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  1. I'm getting a 404 error on this url. Did it move again, or is something else going on?
  2. But the bug I was talking about is not that. I bugged that in another thread and we established exactly what you said and I shut up about it. I was talking about the fact that a very long Message of The Day would get cut off and spill over into the motto. The text in quotes was just my example.
  3. If you put in a very long message of the day into yous super group settings, you can overwrite your super group motto. Steps to reproduce: 1. Enter a long message into your SG' Message of the Day field I entered "Log your characters in in the month of May for an anniversary badge and 5 charges of Experienced! (Note - this is currently BUGGED and you will not receive the temp power if your character has been offline for more than 350 days!)" 2. Accept the settings. 3. Go back and edit the Mesasge of the Day I went into SG setting again and backspaced up to the first "!" and then typed: "(Note - there is currently a known bug that if your character has been logged off for more than 350+ days you will not receive the 5 charges of Experienced (but you still will get the badge)" and accepted the settings when I looked at my SG window, the Motto had been changed to "the badge)" and in the settings my Message of the Day had been truncated so it read "Log your characters in in the month of May for an anniversary badge and 5 charges of Experienced! (Note - there is currently a known bug that if your character has been logged off for more than 350+ days you will not receive the 5 charges of Experienced (but you still will get"
  4. Could very well be. According to my spreadsheet I got it on all my characters last anniversary, but it's entirely possible that all of them were within the day range of time logged out to receive it. I don't keep detailed enough history to know for sure, though. Helps just to know it's not me and that this is at least a known issue. I should sharpen my search-fu so I could have found yor poast from last year and not double-posted it. Anyhow, thanks all for the suggestions and help. I'm off to log the rest of my characters in and not worry about the temp power...and write a function into my spreadsheet to remind me to log them in around 300 days offline...just in case.
  5. Weird. I can reproduce this very reliably. Wonder what I'm doing wrong?
  6. First off, thank you to everyone who weighed in on this topic. I appreciate the interest, insight and help. Second, Luminara is correct. This is not about Patrol XP per se, but about getting awarded charges of the Experienced temp power due to the 19th Anniversary event. The anniversary popup (pictured by Luminara) does say that, as part of the 19th anniversary, you will be awarded 5 charges of the Experienced power. This is the only thing I am contesting. On all the characters I have tested so far, regardless of level, alignment or location this is what I have determined: If the character has been logged out for around 350 days (I don't have an exact number, but I think it's at the point where a level 6+ would start seeing the warning for name contention) then when you log that character into the game you will NOT see the 19th anniversary popup and you will NOT be awarded the 5 charges of Experienced. You do, however, get the Unforgettable badge. I don't know if anyone else tracks charges of Experienced for their characters. It just happens to be a column on the spreadsheet I use to track stats for all my characters, so I know how many they have in reserve. I don't actually care about the charges of Experienced. I have 30 or so sitting around in my email waiting to be used, and if I want more I will buy more superpacks and get them. The point is that it is not working correctly for some characters, and as far as I can tell, only characters that have not been logged in for a long time, so I think it is somehow tied to the whole name checking logic that was introduced in the past year. For last year's anniversary, every character I logged in got the popup, badge and Experienced charges. That is not true this year. For anyone that wants to test this, if you have a character that you have not logged in for a long time (as I said, 350+ days), log that character in. Pay attention to the screen as you zone and see if you get the anniversary popup. I think you will not, and you also will not get the 5 charges of Experienced. I'm not sure how you could tell that unless you already knew how many that character should have, but you can check in your powers in the temp powers section and right click on the Experienced power listed there and it will tell you how many charges you have. You will, however, get the Unforgettable badge. Anyway, I tested it again today on a level 23 character who had been logged out for 371 days. Logged him in, no popup, no additional charges of Experienced (he had 15 already so should have gone up to 20 and did not) but did get the Unforgettable badge. Edit: can't type
  7. Just checked again today, character 364 days offline, got badge, no popup, no additional charges of Experienced. Bump.
  8. I have a friend who has been running HC for a year or so without any problem. After the update on 5/2 he cannot launch the program anymore. He uses the HC launcher through Wine, that's all I know so far, will update this thread as I get more info. Anyone else having troubles on the Mac?
  9. Not on the same character, no.
  10. I checked another character, level 23 offline for 354 days, just because there was a patch today, but nope - still happening. I'm sure not a lot of other people track charges of Experienced the way I do, but hasn't anyone else noticed that they sometimes get the popup and sometimes don't? Or am I the only person who has characters in the 6-49 range that have not been on in 300+ days? edit: And just checked another, level 32 and 123 days offline so no warning on selection screen and got the popup, badge and charges. Definitely something with the interaction with the date checking stuff.
  11. You're right, and I just tried this in succession: level 1 character, 44 days since last login, logged in Atlas Park. Selected her, logged in and got the popup, badge AND 5 charges. Level 24 character, 354 days since last login, logged into AP and no popup, no charges BUT did get the badge. Something weird is going on with the greater than 6, less than 49 range with respect to the age-out warning and the popup/temp charges. I can reliably duplicate it on characters in that range. I had not tried on a <6, so that was a good test. I think someone on the dev team should be able to set up this test, something strange is going on. I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested. edit: Further testing: Level 30, 296 days offline, no warning - he got the popup, the badge and the charges Level 24, 355 days offline, has warning - got badge but NO popup, no charges Level 1, 357 days offline, has warning - got badge but NO popup, no charges So now I'm back to being confused. Really does seem to have something to do with how long they have been offline overall, not just if they have the warning or not. A level 1 @ 44 days offline got all three, a different level 1 @ 357 days offline got only the badge, no popup or charges.
  12. I started logging in characters to get the Unforgettable badge and noticed that I was not always getting the anniversary popup or the 5 charges of Experienced (I have a spreadsheet where I track all such things), but I WAS getting the badge. I thought it was zone related (seemed like I was getting it reliably when I logged into a character in AP, but nowhere else) but on further testing the login zone location seems to be coincidental and it seems to be related to the name timeout warning. Any character I log in to that shows the name timeout warning is NOT getting the anniversary popup or the 5 charges of experienced, but they are getting the Unforgettable badge. I have tested this on a number of characters (can provide the name list if it will help) on multiple servers (again, can provide if desired). Anyone else notice this?
  13. I get that. I just wondered if anyone could tell me if there were plans for it later, that's all. No worries.
  14. So is this the closest we are going to get to Wind Control (which has been sitting in Mids for years)? I have two toons I have been wanting to make with that, but if this is the replacement I will go ahead and make them. edit: Don't get me wrong, I like the new set and will definitely use it, just wondering.
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