Update on my MM experiment. :)
Note: I have never played an MM before, not even the days of Live.
I ended up creating a Ninja/Storm and created a character that was pretty close to looking like a Tsoo Sorceror. I then placed that character in Praetoria to give it a workout and see how things went. I was able to go through things at a decent rate, but there was a lot more effort in keeping track of the Ninjas than I thought there might be. There was no "Send in pet, heal from a distance, and progress at a laid back rate" No no. There was a lot of "Go kill, have a heal or two, oh wait where the f are you going come back here, oh hell where are you going now? I am going to have to recall you every time aren't I? Wait stop dammit come back here." I am not sure if the Ninja "hyperness" is specific to Ninja, all MM minions who melee, or all MM minions.
I put the MM aside for a bit that night and fiddled around with the character creator and got completely sidetracked creating a Dark/Dark Controller ... once I discovered that I could recolor the Dark powers this fluffy light pink color; a good number of recolors of Dark powers just look weird to me and don't recolor well, but the light pink delighted me. I proceeded to get completely distracted playing the alt.
I might create a Necro MM now to continue experimenting ... will maybe do a "sister" of the Dark/Dark controller and make the dark powers in Necro some shade of pastel lol. As far as secondary, I have discovered that I really am a "from a distance" sort of player with the MM, so any secondary will need heals for the minions that can be done from a distance ... so that helps narrow things. Probably Thermal, Poison, Empathy, or Pain.