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Everything posted by tez

  1. Honestly im suprised more people don't take rad just for choking cloud. Throw in Mako's epic set for 2 holds (KO blow & Spirit Shark Jaws) + any holds your pets can slot up. At that point you can lock down a few bosses pretty easily.
  2. I gotta hop on to see if i can make some fantasy D&D races with the mini. Goblins, Dwarves, Haflings, Gnomes, Kobolds need shorty representation ❤️
  3. Honestly Jack should. It just opens up more slotting options for a set that could use it.
  4. Trying to recall if Jack takes slow sets, and if not why not?
  5. You beat me to to the punch👊🏾 .This is exactly what i was talking about, Beast/Cold is one of the newer sets that honesty can do well all on its own before you even factor in IOs. Cold is an excellent AV tackling set and with so many proc options you really have to do something drastically wrong to have poor results.
  6. Beast cold solo's quite well. Im not sure why its difficult to play for some. Honestly its easy to softcap def to the point its one of the few MM sets that can cap defense all by it's lonesome. Procced infrigidate hits like a truck and with sleet and heatloss, Beast/cold is a killing machine. If healing is an issue then bind insp combines to movement keys to make um on the fly and macros/binds for your pets to feed them greens(brutes do it all the time). And thats before you factor in the healing pool or sorcery. The game can let you pull off some ridiculous feats if you desire.
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