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Posts posted by tidge

  1. 7 hours ago, Saikochoro said:

    Suggestions in this thread keep getting more and more ridiculous. It’s like people are trying to one up each other on who can have the worst suggestion.



    I do find some hilarity in the proposed suggestions; they also remind me how much of the big picture folks are missing. I'd like to imagine a different world in which these absurd market fixes were used and the vocal minority was being equally off-the-wall about 'fixes' to implement in AE farms. "Debuff all AE Damage by 60% !", "Limit the number of mobs in AE missions!", "Charge merits/inf to run AE missions!".

    • Like 3
  2. I have a lvl 50 Dark/Time. I wouldn't use him as a farmer (although with enough investment, many different toons can play farm maps) but I can offer one piece of advice on the build that may be applicable, as I find it useful in regular content.


    I notice that these builds are quite skimpy on slots for Build Up (Time has Chronos as its build up, so mileage may vary). I've taken to 6-slotting powers like Build Up with Gaussian's Synchronized Fire Control and have that be the power that is set on auto. The set bonuses synergize well with Blasters, and on builds with relatively high recharge you have a frequent and reliable %Build Up proc firing to boost damage further. The set isn't particularly expensive either, although it won't scale to the lowest content it will still work over a very large range of levels.


    On the Dark/Time build (again, with Chronos), I passed on taking Aim until lvl 47. Perhaps heretical, but I wanted to be spamming attacks rather than clicking the 'boost' buttons and so delaying the second on-demand boost until 45+ content seemed reasonable. If the intent is only to play high level content I suppose it doesn't really matter when you take it.


    On nemu's build above, I question the slotting of Rune of Protection. Even on high-recharge builds, the power is unlikely to be available more frequently than every 2.5 minutes. The choice of 3 Titanium Coatings and a non-global Aegis doesn't appear to me to be a good use of slots. I understand that this is supposed to be a 'budget' build, but if the player intends to farm, the slots are probably better used somewhere else where an eventual Shield Wall or Glad Armor could go for more benefit.


    Thanks for sharing the builds. I haven't chases Defense bonuses so I like to see the compromises others make.

  3. 3 hours ago, Gremlin said:

    I don't buy converters very often so I'm not familiar with the price. I sell a few from time to time and I'm used to seeing the price in the 82 to 90k range. I don't think I've ever seen them at 75k. Is that price common?

     75K is uncommon, but observable (over the past year). That's below my typical bidding price. I rarely have more than a few hundred bids outstanding, as my toons tend to be merit-rich. The total volume interests me less than the total for sale, as I am convinced that the market has a not-insignificant number of low bids on many items. There is no difference between a 1 inf bid placed on a forgotten character versus one that is not too far from the typical price placed by a player hoping for a 'good deal'. The number for sale was particularly low a week or so ago.


    Unlike many other AH items, Converters are needed in bulk so I wouldn't be surprised if there are a lot of low bids on them.

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 4/11/2020 at 5:23 PM, Elizabeth Ashlee said:

    Sleep powers would be very viable if they did something like force enemies powers to set to a 'used state'. So like you sleep a crowd and it forces all their abilities into recharge, meaning they only have a delay of a couple seconds or so... in most cases. Where it would be super handy is combined with -recharge abilities, the pairing able to shut an enemy down quite fast, or sleeps used in succession to hold enemies in a state of inability to take action.

    I just grabbed this post to comment on... but just wait until the Devouring Earth get this (or any of the proposed) updates!

  5. I don't understand the request, because it basically sounds like either a request for a unique power pool for a specific AT (Why for VEATs? I understand that they can only choose Patron pools, but they have more power choices than most other ATs) or the ask is for another patron pool which would allow EVERYBODY to get as many as 5 (more) pet summons. Keep in mind the existing level requirements for the VEAT pets are levels 35 and 38, so there wouldn't be 5 available power picks for this hypothetical pool anyway.


    If it is the former, it is unnecessary. Crabberminds can already have 6 pets *before* Incarnate and Temp pets. In case you missed the recent Dev Discussion thread on Soldier VEATs, there was already complaining that Crabberminds lack true MM controls for the lil' buddies they already have.


    If it is the latter, somebody has pe... err... pet envy.


    Honestly, a better request is to add a new Mastermind primary instead of re-configuring the VEATs (or making everyone a Mastermind via an Epic pool).

  6. 21 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

    So wouldn't it be practical in effort to reduce bias to have a +7.5% recharge bonus IO be available in another category as well. I would suggest if that were to be the case though to avoid running/jumping to avoid the power creep of someone just slotting them all in the prestige sprints. And for those that don't know, yes a 7.5% recharge bonus in say a sleep set, wouldn't allow you to slot 2 in sleeps, and 5 in defense to get 7*7.5%, you're still limited by the rule of five.

    I apologize for my lazy search-fu, but Sleep seems like a particularly biased choice as I'm not aware of which Power/Epic/Patron pools are available to all ATs that can slot Sleep IOs. This is a very different situation than Defense (or Travel or Attack power) IOs. AFAIK, Stun or Knockback would have been more applicable choices with less bias.


    I know that it is practically pro forma to be perma-Haten on the Presence Pool, but that pool allows slotting of Fear, Taunt, Healing, and End Mod IOs. Both Fear and Taunt are available to be slotted in 'first pick' powers, and both Fear and Taunt have fewer IO set choices than Sleep (and Defense, obv.) This is one of the (many) reasons I evangelize for the creation of (at least) a fifth (PVP or Purple) set for each of them. Personally I wouldn't want a 6th piece in either hypothetical set to be Global Recharge, but one of the set bonuses would presumably be a Global Recharge bonus.

  7. On 4/12/2020 at 7:01 AM, Bentley Berkeley said:

    The term mule is really inaccurate. Are people taking Hover just to put an LOTG special in? Combat jumping? How about Invisibility, or Leaderships def toggle and vengeance? I know every one of those powers gets used actively even if my build doesnt focus on global recharge or has hasten or not.

    I have toons with that use Hover, CJ, Grant Invisibility, Invisibility slotted with LoTG at level 49. I play a lot of content below level 40, so in that sense the powers are literally chosen to take advantage of the Global effect of the slotted IO. I have other toons that take and slot those powers at lower levels for flavor reasons, however the (travel) powers taken at low levels are likely to be slotted with a Universal Travel IO otherwise those pool powers taken above level 20 will almost always have a LoTG.

  8. On 4/9/2020 at 6:43 AM, Saiyajinzoningen said:

    So i began more research. Was it possible to have permadom without hasten? After a week of fiddling with builds i discovered yes it was not only possible it was cheaper and easier to exclude hasten from the build and still have permadom. This also freed up a power pool for other purposes. Henceforth i placed domination on auto and basked in the sheer delight of a well balanced dominator.

    Did the non-Hasten perma-Dom rely on +Recharge in click powers/attacks? If so, how many? I'm genuinely curious. My (perma-Dom) experience already feels more frenetic than the busiest Brute...



  9. 6 hours ago, Razor Cure said:

    The first Sig arc is the best I have found. Sure, you can only do it once a week (after doing it twice, back to back), but if you have a lot of alts (who doesnt?), it is a winner. Average about 6-8 mins, 20 merits. Even better for alts you dont play much, as a way to horde merits for other toons. I have 3 current 'sig arc' toons, and thats all they do. They dont even have any enhancements. ALl you need is SS (not even that really) and a tray with a few purps, a yellow, and lotsa reds.

    Seconded. It may take more than 8 minutes with lower DPS toons (and fewer red insps), but it can be run lickety split. The longest part of that SSA1 story for me is the end-of-final-mission cut scene. I have some fun at my own expense when I start the first mission and realize that I have left the difficulty turned way up... not the easiest mission for certain ATs at lower levels, such as Masterminds.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Peacemoon said:

    Maybe for standard level 50 IOs as sometimes a level 50 recharge simply is the best enhance you can get.


    However because of the way the market pools enhancements, it really makes crafting level 50 set enhancements quite punitive, to the point its hardly worth bothering. 

    I agree that crafting lvl 50 recipes is supposed to be an Inf sink, and I can live with it. I actually always craft my lvl 50 (uncommon, PVP, Purple) recipes and even craft the odd rares that accumulate (I have those turned off from dropping, but the game demands I still occasionally get them!). I find that vendoring the common recipe drops (@ lvl 50, they average around 100K each) more than covers the cost of crafting all the non-common drops, so it doesn't feel punitive to me.

  11. 11 hours ago, ArchVileTerror said:

    I'm no expert, Bent, but I'm pretty sure the point of focusing on Global Recharge is to make "Proc Monsters."

    I almost never build to be a 'proc monster' (*1) but at high enough levels I almost always have multiple sets with a proc, and I absolutely want that proc firing as much as possible... and Global Recharge does help with that. Otherwise this is not the primary reason for me to chase Global Recharge (with or without Hasten). For me, its one of two reasons:


    1) Having the long-recharge powers available more often. Could be attacks, could be pet summons, could be heals. Those powers are usually key to my character concept, and I want them available ASAP! As was expressed by others, there are many builds (in my mind) don't need that much Global recharge to match the play with the concept.


    2) As an extension of the above, on a few of my toons I want certain Buffs to auto-fire on a reliable schedule (often incorporating a proc, as was mentioned). Tuning the amount of Global Recharge has been key for those toons, with or without Hasten.


    (*1) I was going to make some observations about 'proc monster builds' but those are unnecessary.

  12. On its face, it isn't unreasonable to ask for new Enhancement sets with improved procs, but I don't think Global Recharge is the place to look. As was pointed out, unless the name exactly the same as LotG, players will just add those new pieces to builds with NxLotG pieces (where N =< 5).


    I'd prefer that new IO sets be considered for types that currently don't have PVP or Purple versions. I don't think that adding Global Recharge pieces to hypothetically new sets would be my first choice. For example:


    Fear: I think Fear and Slow are the only Mez/Control set that don't have a fifth choice (either PVP or Purple). I want a Purple set with a sixth piece proc for "Contagious Fear" similar to the Coercive Persuasion set... In my experience one of the big advantages of the Contagious Confusion proc is that it keeps the single-target Confuses as a viable control when facing larger groups of enemies. Tight now, the single-target Fear attacks lose almost all of their viability against larger groups. Purple set bonuses for Fear would also be appreciated, not just for the improvement to stats, but to have a set that scales to all levels.


    Taunt: Also only has 2-pairs of sets (uncommon/rare in 2 level ranges). There is no reason to not have a fifth set with "Purple-ish" set bonuses. My personal preference would be that one of the multi-slot bonuses from such a set would include bonuses to Ranged/AoE defense, to synergize with the role of Taunting. I know the mechanics of Taunt are subtly different than other effects, so a "contagious taunt" is probably not viable, but a 6th piece with something like %Knockdown might be fun, keeping in mind that "6th piece procs" are often considered to be slotted in other powers (attacks) to improve certain aspects of those powers. I wouldn't want to open any cans of worms by considering a PvP Taunt set. As with Fear, it would be nice to have a set whose bonuses scale across all (level) content.


    Slow: The existing Slow IO sets offer variety in the bonuses that I don't see in the Fear set, so I am less personally invested in seeing a 5th set... but I am open to one. I will say that the market has pretty much identified a single piece (%Smashing Damage) as being much more desirable than all other Slow IO pieces, which is an indication that we probably deserve more choices. As with Fear and Taunt, I'd like a set that scales across all levels (as Slows are often very low tier powers). I'm not sure what kind of '6th piece proc' I'd want from such a set, but another choice of %Damage might be an option for those ATs that don't get a lot of raw damage.


    I don't have strong opinions on adding to the Buff/Debuff sets, except that the ability to cross-slot Accurate/Non-Accurate sets is appreciated.

    • Like 2
  13. 3 hours ago, Uruare said:

    Gonna say it in small words so some of the clubfooted slow people in the back won't have to try so hard to catch up;  I enjoy active farming because I enjoy mindlessly killing lots of mooks, not because it' the most superior way to get stuff.


    This change made the rewards of inf farming tank.   Made my solo funtime of active farming at least 50% less rewarding, and I don't like that because I'm a player and I'm not here to not enjoy myself.


    Which (club) foot is the shoe on? If a player enjoys 'mindlessly killing lots of mooks' what does the amount of Inf gained through that activity have to do with the source of enjoyment?


    The amount of 'mindless killing' doesn't scale with accumulated Inf; if it scale with anything it is with crafted IO pieces. I appreciate the contribution of raw materials on the market from all players (especially farmers), but it is the Ebil MarketeersTM who are generating the largest number of specifically desired IO pieces.


    The ONLY measurable barrier to entry to becoming an Ebil MarketeerTM is the Auction House's Vig when posting items for sale.

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  14. 6 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

    Imagine a movie where we follow a senator who plots his wife’s murder, frames his intern for it and the movie ends with his intern’s execution for the crime while the senator sips martinis with the mistress he’d been cheating on his wife with and is adored by the public for having the strength to carry on after the betrayal of his intern and the tragic murder of his wife.

    Not a senator, but



    Wild Things


  15. 23 minutes ago, Lockpick said:

    What restrictions are those?

    I am completely unfamiliar with the code and the databases, but at some point in the last year there was talk that if characters started "Gold", that there were limited circumstances (Khallisti Wharf costume contests?) that they could not join. I never heard anything more than that, but from memory it had something to do with the fact that the character never officially started as a hero or a villain.


    The game keeps track of certain choices and behaviors (for example, the questions that come up at the end of SSA1 depend on alignment during earlier missions, and in NPC reactions in DA arcs) but I don't know if this is related.

  16. 1 hour ago, Herotu said:

    It's a character in a video game. It'd be boring if they were all the same. If you read the computer file of Flambeaux in one of the missions it identifies her as a potential for Going Rogue (switching to villainy), which was the name of the product they were making at the time. There are reasons she's written like she is. Also, we all know of people like her IRL, so I think she's well written.

    I think the point of the Flambeaux dialogue is to make you that much more excited when she shows up in Tip missions... and 'interact' with her in those missions.

    • Like 4
  17. In general, I find the redside content to be written much better. I realize that there is a vocal contingent of players who express dislike for 'being a lacky', but I don't feel that way. Later missions when you are going after the Freedom Phalanx and/or beating down Patrons certainly feel villainous enough to me. Most of the Grandville missions have villainy to spare. For contrast, I don't why the blue-side should feel any better about being heroes, as the streets of Atlas Park are still filled with villains and I can't imagine why anyone still lives in Founder's Falls!


    I also want to shout out to the TIP missions. They are always fun, and it is great to always have a choice of approaches and results.


    Classic Blue: I always though Madeleine Casey's "To Save a Soul" was a fun concept, and I run that one just to read her dialogue.


    More Blue-side Nostalgia:  I like that the Icon Tailors, City Representative and Brickstown/Founder's Falls/PI vendors still give out missions. I wish I could run Ghost Falcon's mission through Ouroboros, because it is a straightforward map to collect Rikti defeats.


    Cross-over fun: I like seeing the connection between the Devouring Earth missions Blue Side with Vernon Von Grun redside. I especially like that Von Grun share temp powers with you, unlike many other contacts! Getting rewarded with temp powers, especially for the mission (rather than after), was always a favorite feature of missions for me.


    I haven't gone back to Goldside to start characters since live (because of the later restrictions those toons will face) but I appreciate the content there. About 10% of my characters try to run the First Ward arcs; I like that the story there is rather circular... if you run the entire arc you can almost understand why it is ready to be run again with another character.


    I have mixed feelings about the (blue-side) newer zone-contained arcs (Striga, Hollows, Croatoa, Faultline). I think they are pretty good, and good for the game. My only caveat is that in our current era, unless XP is turned off I find it hard to run the complete arcs in the low level zones. I like the story progression, but I always feel like I'm missing out on content. I use Ouroboros for these, but it isn't the same as finding a PUG like in the old days. I will admit that I get bored by the 'defeat all villains on the ship' missions in Striga. The revamped Rikti War Zone missions bore me, although I like the challenge of Vanguard.


    Blueside, I am very thankful for the lvl 45-50+ arcs like Unai Kemen's "To Save a Thousand Worlds" and Heather Townsend's "Burden of the Past". I run these to farm without using AE.


    Suggestions, hopes and wishes: 


    Hazard Zones: I've always been a little peeved that the Hazard Zones (Perez Park, Boomtown, Eden) don't have any sort of mission arc. I completely understand why they exist historically (and quite frankly I am glad the Perez Park revamp never occurred) but aside from odd one-offs and GMs (blue side) or some instanced missions (red side) they feel weirdly devoid of meaning. Now that travel is wide-open to more players (and earlier than ever) even a simple arc explaining what some of the groups in these zones are doing could be fun.


    Alternate enemies: I'd like to have some contacts (also available though Ouroboros) that expose some of the enemy groups that are otherwise limited in their appearances. I always like seeing the high-level family, I think they only appear in a Johnny Sonata SSA and in some extra-dimensional missions. I'd like to see Hydra in a mission that didn't explicitly include Rikti (or the Sewer Zones). I'm curious what high-level Vahzilok (maybe using Paragon Protector corpses?) would look like.


    • Like 5
  18. 21 hours ago, Greycat said:

    I enjoy the Kheld arcs enough to keep running them.

    Veats, I run to 10 for the cosutme slot and never touch the arcs again.

    IIRC, one of the VEAT arcs (pretty sure it is one way below lvl 40) awards the Shady/Shrouded badge (for the particular map). All my VEATs get that badge much earlier than any other toon. I don't think this is advertised in any of the wiki, but it has never failed for me.

  19. Ideally, the inf sinks should be (A) things players *want*, (B) things players can *use*, and (C) things that don't change the underlying mechanics of the Homecoming marketplace. I suppose we should have some consideration for things like badge-collectors as well; I seem to recall blowback against 'buying badges' (not sure why, but some folks are more crazy about badges than things like set balance).


    The only things that come immediately to mind:


    1) Mission monitor missions cost a single merit, I suppose they could accept Inf directly. This is about as close to the underlying marketplace mechanics as I'd want to see, since merits can be bought directly elsewhere. I don't think many people use this method of sinking merits.


    2) The temporary SG buffs consume salvage. I frequently use mine, but this is a pure salvage sink and not an Inf sink. With seeded salvage at a ceiling price, there is no mathematical reason why these can't accept Inf directly. I rarely am in a PUG where I notice players with any of these buffs, despite how much they help with certain content.


    P2W is already a pretty good Inf sink, I'm not sure how many players use the 're-occuring costs' aside from temp travel and Envenomed Daggers.

  20. After the recent patch, I went back to some older toons and decided to try out alternate builds. This was a little like respecing, but without getting to reuse IOs. These were level 50s, but neither had that much Inf (between 150M and 250M on each)... my characters basically invest in newer ones, so what wealth I have is usually in new characters... anywho, I used the market to get most of the build for each of them. It took roughly three days to get the Inf and the pieces I wanted. I didn't notice any particular trends, except what you might think based on an influx of new characters and the new EndMod sets. The only real standout trends (from the perspective of a player who stop seriously marketing 6 months ago):


    1) The Performance Shifter proc and EndMod looked like they were selling higher than pre-patch. No doubt partially due to decreased converter roulette odds and partial due to lots of new empty Stamina slots. I was able to get into a few of the new sets w/ procs before the market was flooded (as with so many other procs).

    2) A couple sets were in relatively short supply: Gaussian's ToHit set and the Mocking Beratement Taunt sets. Prices weren't terrible, but supply was low.

    3) Melee Damage sets were doing better than I remember. I used to convert past these almost all the time, but the market wasn't terrible to me. I'm sensitive to the number of conversions in order to preserve margins.

    4) Healing and Resistance sets were a good place to sell, but Healing had started to deflate near the end of my efforts.

    5) The LotG set was more 'lopsided' than I remembered, with 2 of the 6 pieces going for much less than the others. Some Ebil-wiggle room existed at times.


    On the high end (Purple, PVP, Winter, ATO) I didn't notice much difference, except that I had no trouble getting what I needed at the cost I could afford to spend (or convert from). I did dump some SG-crafted PVP IOs that were below lvl 50, converting where necessary. I did buy a few recipes because the price was much better than the crafted piece. I didn't see many bargains to be had in the recipe side, but I didn't look too deeply. (Your Ebil niches are safe from me!) I never buy Superior ATOs unless the market prices are inverted (which wasn't the case where I looked).

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