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Posts posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. ive seen a couple of folks flying around with arms crossed..how is this done?


    They may be using a bind, but I believe the stance you are referring to is the Idle pose Villain 2. I believe you can hover with the pose, unsure if you can actually move without coming out of the pose.

  2. Hmm... I'm looking hard at Patreon, it seems GoFundMe is kind of designed for a one time thing, and it'd be nice if I could get the community to help pay for a long-term server...


    Well...you are a big part of the HC community...everyone who has helped with this is part of HC...even HC mods/devs are helping out...Can we pitch a case to HC to have them host the forums and include the overhead in their monthly goals? 


    A.) They have a scalable hosting model

    B.) Funding can be consolidated

    C.) It doesn't increase their legal exposure...and if it's a static forum tool, the support would be minimal and supplied by yourself...


    Thoughts?  I mean it's HC's call, but since we are supporting them, I feel we have a voice...


    As I've always said "If you don't ask, then the answer is no."

  3. Anyone knows a good web host that provides:


    • ASP.NET
    • MySQL Databases > 200GB in size
    • Isn't super expensive? (hoping for $50 a month or less

    I can't seem to find all of these things. Either my search-fu is weak, or such a thing doesn't exist.


    I am not a search guru when it comes to servers, since I've never needed the use of one. The only thing I've been able find so far that came close is https://www.tier.net/infrastructure



    Um... Cool







    As to other questions, I have all the data in one directory. I have had 18-20 copies running at a time though. :)


    Either in the Reply or Preview option of posting, you'll see:

    + Attachments and other option

    Click on it.


  5. He PK. I see the changes you did to the parser. I'm am now getting an error text file and associated .warc file moved to a sub-directory.

    When I look in the error text files, I do not see a file mentioned in the error.  You original popup error (while not copy-able, listed the associated file right at the top. I have appended the numerical portion of the .warc file that was in the error sub-directory.

    When it's only 1 file not a big issue, but one of my sub-folders had 3 files in it with 1 error file that has multiple entries and no indication as to which error belongs to which file.





  6. Finally finished the 3.4m file I started at 3:30... whew.


    I am now parsing the following:









  7. I've started the direct download. Supposedly 2 hours to go.


    I was also going to ask about how to run multiple threads and not reprocess work.


    You can run multiple instances of the parser .exe.

    As mentioned above, once you get the files extracted, you can create multiple folders and drag multiple .warc files into each of them. Then each time you launch the parser, just point to a different folder.


    Once all of my folders have been parsed, I will usually run the parser on the main folder to auto-delete any files someone else has parsed in the meantime.

    I've been running chunks of similar sized files, but PK may call on folks to proceed by file name, that way people can call out a section of files they are parsing at any given time, to minimize overlap.





  8. That one's literally just a timeout. Try again. I'll modify the code to make that more obvious and less Cryptic.


    I just got that timeout as well. Is this maybe a problem with larger files, or just bad luck?


    I was running 4 separate chunks of 20k files, could just be a hiccup anywhere along the internet.


    I am also currently parsing boards.cityofheroes.com-threads-range-12058-20120912-121713 which is a 3.4MB file so I believe it will take a while.

  9. That one's literally just a timeout. Try again. I'll modify the code to make that more obvious and less Cryptic.


    Maybe an error message that's a little more NCSoft on the eyes?  I'm no Paragon of virtue when it comes to this though...


    Nice pun, although the error messages would have been generated by Paragon Studios and were not always helpful.

    I recalled talking to one of the Devs way back in the day and he relayed a story regarding their move to Jira for bug tracking and that it auto-generated tickets for player-generated bugs using the reporting system. Bug ticket #1 was by a player, who'd description of their issue was "Shit's broke, fix it." Funny as hell but not at all helpful.

  10. FYI, I'm also claiming boards.cityofheroes.com-threads-range-15775-20120907-054529, which I think is the biggest file.


    Have all of the 1m+ files been parsed already? I actually tried to run a parse of the full folder to remove already parsed files but none of those were deleted.

  11. Sorry, is this too awkward? What would work better? I'm basically just trying to randomize things so everyone doesn't end up processing the same files and wasting processing time.


    I suppose we ( I ) could stick to a strictly numerical filename process to avoid stepping on each other's toes. My apologies if I started a poor trend. <.<


  12. OK boss  :o




    I stopped adding because with the small number of files I have right now it started trying to process the same one.


    Also, started the web dl hopefully I get the full archive this time.


    You can get around this by placing chunks of files in different folders and pointing each instance of the parser to different folders.

  13. Hmmm... parser is hung up on a file, not progressing and no error.


    "boards.cityofheroes.com-threads-range-15130-20120904-150600, line 29072 of 313737"


    Pulled the other files out and reran the same file. Got the following error:



  14. PK, are the parsed files being reported properly? The last couple of runs I've done have said "Now processing file # 0 of 1." or "#0 of 3'". It seems to continue as expected and creates the .warcskip file(s).






    Heh, that's fine, it all goes to the cause. And we're in this for the long haul. I just wonder what it would take to get others to help, because really, the program takes VERY little resources, and runs in the background, and doesn't really interfere with anything (unless they come across an error).


    Speaking of which, I'll get the patched up shortly. Also, with the Viewer now, you don't really have to report the files that you processed. Hell, I probably should do away with creating those WARCSKIP files too, since I'm also using the database check, it's kind of redundant...

    If it's removing the files anyway, probably don't need the .warcskip files. But I throw it/them back into the archive folder, use it kind of like a placeholder for what I've already  parsed.

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