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Everything posted by Teklord

  1. The simplicity and the complexity both have me very happy with COH. The complexity has me theory crafting when not playing and the simplicity allows me to play when tired.
  2. I don't normally play melee characters but I have some little knowledge from live (I am a returnee). I now am playing the revised Force Field defender and Damping Bubble is providing 25% DDR (and basically every debuff). I can cast it every 25 seconds and it is a 50ft bubble that provides all allies within it DDR and prot immobilize. I use it on cooldown on ITFs and the like but I am curious how much this compares to the target DDR for various melee characters?
  3. In the Faithful Fans of Fallout SG part of Repeat Offenders we used fallout very often and were steamrolling. It is just a matter of having everyone in melee range most of the time. Just do a targeting macro for dead teammates and firing off fallout. BTW the same trick works for mutate but I do understand how tempting it is for players to hit their rise of the phoenix or return to battle.
  4. I believe this is mostly on the MSR and there are some who have it on auto and it breaks people out of emotes/rp that they are doing while waiting to begin. I have no skin in the game and think it is fine, also what does the OP want, immunity from the action forced but not the effects? That my friends is BS, none of the gull voids protective powers.
  5. Very true. FF revamp has given it -res debuffs and debuff resistance including defense debuf resistance. The stats on Trick Arrow -tohit for flash arrow have changed and it looks like the set had a rework. The tier list was garbage when it was written and is worse now. Mob reworks have also changed the priorities of what a defender wants to be able to do.
  6. some points for the OP Rad/Rad is very good solo BUT you need to corner pull with your toggle debuffs. You pull with Rad infect. Rad Blast dps is low and the set has many slow activations. It can be proc'd reasonably well. And with Rad Infect you will hit stuff. Toggle Aura debuffs are rough to use on teams. You end up either taking the alpha strike or putting the debuffs on late after someone else broke the spawn. Choking Cloud isn't a required power and personally I never ran it. Some people above seem to think that Rad Infect main power is -def but it does give -tohit as well which means you are helping the team stay alive. The issue is that to use Rad Emission well means going relatively slow, corner pulling, working with the team, etc. I haven't had a team do this on homecomin, but on live in the hollows arc I used to experience this a lot. Rad Emission does have some real benefits. Take Fallout and vengeance, and teleport other. When you get someone who runs off and dies just teleport them to the main group, hit vengeance and then use their body to blow up spawns. EF and Lingering radiation are absolutely amazing for AVs, GMs, etc The purple patch really hits Rad Emission hard.
  7. TBH since I play a lot of kinetics and so most of my defenders are in "kinetic range". My FF/Sonic isn't that close but the Dispersion Bubble has a 25ft radius and so is likely helping the melee. I need to be back about 20 ft for my cones. I also keep the option to show range on my target screen, I don't like to be more than 40ft away, again for the cones. Also with FF/Sonic everyone is a tank anyway. My Marine/Water is in 5ft range mostly due to Whitecap usage. I didn't take the cone from /Water Blast for this reason. Also Kinetic range play has an added benefit of benefiting from having a kinetic on the team. That means, transfusion (heals), transference (end) and Fulcrum Shift (+dmg!!). I will say that a common IO slotted defender who is leveling and on a team with few other supports or supports who don't actually use them much will result in premature defeats of said defender. Well except for FF defenders who are now pretty darn tough.
  8. Even at the peak popularity of MM numpad binds on Live, it had niche usage at best. I suspect that current players at Homecoming tend to be more engaged now but even then Stellarex is completely correct no one will even notice.
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