 5% from barrier. I think that /staff fighting secondary may be able to take this further as one of the effects includes a +res to all, but I have never built a staff fighting char to 50 and not sure how much resistance it would add or if it can be maintained permanently. Still, if someone is willing to make some sacrifices on offense, ice armor can definitely be turned into what looks more like a resist armor set on paper while still maintaining amazing defense. Tanker (Ice Armor - Spines).mbd
  14. You learn something new every day lol. But yeah, since it doesn't do KB then no point in the Sudden Accel proc.
  15. Good to know. I mean, even without cardiac the build would sit at 86.2% s/l resist without Tough active. A single SMoT proc or even barrier being up would put it over the 90% resist cap. Toggling on tough gets it to over 90% s/l resist. The one thing that invuln has no difficulty capping is s/l resist so I would say it still isn't necessary to go for the 6th bonus in SMoT set. If OP is mainly planning to solo then that's absolutely fair and Sudden Accel proc isn't needed. If OP is also planning to team a lot, it is worth considering how certain powers may bother others on a team or impact the team, which is why I suggested the Sudden Acceleration. Will keep the Gaussian proc in toggles like Invincibility in mind for the future, haven't run into that situation personally as I haven't done a invuln/ss pairing since before CoH was closed. A little confused about the "good recharge and endurance" and then the "build lacks in recharge and the endurance is a little worse" unless you're comparing between 2 different posted builds. I will say I didn't prioritize recharge/offense all that much because OP is primarily concerned with being as unkillable as possible and Rage will largely help with offense (excluding crash times). Cardiac would probably help take care of most end issues, but overall my build would mostly rely on the occasional FF +rech proc to help in the recharge area.
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