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Posts posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. 12 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    Are you sure that you've posted in the correct thread?


    Also, WTF is it with you and banjos?




    Not sure if they posted in correct thread or not, too pancaking small to read. And I have my webview set to default at 120% because I'm an old fart..  <.<


  2. What @Greycat said.


    Fun is relative, my most fun to play isn't my most powerful or one I play the most often but I do cackle with glee when my teammates go on about how Mender Ramiel has to drain the pool again after my character has gone for a swim.




  3. On 2/28/2024 at 6:26 AM, JJDrakken said:

    It's NOT EVERYTHING. I posted way more then what my search result of my name shows. I had Legend status of posting.  So I would say it's up to a certain point.


    Also, the Legacy devs swapped forum platforms around 2009 and it seems that there is a lot from the previous iteration that didn't make it through the swap.


  4. 18 hours ago, shortguy on indom said:

    Usually, forums have a post number in the top right corner, in our case where the 3 dots are located.

    • Missing or erased posts from editing are causing threads to be unintelligible at times.
    • When one can refer to a particular post in a thread by number, it solves the constant humungous quotes that need to be opened to view.


    Can just use the arrow at the top right corner of the quoted post to automatically go to that post.




  5. 10 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

    Was this a feature on the old boards too!?


    Not sure if the they were originally, but around 2008-09 they changed forum platforms and they had this feature.


    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Scarlet Shocker said:


    I'm old and I haven't outgrown this game. I reject that hypothesis! 🤣





    The majority of my characters are "support" class, though many are equal amounts of debuffage to go along with the buffage. When it comes to playing a Kin, I typically hold off on SB until the team enters active combat or for outside travel boosts. Most of my friends can handle the ping-ponging, but when it comes to tight tunnels or CoT catacombs there's really no need to get caught on every boulder and torch in the place.


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    On 5/14/2024 at 8:39 PM, DrLai78 said:
    On 3/13/2024 at 2:46 PM, JJDrakken said:

    With my 48th Birthday coming up on March 26th, I've decided not to post anymore builds or do anymore requests.  The amount of fucking shit thrown at me in & out of game. As well headache inducing it is.


    Not worth my time at my age & health.  -waves-  You can thank various folks in game & out for shutting this down.  Hope the haters rejoice. This "asset" to a community that honestly is way fucking worse then it was on live.  (Though still better then most MMO communities). I never got this shit chucked on me during live. I had hosts of folks always asking me about builds or CoH stuff.  No more, just plum tired of it all.

    As for rest of you, just not worth my time anymore honestly.  Maybe I'll post builds again, who knows. But I'm just sick & tired of amount of insane shit I receive.  Be in game or here on my "OWN" post.


    So here last builds I had in a folder, I'm out. You may still find me team leading in game, but I won't talk shop anymore(least for now). I don't need more folks shitting on me or whatever, I get enough of it just cuz of my 3 team rules. (1. I'm not a farm, everyone fights, 2. I start when all but two are in, 3. Follow your team lead, we fight as a team).


    Controller (Illusion Control - Traps).mbd 43.01 kB · 66 downloads Specified Sentinel (Assault Rifle - Regeneration).mbd 43.47 kB · 28 downloads Sentinel (Electrical Blast - Bio Armor).mbd 43.48 kB · 35 downloads Scrapper (Spines - Ninjitsu).mbd 42.36 kB · 47 downloads



    Hi @JJDrakken,

    After looking thru all 57 pages, I couldn't find the build I was looking for.

    Could you pls help me build a Dual Blade/ Energy Aura Brute w/ perma Hasten, Combat/ Super Jump along with Tough/ Weave?

    I have all the powers selected except Ablating Strike, Taunt, and Overload.

    And whichever Epic Powersets you pick is fine.




    JJ has retired for the time being.


    You might need to try over in the Brute section for help with a build.



    On 5/20/2024 at 2:31 PM, PeregrineFalcon said:
    On 5/20/2024 at 1:50 PM, ImperialZombie7 said:

    So i am aware that base building is a feature but have no clue how it works, how to get a base for my character and was wondering if anyone knows. 

    So first you need to go into City Hall in Atlas Park and talk to the person there to start a Super Group.


    Once you have that go to the base portal, choose "Enter my Super Group base" and then start building your base.


    On Redside you need to travel to Port Oaks and enter the tall Arachnos Building in the Marconeville neighborhood.

    On Goldside, where a new character spawns into Nova Praetoria, turn around and cross the street.

    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, InvaderStych said:


    Love these!


    Reminiscent of the work of Todd Alcott who re-imagines music/movies as pulp novel book covers:






    Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for the impact that visiting the Hero Complex Gallery website may or may not have on your wallet. Follow the above link at your own risk! 🤣


    And that reminds me of the Space Tourism Posters from JPL/NASA




    Posters for telescopes



    And movie posters, though the NASA site links for them are not working for me.




    • Like 2
  10. 12 hours ago, LKN-351 said:

    @Oubliette_Red that's helpful but it doesnt change the fact that I can't remember the exact verbatim words they used. I searched combinations of character, scale, NPC, world, size, taller, and shorter with and without quotation marks and I found stuff... but not what I was looking for.

    I don't think I remember enough details to find it.


    I've had a similar issue and I think it may have to do with when they changed forum platforms, I think entire threads were lost at the time. I was unable to locate the 'Fruit Salad' thread.


  11. 11 hours ago, Snarky said:

    Even when you know the "lingo" there can be grand miscommunication.  I joined a Rescuer Badge and Finder Defeat badge run yesterday.  The Rescuer arc is rescuing Penelope Yin's dad.  Takes 10 min.  The Finder badge is defeating a 100 Lost bosses.  add 5 for kill alls?  The PUG ad never mentioned +4.  40 minutes later....


    I found the easiest way to get Lost bosses was in the abandoned sewer, also Damned all while collecting the exploration badges.

    • Like 1

    On 5/13/2024 at 10:19 PM, Force Redux said:

    So, with the advice here for the scarf and the help of Rapture hair, I was able to come up with this:


    Thanks 🙂




    I did come across another alternative in another thread. Though your solution was fantastic. 🙂 


    On 5/16/2024 at 7:13 AM, Player2 said:
    13 hours ago, Player2 said:

    I agree, though I suspect that it's limited selectability had more to do with it having been designed specifically to go with the plague doctor mask and hat.  I took an interest in it while scrolling through the hat options and noticed that the ninja hats mostly disappear beneath it to give a tight hood feel, and I can't help but feel that with the right Detail 1 option, it would make an excellent loose-fitting cowl.


    For example...


    Cowl1.png Cowl2.png


    You won't find it everywhere.  You have to be in the Hats category and then you'll find it under Detail 2 as Plague Doctor.


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