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  1. I personally think the gateway between Blueside and redside is to wide open. as a hero, yes, it's easy to become a villain, you just start being bad. but for a villain to start being a hero... it takes a LOT of work. as far as in game goes i think for a villain to gain access to blueside, it should be a series of story-arcs that you have to complete. The whole process should take several hours if not a couple of days. Doing this would add weight to the decision to switch sides. But that's just my opinion.
  2. Oh that Gary, He's a hoot! Honestly though, as long as the servers are up and running i don't mind chipping in a few bucks that i can spare, I don't really care what they do with the money as long as i can play CoH. If they are lying about being in talks then they are ones that get nailed with court problems not me. My point is they have no reason to lie about it when doing so is a bigger threat to themselves than it is to us.
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